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BradleyUffner, (edited ) in Thank the gods we live in such a car-saturated nation, how horrible it would be if this space was used to house people

This isn’t a great argument. There is so much open undeveloped space in the US that could be used to house people. This interchange isn’t taking space away from anyone. There are lots of good reasons to reduce cars, but this isn’t one of them.

gregorum, (edited )

That’s not really true here though. This is in the middle of an urban area, not in some big open empty space that’s unoccupied, like Montana, or North Dakota. This is in the middle of Houston, Texas, a very populous city.


Calling anywhere in Greater Houston “the middle of an urban area” is just incorrect. It’s the 4th most populated city in the US and the 150th most densely populated. There are a lot of people in Houston but also just a fucking Tom of Houston around. But, as is the norm in this magazine, you are all free to ignore facts and data so you can raise a furor in your tiny anti-car cult.

gregorum, (edited )

Calling anywhere in Greater Houston “the middle of an urban area” is just incorrect.

It’s the 4th most populated city in the US



Houston is so big because the city has absorbed all the communities around it. It’s incredibly sprawled so the density is much lower than cities of comparable population. This creates all sorts of other issues, like the problem of paving over hundreds of square miles of wetland.


Why do you think it’s so sparsely populated? What’s keeping people so far from each other? Is it just Houstonians are their own species and can’t stand to be in areas over a certain population density?


Because humans enjoy having lots of space to live in. Personally I would never go back to living in an apartment since I can afford a house and land. I’ve lived in small apartments, big apartments, a single-wide trailer, large houses, small houses, and medium houses. Medium house with acreage of land is the best living situation of all for me.


Did you really decide that posting that was a good idea? Did you seriously think about it at all before writing it?


Yeah, this place is dumb as hell and you idiots need to know that.


I concur bro. These bullshitters are high on their own farts and apparently can’t see the truth that they are never going to change the vast landscape of America into their imaginary Soviet-style shithole idea of a “utopia” where people don’t drive and live in tiny boxes in human hives.


Soviet Union was bad for multiple reasons but in major cities the housing was not really any worse than anywhere else in the world. I guess you just enjoy spending 3 hours a day in your car.


I don’t commute to work often, but when I do it’s only about a 20 minute drive in light traffic. I certainly wouldn’t spend 3 hours a day in a car to commute to work when there are plenty of jobs within that 20 minute commute from my house.


The point was that in total you probably spend more time in your car than any sane average European would, because you lack options. And because you lack options it’s a hellscape for anyone who can’t drive a car. The point wasn’t your commute, because your commute probably doesn’t represent the median. Also good for you. My commute is also irrelevant, but it’s five minutes walk to a train, ten minutes by train and five minutes walk from the train to the office, all that in an environment where I don’t fear for my life, the noise level permits me to whisper to other people without them having difficulties hearing me.


Cool story. Come back when your brain has developed past the age of 2, we’ll gladly discuss then.

@Anarch157a@lemmy.world avatar

I think OP’s argument is that the interchange is a symptom of low density urban sprawl and all the associated maladies that come with it.

ginerel, in [image] Riyadh (population 7.6 million) is finally getting a metro. Initially scheduled for 2018, after successive delays it will open early this year
@ginerel@kbin.social avatar


This is the keyword for such a city. It should've gotten such a system already by now when reaching the first million. All these arab/middle eastern cities seem so extremely focused on car infrastructure to a rather disturbing degree. And all the carbrains I know think these cities are the pinacle of modern city development: all just gigantic glass skyscrapers and highways circling around them - nothing else.

Also, back on Facebook/Instagram, there's not a single person who had the money to visit Dubai once and post pictures from there (at least that I'm aware of), that is not car brained. I'm sure they all use their car everywhere and nothing less, they could even be doing their basic shopping from the corner store with it, I think.

@PanArab@lemmy.ml avatar

All these arab/middle eastern cities seem so extremely focused on car infrastructure to a rather disturbing degree.

Not all cities, but I do understand your sentiment and it is echoed by many locally. Luckily the people in the top are aware they need to fix this. Though even if they ever did, who wants to walk when its 37C at night? Some cities have installed outdoor cooling.

@LovesTha@floss.social avatar

@PanArab @ginerel At those extremes very dense cities so going outside isn't required sounds really attractive.

@PanArab@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s more or less how our cities were built. Tall buildings and narrow shaded streets. youtu.be/kkZM3rvG1_Q

@LovesTha@floss.social avatar

@PanArab Add some bridges and tunnels :)


One interesting concept is “the line” city, basically one ultra long building. No need for cars and you can travel from one end to the other via high speed metro. It’s basically a city optimized for public transport and so that everyone’s apartment has a beautifu view on unspoiled nature (well desert in this case haha)

BR4, in Yes... pirated cars will definitely fix the problem

I think a major reason for these models is that the more that the car becomes a computing device, the more that it’ll require regular patches and optimizations. Being connected to the servers and using services that route through it lets them gather usage data, offer some extra features that can functiom from anywhere, and update security and functionality (which would possibly involve full time developers I suppose).

It does seem greedy (way overpriced), but this isn’t the same as disabling hardware that you need to sub to activate (a la seat warmers). Plus it’s all still pretty cutting edge tech atm and I usually tell people that means you’re choosing to fund its early development (and being a beta tester) over using more standard and tested products.


Outside of self driving cars there isn’t a reason cars should become a computing device though.

If you want to end a car centric infrastructure in favor of bikes or velomobiles you would still want self driving cars that you only use for special tasks. Robotaxies or robo busses. Then it makes sense to not own a car.

Kyrgizion, in Prague urban planning (via Adam Something)

You know how Belgium does this? Designate the entire length of the road as “bike priority street”, which means 30km/h max and no passing the bikes. Doesn’t require a scrap of extra planning, construction or what have you.

Sure, you put the bikers at the mercy of the drivers, but hey, gotta know what to sacrifice.


The Netherlands also does this. They create ‘Bicycle streets’ or ‘fietsstraten’ where drivers have to give priority to and aren’t allowed to pass cyclists. Way better than this and doesn’t require too much construction in principle.

Weslee, in Yes... pirated cars will definitely fix the problem

Everything is crackable, I bet the software in the car is as cheaply made as everything else

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

this subscription involves a mobile plan and access to a backend service though


So you’re PAYING for the vulnerabilities this time?


There is plenty of subscription or always online software out there that is cracked and fully working, Adobe products, Microsoft office, Spotify, etc.

Obviously any service that can’t be replaced with a free or open source alternative won’t work, first thing I think that would be on the chopping block would be anything that uses GPS, though that’s just a guess, I don’t really have intimate knowledge of this

gregorum, (edited ) in same bed length

willing to bet the driver of the tiny truck has a bigger… ahem


The driver of the second truck definitely has a bigger… autoloan


And potentially family. It’s a 4 door truck. It’s a transportation vehicle with a bed and slightly greater towing capacity than a sedan. Lot of suburban dads have these.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Smol one can tow stupid ugly one. What do you need to tow, that is heavier that stupid ugly one?


Trucks gotta be the most uncomfortable family vehicle lmao


Eh, your cheaper compact sedans are comparable. It’s definitely not great, but good enough. The front seats are comfortable, at least.


I’m a tiny-truck-lover, and want one badly, but my family’s big 'murica truck is waaaay more comfortable than my current sedan :( Unrelated, but do tiny work trucks come with Bluetooth now?


Damn I hated riding in the back of my dad’s Silverado. I’m almost 6ft and I can comfortably fit behind myself in the back seat of my impreza. The new Maverick looks like a pretty cool small truck option


Death wish? I love kei trucks but I fear getting into a mash up in one of them.

@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

American 🫵😐

Typical “Everyone drives a big truck so I will too!” mindset that misses the core issue on why kei trucks are the better ones. You simply can’t imagine a world where the Ford Death Cruiser 4 billion doesn’t exist.


2 wheels for me please.

But, thank you for taking the time on that well thought out, informative post.

tigeruppercut, (edited )

Japan, the country that invented kei cars, also has larger cars. You’re not looking at the same chance as running into a hummer, but crashing a kei car into a white plate out here still doesn’t look good for the kei.

In kei trucks and other models where the engine is behind you, a crash is gonna fuck you up, no matter what country you’re in or what you hit.


Japanese lower speed limits help. Also, few people in Japan are driving long distances in these things.


Sure, but they’re not banned from highways. It’s not uncommon to see them, although you’re right about lower speed limits-- a lot of highways are about 80 km max


Better to get the one that’s specifically designed to kill toddlers then. If children have to die so you can be less scared of a “mash up” then it’s all worth it.


specifically designed to kill toddlers

“Lead designer to ensure child lethality” is such a badass job title.

@autumn@beehaw.org avatar

nervous laughter in cyclist


Exactly. Death wish is inversely proportional to vehicle size.


Body shaming is not okay.


who did that?


Not sure if you’re serious but i will answer as if you were.

A common attack against people with large trucks is that they have a large truck to compensate having a small penis. This implies having a small penis is bad/unacceptable. This is obvious body shaming but also contributes to toxic masculinity.
Both of these are unacceptable.

There are many alternative ways to talk shit without playing into these kinds of comments and TBH, the compensation comments have been used so much and are so obviously baseless that they don’t hit very hard, IMO.

gregorum, (edited )

well, i didn’t actually say that, and i’m not responsible for others filling in the blanks with their own negative thoughts. as you can see, several others actually managed to conclude something different.

don’t blame the Rorschach test because you see something you don’t like.


Disingenuous to the point of absurdity

gregorum, (edited )

that’s exactly what blaming me for something i didn’t say is

@mriormro@lemmy.world avatar

It was implicit. If you can’t deal with being called out on your rhetoric, perhaps you shouldn’t use it.

Body shaming is dumb and so is owning such a huge truck.


you’re projecting your own insecurities onto me and making yourself angry over something you imagined. I a not to blame for things your imagination does.

work out your problems with a professional, not by attacking random internet strangers.


What percentage of people do you think would believe your current line of reasoning?


There are the facts, whether you like it or not. And I am not responsible for what other people believe. 


The facts? What are you referring to? I am simply asking a question about percentages. Are you imagining that my question was somehow related to an earlier post?


If you’re so lost that you can’t even maintain the thread of the conversation, I suggest you review the past comments to find your place. As for imaginings, you’re the only one who, as I just mentioned, can’t seem to keep track of the things anyone is saying here, making things up as you go along.


Are you suggesting that it is somehow possible to use context to understand what others are saying?


Apparently, you can’t.


Through what mechanism is that apparent? Inference? Surely I am not responsible for whatever random ideas pop into your head


Likewise, I am not responsible when others imagine I said something I didn’t. Thank you for making my point for me.


I’m glad we are both in complete agreement that it is definitely impossible for any meaning to be conveyed other than a literal interpretation of the exact words being used.

Your contribution to this discussion has been very valuable and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to hearing more from you


I never said that, but that’s never stopped you from pretending I did, or imagining any other contribution. Why bother for me to participate at all when you’re clearly capable of carrying on both of our parts by yourself?

@mriormro@lemmy.world avatar

This is hilarious to read, my guy.

Listen, you said what you said. Own up to it and learn, or don’t and move on. But you really don’t have to sit there and dig yourself even more into the shit. You sound silly.


What sounds silly is people insisting I said something other than I did when my comments are right there for anyone to see.


I didn’t actually say it I just heavily implied it 🤓


Blocked. User has nothing useful to contribute and will argue in bad faith when called out.


At least I won’t be hearing anymore from you.


Neither is trashing the climate with pointlessly big vehicles just to compensate for whatever insecurities they have. We need to either tax or regulate these stupid vehicles back to a reasonable and safe size.

@Tak@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s not just big vehicles that do that. For instance I wouldn’t call a supra a big vehicle but when they wake me up at 3 AM because they have to be louder than fire sirens I feel like that is compensating as well.

Mac, (edited )

You agree that body shaming is not okay and yet you contribute to it. Why?


We are criticizing the cult of toxic masculinity, not body types.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

In this case it’s not about body shaming but about shaming a means of compensation. Also it’s not really a literal take. “Big dick energy” has nothing do with actual dick size. And being a “Karen” has nothing to with a persons actual name or gender.


Wow hot take


But the body on right is so much bigger, and takes up so much wasted space!

The smaller body on the left is more fuel efficient too.


Plus, body shaming when you’re ugly and useless like that is okay.


Fuel range? Yea probably


It’s Joe Biden’s fault that my truck gives shitty gas mileage


Thanks Obama /s


CAFE was enacted in 1975

@Shinhoshi@lemmygrad.ml avatar

At least do a good bit if you’re going to do one


It’s penis. He means penis. Like, probably the length and girth of his penis. No one ever mentions penis color or how hairy it is (those are Jeep guys), just always the size.


Yes I know it was a joke


or how hairy it is (those are Jeep guys)

how would you know?

@KingJalopy@lemm.ee avatar

It’s a jeep thing


It’s a jeep thing

you mentioned that. my questions was how would you know that?


It’s a thing jeep

pthaloblue, (edited )

Sigh. Look, if you’ve never been to a jeep consortium, that’s just how it goes. Hairy things flopping all over, kindof like a rave with more roll bars. I never want to see that much pubic hair again in my life.

@remotelove@lemmy.ca avatar

He has seen a Jeep penis. Where did you think vehicles come from?

@Lemongrab@lemmy.one avatar

waves hands External spare wheel, spare pubes. All connected.


I eent to buy a jeep last year and the dealer said he had to inspect my shaft and pubes before he’d let me on the lot. Didn’t wind up buying one, the market adjustments were outrageous!

@tetris11@lemmy.ml avatar

He probably didn’t take yaw into account

@KingJalopy@lemm.ee avatar

Not the person you asked. It’s a joke. That’s jeeps stupid slogan.

AllonzeeLV, (edited ) in Higher Vehicle Hoods Increase Pedestrian Deaths

A couple of people that drive massive vehicles they don’t need like Escalades have told me (former practicing psychologist) over the years that they know they are bad drivers, but they want to drive a tank so they can walk away from whatever accidents they know they’ll cause.

Because practicing and improving their driving skills is apparently not on the table. The lack of empathy is unsettling. They don’t care who they kill, they just don’t want to be inconvenienced.

Usually the affluent spouse type.


I think this shows some of the bigger issues in car centric design. Even if you don’t like driving, aren’t good at it, or aren’t comfortable with it, you often have to do it anyway beceause there are no viable alternatives.

taiyang, in Higher Vehicle Hoods Increase Pedestrian Deaths

What? Really? We just tell Congress, surely more data will have them regulate car size immediately. /s with a sigh.


When a certain popular president and congress passed the bail-out of the domestic vehicle industry, written by the same in 2008 that allowed such vehicles to be more profitable then a smaller cars, he was awarded a noble prize and reelected in a landslide.

aelwero, in Higher Vehicle Hoods Increase Pedestrian Deaths

Gotta have more real estate for factory lights… Starting to see trucks with eight lights on the front going down down the road.

The ironic part is that the high beams usually disable all the aux lights, so if you see a newer truck with only two lights, it’s probably got the high beams on, and if they turn it back to low beams to be “courteous”, it turns on all the others and ends up being worse than if they’d just left the fucking high beams on.

I don’t really give a shit about the penile compensation aspect of “muh bigguh truck”, but fuck your wall of lights…

DarkDiamondK, (edited )
@DarkDiamondK@lemmy.world avatar

Man, I drive a truck, 500 a month, will be paid off in less than 2 years, I get a lot of utility out of it and I got it from my brother who put some nice tires on it

But I also hate it because it’s so fuckin big, and I hate that people might think I’m a truck freak, but it’s just my only good option right now


I got a little jeep renegade that runs me like 350 a month…

First time I put gas in it and realized it had a 12 gallon tank, I was all like “OMG, why?!?”. Then I drove 300 miles before the light came on and It made perfect sense :)

Full tank doesn’t even get halfway to the $100 mark where you gotta reset the pump to fill it the rest of the way, ya know?

500 a month could treat you a lot better at the gas pump.

library_napper, in title
@library_napper@monyet.cc avatar

Please dont post pictures of text


May I ask why?


Tbh it’s just silly. Like, why would you? Share as link exists.


I wouldn’t click a link tbh, pics of text is fine. If its credit add a link, if it’s impairment add a desc, but this post is fine as is


I think he means it’s not accessible for users with impaired vision

FlexibleToast, in Yes... pirated cars will definitely fix the problem

These are things that need a subscription, though… These are remote features that require internet connectivity and application serving. Things that don’t just come with a one-time fee. These are actual services being provided by Kia or Hyundai. This isn’t the same as putting a hardware feature of your car behind an arbitrary pay wall.

vox, (edited )
@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

yeah, i agree. it costs them money so there’s little to no incentive to run that stuff for free.
also the price is reasonable (about as much as a single Nano ec2 instance on aws + mobile plan that’s required to connect the car to the internet) and pretty much negligible when compared to amount of money you’ll be spending on that vehicle anyway.
then there are privacy concerns tho. do you trust kia with knowledge of your exact car location, 24/7? (I’d assume it doesn’t connect to their servers without the subscription?)
also that information (Exact location of all kia vehicles, with exact model numbers and registration information) seems like a goldmine for car thieves if leaked (or accessed by a third party.)
also, fuck heated seat other hardware/local software subscriptions


Make the car cost £400 more, once, when it’s bought first hand. That will cover any costs for the lifetime of the vehicle. There you go, chuck the subscription in the sea.


Then I should be able to self-host these softwares.


You would still have to pay an ISP to connect it, but an open source, self hosted version would be ideal.


149 to send a ping to locate a car? For an API call to lock unlock? How many API calls are worth 149 per year? In which world?

XTornado, (edited )

I see your point but the costs to most if not all of what they offer are minimal… And for sure most of that could be a single payment when buying the car, calculated an estimated usage during the estimated life of the car, they could just be part of the price of the car not even indicated.


These are software features that need an open, secure API.

devilish666, (edited ) in Yes... pirated cars will definitely fix the problem

It’s kinda depressing to see bunch of people who support the subscription model in my post comments for something that you already paid & own


Features like this really do require a subscription model. This isn’t enabling remote start by pressing a key on your fob. This is sending a request to a server, which connects to a cell tower to broadcast signal saying “turn on this car”. That stuff ain’t free. Someone has to pay AT&T for the data connection.

What BMW was (is?) doing is abhorrent. You’re buying a car with heated seats, and you have to subscribe to hit the button.


Sure, you need to pay for the connection, whether wifi for cell. There’s no need for specific servers or computation to take place. Yeah, you’ll need to pay for another (low data usage) phone line probably, but that should be it.


Then let me have the remote start that has existed for decades as ONE option (without a monthly subscription), and the remote start that requires an entire infrastructure that isn’t required for me to look out my window and remote start my car as an option for those who want or need it.


They largely all do. As a factory installed option, or worst case dealer installed but OEM option. Not aftermarket dealer installed, OEM.


see: Smart Key — Remote Start


That’s Kia - I thought we were speaking more broadly. We drive a Toyota product and were offered nothing but the app. However, to your point that may have been poor salesmanship.


Features like this really do require a subscription model. This isn’t enabling remote start by pressing a key on your fob. This is sending a request to a server, which connects to a cell tower to broadcast signal saying “turn on this car”. That stuff ain’t free. Someone has to pay AT&T for the data connection.

Only because they unethically intentionally designed it that way, when they could’ve just as easily picked a different design that could’ve worked entirely locally. They are inventing excuses for rentiership.


They almost always do offer a key fob based remote start option in addition to their app based remote start.


Well, the manufacturer rarely does but the dealership often tries to sell them as an added revenue stream.

They vary from OK to dreadful. But it’s still an option vs this remote services system if you don’t like it.


Also the added bonus of collecting data to sell too


As they pointed out in your original post, it’s not, “the subscription model…for something that you already paid & own.” This isn’t subscription seat warmers, it’s paying for an additional service outside the car. You can argue it’s too expensive, but without their internet connection and servers, these features wouldn’t be possible.


Remote start has been around for well over a decade and did not require internet or a subscription. If you just subscribe and use the feature then clearly the neccesary equipment for remote start is already installed and you paid for that equipment regardless if you use the subscription service.


There’s no need to host servers for 99% (maybe 100%) of this stuff. All the remote start features can be done through a direct connection between your phone and car. There’s no need for a third computer to be involved, except to check if you’ve paid for it. As long as your car has wifi access (or phone network access, which would need to be paid for) then it can communicate with other devices on the network/internet. Sure, you still have to pay for the internet, but that’s paid to the ISP, not the car company.


I’m not sure which direct connection you’re thinking of, but for most phones that would be limited to WiFi (probably WiFi Direct), Bluetooth, and maybe NFC. NFC range is tiny and Bluetooth’s is pretty small. WiFi’s range is approximately the same thing as an RF remote, which isn’t great.

Also, if we did have direct connection (which would be great for confirming the start worked, and the status of the car), why would we need internet??


By direct I meant routing to the car and user device, not through company servers. There’s no need for that. Both devices are computers. The only reason the company would need it routed through them first is to make sure you’ve paid up.

  1. That would mean the vehicle still needs an internet connection, presumably a cell connection, which is a service.
  2. Removing the manufacturer’s server would make the car the server, and would mean exposing your car to the whole internet. That’s a bad plan.
  1. Yes, I mentioned that. However, the cell plan would be a lot cheaper. There shouldn’t be a lot of data coming through.
  2. It would mean exposing it as much as any other device is exposed. It’d have a port open and listening for communication. Honestly, I’m pretty sure it’d be identical to how it is currently. It’s not like sending the communication from the company server is any different than from any other device. Its not connecting directly to the company’s servers. It’s a wireless service. Sure, it needs security measures, but it already needs that.
hex_m_hell, (edited )

IMHO, It makes sense though. Piracy and open source are two approaches to attacking the enclosure of public (intellectual) space. Roads for cars are literally an enclosure of public space. The subscription model just extends from this logic.

Edit: These are also things that make sense because the car has to have cell service via a provider.

slacktoid, in Yes... pirated cars will definitely fix the problem
@slacktoid@lemmy.ml avatar

Don’t worry there will be some vulnerability with the CPU that they wouldn’t be able to patch out fully.

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

you’re paying for a backend service and a constant internet connection for your car here though, not for some client side feature that can be easily unlocked

@slacktoid@lemmy.ml avatar

If i can put my own sim card in why not?

vox, (edited )
@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar
  1. they’re not using a conventional network
  2. they still have to pay for the backend infrastructure
  3. my point is that this is not a client side feature, so it can’t be unlocked by some cpu vulnerability. This is a case in which a subscription service DOES make sense
@slacktoid@lemmy.ml avatar
  1. Who asked them to do that?
  2. Who asked them to be the sole provider of that infrastructure? give me the server exec to host locally
  3. They designed it that way to justify this shit. I hope they all get fucked.

In the end we are in cat & mouse situation
Vulnerability found > hacker cracked it > car company figure it out > vulnerability get patched
It’s same issues with John Deere tractor, from what i heard many farmer hire bunch of hacker to crack the software

@slacktoid@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah i hope this just strengthens these licenses. ive heard about john deer being hacked at dfcon but man these companies are scummy.

Nemo, in What if We Had the Right to Public Transport?

That’d be great, yeah. But scope is the issue.

“All Chicagoans have the right to public transit.” Sane and doable. Not done, not currently, as any map of the city will show you, but both possible and desirable.

“All Illinoisans have a right to public transit.” I’d love to see it, even if it’s just once-a-day trains to Springfield, to St. Louis, to the Region, to Milwaukee, to Rockford, to Peoria, to Chambana. But that’s a lot more train lines than we have now, and that means land for stations and RoWs, it means manpower and materials for maintenance, it means working out the logistics of scheduling and fare pricing for the communities being served. And it still won’t cover everyone unless augmented with bus lines, which also need logistics, manpower, and maintenance. Still desirable; not very efficient, especially for a perpetually cash-strapped state like Illinois.

“All Americans have a right to public transit.” At that point it’d be empty words, doing more harm than good.

“All humans have a right to public transit.” At this point, purely aspirational rather than descriptive.


Perhaps something like this

In Switzerland, minimum frequency standards for public transport are enshrined in law – meaning each citizen can expect regular provision of bus and train services, even in rural areas. It is administrated at local level, with each of the country’s ‘cantons’ setting out a framework for delivery.

In the Zurich canton, for instance, which is roughly comparable with South Yorkshire, England, and includes both urban and rural areas, villages of 300 people or more are guaranteed a bus service at least every hour. In the Bern canton, which is less densely populated than Devon, small villages get at least four and up to 15 return bus services each day.

In both places, schedules are aligned with railway timetables to ensure citizens can travel short or long distances with ease. Accessibility for disabled passengers is also a legal requirement.


The article is speaking from a British perspective, so that isn’t really a problem. I do think that such a limit on density or some other metric. It should be more that every town and village has a public transport connection, rather than every rural farmhouse.

Mr_Blott, in What if We Had the Right to Public Transport?

We do

What you on about?


Did you read the article?


Your headline suggests something that is patently false. I have the right to public transport and I have it

Or do you mean a very specific “we”?


Where do you live?


Ah, the classic “fuck you, got mine.”


The “we” would be everyone who is not the “37 per cent of urban areas globally, and just 52 per cent of the urban population, [who] have convenient access to public transport.”

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