Of course he would be the one to make the first time machine. It must have been a rough time jump though. He lost his safe tie so I can only assume that in the jump the safety tie was destroyed and was the only reason he survived the trip.
Granted there were no other cars on the road at the time, I did the same thing as a young adult. I took my 1985 Pontiac Fiero GT iceskating on a 3 lane highway with about 0.5-1.5 inch of snow and ice buildup
The one pictured does look like a municipal manhole cover instead of one belonging to AT&T or another communications company, just because of the design on it.
I was under the impression that the grates which don’t have a city name are older from a time before people realized that they can be stolen and sold for the value of the scrap metal.
Then municipalities started to stamp their name on it and metal recyclers couldn’t take them anymore unless you took it to a shady recycler so the value dropped.
That was one thing I could never do when I was an “urban explorer” (fancy term for trespassing in to municipal water infrastructure), manholes always freaked me out so much my friends couldn’t even peer pressure me.
Ever since the tree bloomed in the year 0, now known as the awakening, fear of death has lost its power. The world has changed, ever since the tree started bearing its fruit - strange pods containing the repaired and revitalized bodies of the recently deceased.
While the pain of death remains, the permanence is gone. Adventurers and thrill seekers run amok with diminished consequences. Further, aging and illness is now merely an inconvenience, with reanimation the solution.
33 years have passed. Fear of death has become an old world superstition among the remaining “firsters”; the slur used by the reanimated to mock those who still cling fearfully to their first lives.
Scattered groups of people have been researching the tree and the reborn citizens since year 0 with growing discomfort. Without death, the population is booming and expanding rapidly. Gradually the population of “firsters” is dwindling. You belong to one such group of firsters. Is your fear justified? Or are you a part of a dying age, afraid to let go of the old ways…
*religion formed around the tree *massive palace at its base and deep into its roots serves as religious headquarters and barracks for defenders of the tree. *coming of age death ritual for children who have not died by age 16 *DM needs to make sure at least 1 party member is reborn during their quest
Exactly, I’ve worked so hard and come so far to reach peace. It feels impossible to retrace all those steps with someone who’s barely willing. But at least I can be her stability.
Yup, we’re the same way. My SO keeps worrying, “what if X happens? What if Y happens?” and they don’t seem to like my answer of, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” We’re quite stable financially, so we’re prepared to handle pretty much any surprise, yet she still worries about random things.
I think some people are just predisposed to anxiety. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that.
I’ve found, “I don’t know, let’s look into it” to be pretty effective at switching from worrying to problem solving, and as we go, my SO will usually get over the worrying and apologize for being dramatic. It doesn’t always work, but maybe it’s worth a shot.
Yeah you are right, that works for me too. I guess what she really wants is someone to just listen, and not necessarily solve the problem (since it can’t be solved also).
Remember those curly telephone cords that stretched out to like 40ft when your mom walked around the house while on the phone and you had to dodge the cord like Catherine Zeta-Jones in Entrapment? And then the cord shrunk back to like 8ft when she hung the phone back on the cradle on the wall. And the next time your mom hung up the phone, the cord was like 10ft long with a bunch of kinks and twists. And the next time she hung the cord was like 12ft long and starting to bunch on the floor. And eventually there was like 30ft of telephone cord on the floor under the cradle that just gets kicked out of the way into the nearest corner and collects dust bunnies until the next time the phone rings and your mom answers and walks all around the house like she always does. (I could keep going but I don’t know where it will end.) Remember those curly telephone cords?
You need a curly ethernet cord like that for your watch. It could help to get around.
Also, what model watch do you have that has an ethernet port? My watch works fine but my gf is always complaining about a rock solid connection so I’m thinking about getting a new one.
Don’t shitpost if you can’t handle the comments. Nobody needs that useless disclaimer. People will comment whatever they want without checking in with you first. As they should.
You don’t need to cool anything down. It’s a comment section on the internet, let people say what they want to say, that’s my approach at least. This disclaimer feels like a “it’s just a prank, bro” so you can deflect criticism. I’m sure commenters are aware where they’re commenting, no need to explain the obvious. And if someone comments how the meme is unfunny or anything not favourable, you don’t have to hide behind your disclaimer.
Edit: lol, you really changed the disclaimer. You can definitely handle all the comments!
You may try to figure out if the header checksum was stolen from elsewhere and corresponds to another common image size but I cannot be bothered. The data could be subjected to forensic analysis but we only really have 21 unique bytes, the rest is likely nonsense because data encoded by the DEFLATE algorithm is unlikely to be so repetitive. Also, the image in total will likely have just 481 bytes (8+(8+13+4)+(8+420+4)+16), as a less-than-65535-byte IDAT chunk tends to be the last one before a 16-byte trailer. There are very few 300x300 PNGs of such small size we could call memes, most of it will have to be just solid color. Example of a 256x256 map tile you can store in around that size (467 B): OSM tile for Crozet Islands at around 1:10 000 000 scale, the archipelago the area of Malta is represented by about 10 white pixels with the exclusive economic zone circles of radius 5 px around the islands
(And this one is pre-optimized, using an indexed palette of just 13 distinct RGB colors as opposed to the full RGBA gamut!)
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