Yeah I don’t believe you can kill an adult this way unless they aren’t used to a lack of sleep. I seem to function ok for a random distribution of 2-4 hours of sleep a night
This is like a chain smoker looking you dead in the eye and saying “You can’t die from smoking. Look at me, I smoke 10 packs a day and it ain’t killed me yet!”
They mean 98%-100% relative humidity. 100% relative humidity is the maximum amount of water that the air can hold at a given temperature and pressure as vapour. Once you get to 100% then you can evaporate any more water / was will start condensing out of the air (especially if the temperature drops)
Excuse me, my esteemed aerial cephalopod, but I don’t see a doctor in front of your name. Those sodas didn’t end up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt getting their doctorates to be dissed by you.
I’m far too modest to mention my 6 years at Harvard Medical School followed by a 4 year residency at Johns Hopkins and, of course, my 134 published papers in medical journals.
This is an old post, and sometimes little kids do remember being a baby. My kid is 6 now and losing his baby memories but he used to tell me he wants to go back to certain places we went to “before (he) could talk” which started at 2. He described going on a boat to an island, something he had literally only ever done one time as a baby and we didn’t have any photos of. And lots of other things, that’s just an example. He doesn’t remember it now but he did when he was 4.5.
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