Out of all the tropes in anime, THIS is the one that you have the biggest issue with? What about the borderline pedophile tropes or cringe fanservice? That being said, I do watch anime, but just saying that the fanservice is my biggest issue with them, by far.
Yup, I have the same problems with anime. I just can’t stand the cringe fanservice, people actually like that? I have dropped so many anime because of the constant fanservive or the borderline pedophile. It’s sad that even anime that’s considered “serious” or “high quality”.
Just the other day, decided to what this new anime about a demon lord vs hero kind of thing. Episode 1, the Demon lord’s side kick is a teenage girl wearing a elementary school swimsuit with sleeves and collar. And then in a conversation scene, the camera angle is…you guess it…from behind the girl and looking up at the girl’s ass for no fucking reason. Dropped instantly.
Borderline? A lot of these are straight up apologetic. “Oh, it’s okay for protagonist-kun to have sex with 13 year-old-chan because he’s in the body of a 13 year old himself, which means he has the mentality of a 13 year old.” Okay, cool…how many years of life has he personally experienced? 42, you say? Interesting…why don’t you have a seat over here, random light-novel author-san?
There are ways to make this slightly less black and white, but most of the time the author doesn’t do it because giving the main character mental health issues / memory loss takes a considerable amount of effort and can easily come off as making fun of the irl equivalents.
If the main character only had the memories of their previous life, none of the personality, extremely little of the wisdom, none of the muscle memory/ automatic responses, and pretty much needed flashbacks to remember anything from their previous life (eg. remembering witnessing someone’s death being a way of remembering that walking alone at night is dangerous, potentially also having modern police or weapons be shown leading to the main character questioning where these memories were from) or at least extreme emotion attached to the memory (eg. The main character encountering fireworks, making them feel happy/ nostalgic while their peers are terrified of the loud noises). Essentially what I guess I’m trying to say is in my opinion if the previous life was treated like an illness instead of just who they are cross age relationships in isekai would have more complexity to their morality.
If you’re using a brother printer you can just cover the ink “window” on the empty cartridge with black electrical tape. The printer will yell at you for using 3rd party ink, but after that it will let you print.
For a more serious answer, it’s that old desire to “try again with better knowledge”, an uncle of mine always said that if he had my age but with his brain right now he would be set for life, when I was a teen.
Maybe, just maybe, something which was designed to kill the bacteria and remove the residue of things that came in contact with fresh or at most rotten food, is also totally effective at doing the same for things that came in contact with fecal mater and with toiled cleaning chemicals. Or maybe not.
Do you for a toilet brush need the level of cleaniness achieved by a dishwasher, and if not are there other reasonably simple methods to achieve the required level of cleaniness for it?
In the absence of actual scientific studies that provided an answer for the “is a household dishwater entirelly effective for fecal mater and toilet cleaning chemicals contamination” question with a high degree of certainty, the consideration on whether to do this or not boils down to: “Is a dishwasher level of cleaniness for a toilet brush worth the risk that the dishwasher might not deal with fecal mater or toilet cleaning chemical contamination correctly?”
Here is another reasonable approach which is simpler. Isolation and containment is the best way to prevent spread of bacteria from one place to another. Minimising taking any items from the toilet to the kitchen, minimises the spread of bacteria between the two places.
So without any scientific study or evidence specifically to dishwashers and toilet brushes, we can make a reasonable assumption that taking a toilet brush from the toilet to the kitchen is a bad idea and should be avoided.
I doubt this is real, but if it were and I were the poster I would also isolate and contain that home. I would erradocate the movement of me from any other location to that home.
Moving forwards, using all my breath Making love to you was never second best I saw the world thrashing all around your face Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace
I’ll stop the world and melt with you You’ve seen the difference and it’s getting better all the time There’s nothing you and I won’t do I’ll stop the world and melt with you
Dream of better lives the kind which never hate (You should see why) Trapped in the state of imaginary grace (You should know better) I made a pilgrimage to save this humans race (You should see why) Never comprehending the race had long gone by
I’ll stop the world and melt with you (Let’s stop the world) You’ve seen the difference and it’s getting better all the time (Let’s stop the world) There’s nothing you and I won’t do (Let’s stop the world) I’ll stop the world and melt with you
The future’s open wide
I’ll stop the world and melt with you (Let’s stop the world) I’ve seen some changes but it’s getting better all the time (Let’s stop the world) There’s nothing you and I won’t do (Let’s stop the world) I’ll stop the world and melt with you
The future’s open wide Hmmm hmmm hmmm Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm Hmmm hmmm hmmm Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
I’ll stop the world and melt with you (Let’s stop the world) You’ve seen the difference and it’s getting better all the time (Let’s stop the world) There’s nothing you and I won’t do (Let’s stop the world) I’ll stop the world and melt with you (Let’s stop the world) I’ll stop the world and melt with you (Let’s stop the world) I’ll stop the world and melt with you (Let’s stop the world) I’ll stop the world and melt with you
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