If you use humans to fine tune and judge the quality of output, then in some sense, that’s pretty much all the AI can possibly do.
Everyone can see the output, “I don’t know.” and mark it zero (dude). But the meat bags will definitely end up rewarding the model if it instead generates some plausible nonsense.
I’m there all the time, I live close to the Eastgate one. The original location is better but you can’t beat JJ’s!
Edit: didn’t mean for this to be a Jungle Jim’s ad, it’s just a shitpost. Didn’t expect Lemmy to be familiar with a store with two locations, both in Cincinnati, OH (technically neither are). Hey cannabis will be legal in a week!
Yeah I can’t watch subs. I don’t want to have to read for a movie. I want to see the faces and expressions of people or characters as scenes play out. If I’m reading subtitles, I’m not immersed and the story doesn’t slap as much for me.
I used to be hardcore anti-subs but then I started to realize that a large amount of English movies are mixed in a way where you can’t understand anything that’s going on anyway (thanks Christopher Nolan) so I have subs on for everything now because I can more consistently experience the entirety of the movie/show instead of my understanding of lines being up to if the director was upset that day.
I listen to podcasts all the time, ones by American, British, and Australia speakers, and I think my aural comprehension has actually improved from that. I have a friend just like you though. Has to turn on subtitles for everything.
I can do audiobooks and such just fine, for some reason movies and shows recently have made a lot of the audio really hard to hear/understand sometimes. I watched Oppenheimer in the theater and I feel like I miss.half the dialogue in some of the louder scenes.
I watch everything in English with subs for this reason. But I can’t usually do that for anime because the subs don’t always match the dub and that’s distracting
Same. I watch everything with subtitles. Helps with the mild audio processing disorders that tend to go hand in hand with ADHD, Autism, or somewhere along the spectrum.
I do try and make them small and unobtrusive though. Especially when I can put them on the bottom where there are black bars due to aspect ratio differences.
Speaking of Nolan, I was able to watch Oppenheimer on 30mm at an independent theater and subtitles were actually turned on. It was much appreciated.
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