I can’t stand dubs, I think that japanese VA are a lot better. Anyway, I have been reading subs since I was 8 years old so I read them so fast that it doesn’t bother me.
That’s irrelevant, 'murican dubs lack soul. All of the good voice actors are working on videogames, so they’re left with people they can get off the streets to voice anime in 'murica (sometimes literally).
I ain’t gonna take this blasphemy sitting down. Jad Saxton, Chris Rager, Yuri Lowenthal, Brina Palencia, Crispin Freeman, Johnny Yong Bosch, I’ll fight a mf that says Cherami Leigh lacks soul
English dub VAs don’t get enough credit, it’s damn hard matching mouth movements that were made for a different language
I’m not addicted. I don’t flarp. I just use a small can of flarp when I feel like it, once in a while. Maybe once a day. That’s not flarping, that’s just reasonable use of flarp.
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