It would be like when I grew up and saw a George Carlin special on tv and was like “oh that’s Mister conductor from Thomas! He does comedy? I have to see this…” And was instantly traumatized in a good way
Oh wow. I am clearly older than you because Thomas was something that I was way too old for by the time it came on TV and I had plenty of Carlin’s albums, but yeah, that must have been a head trip. I wonder if there are any other examples like that. I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
EDIT: Thought of one. Bob Saget, the world’s dirtiest comedian, playing a dad on the sickeningly wholesome show Full House.
Bob Saget is an awesome pick. Tim Allen was sort of similar although it wasn’t nearly as shocking as Bob Saget. America’s funniest home videos was so lame that the bar was as low as possible.
Jeez. I had put this in my pocket and accidentally clicked on this pic. I thought, oh Adriene has a new video out?? Wait a minute. This is kinda weird, but okay I guess.
I was legit ready to watch and do this video ahahaha.
Looks great mate, no one would notice if they don’t know.
Also I think the template in itself is funny in an anti joke kind of way where you expect him to be protesting something but then he’s just holding up an empty piece of cardboard really passionately lol.
Ever since the tree bloomed in the year 0, now known as the awakening, fear of death has lost its power. The world has changed, ever since the tree started bearing its fruit - strange pods containing the repaired and revitalized bodies of the recently deceased.
While the pain of death remains, the permanence is gone. Adventurers and thrill seekers run amok with diminished consequences. Further, aging and illness is now merely an inconvenience, with reanimation the solution.
33 years have passed. Fear of death has become an old world superstition among the remaining “firsters”; the slur used by the reanimated to mock those who still cling fearfully to their first lives.
Scattered groups of people have been researching the tree and the reborn citizens since year 0 with growing discomfort. Without death, the population is booming and expanding rapidly. Gradually the population of “firsters” is dwindling. You belong to one such group of firsters. Is your fear justified? Or are you a part of a dying age, afraid to let go of the old ways…
*religion formed around the tree *massive palace at its base and deep into its roots serves as religious headquarters and barracks for defenders of the tree. *coming of age death ritual for children who have not died by age 16 *DM needs to make sure at least 1 party member is reborn during their quest
I cannot wait until they finally pave over that violent shithole.
People’s Park supporters have their heads so far up their asses they can’t smell the meth’d up rapists that have kept anyone else from enjoying this “park”
Of course he would be the one to make the first time machine. It must have been a rough time jump though. He lost his safe tie so I can only assume that in the jump the safety tie was destroyed and was the only reason he survived the trip.
If the house is old enough, it might be an old coal shoot chute for a boiler in the basement. Lived in an old farmhouse for a bit that had one of these
As a former young person, living in a studio apartment of 20m^2, I don’t have to imagine that. And yes I did read the word “deliberately” - I wanted to see how much onion I could put in bolognese. Turns out a lot, when you blend the onion. Also it turns out that blending onion in your studio apartment is stupid.
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