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atzanteol, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

Another key for me to pop off my keyboard. Great.

stepanzak, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

Just make it remapable (is that a word?) and I don’t really care


Remapping instructions are here


I don’t use Windows, but given that their office key just sends ctrl+shift+alt+meta, I’m afraid that this could send something like meta+alt that windows users don’t use, but it would be useless for some Linux users that already use that key combo.


I don’t think you can easily remap keys in Windows.


Please see my explanation of what I meant by that.

beeng, (edited ) in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

I’m stuck on Windows at work, and I have a terminal open on my work PC 100% of the time for tasks, questions and formatting duties (format list, reorder etc) so maybe this could be OK.

Wording is confusing however, as Github is what I think when i hear “copilot”, but I do know both are owned by M$.

I’m not for the extra key, I use a custom ortho split anyway, but I’m guessing it’s just the “windows key” again with hype…

Apollo2323, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

So you can pressed accidentally activating the fucking AI and make the numbers go up so Microsoft can then go and say to investors look millions are using my AI. So annoying.

eager_eagle, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month avatar

this kind of shit is what gives AI a bad rep

no one needs this

almost no one wants it

and they’ll kill it in a couple of years like they did it with Cortana


They killed Cortana?

richardisaguy, avatar

Thankfully, yes. But cortana has been replaced by copilot so we are in the same place

Poggervania, avatar

Tbh I was kinda sad they killed her off instead of trying to make her an actually useful AI assistant. Seemed like a missed opportunity since her Halo counterpart is an AI as well, and it would’ve been cool to maybe have an AR partner app that would have shown pre-Halo 4 version of her.


I won’t be happy until we have a hologram cortana


with 6 etheral arms and an always-smiling maw full of 4" long interlocking teeth

BaldProphet, avatar

I bet your search history is interesting


Copilot is just Cortana on steroids (with a shiny new AI engine baked in)

const_void, (edited ) in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m not buying any keyboard or laptop that has this key. There’s enough Linux-first vendors these days that it’s easy to avoid (Framework, System76, Tuxedo, etc). It’s time to be done with Lenovo and Dell.

BaldProphet, avatar

I fully agree with you, but Framework is definitely not Linux-first. The only OS they offer preloaded on their laptops is Windows. You have to install Linux yourself if you want it.


I think they’re referring to Framework’s support for full Linux compatibility for at least Ubuntu, and making sure that the parts they use have first class Linux support and drivers and kernel integration.

palordrolap, (edited )

This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m not buying any keyboard or laptop that has this key.

Which is exactly what people said about the Windows key.

Now it's all but impossible to buy a keyboard that doesn't have it. Worse, most of us use it without thinking.

Sure you can call it Super if you like, and even have a Tux key-cap on it, but there used to be a literal gap between the Alt keys and their Ctrl brethren in the lateral directions away from the space bar, and those days are long gone.

There'll be the niche users who stick with old keyboards without this new key, just like there are the die-hards who have stuck resolutely to the old IBM keyboards and the like from pre-1995, but if you want a new keyboard?

Gonna have to shell out a small fortune for a custom build or make do with that dumb new key.

(Shoutout to the Context Menu key which went as unmentioned in the above as it goes unused in day to day use, despite having been included with its Super cousin since day one.)


I don’t see an issue with a “super” key. But what would a copilot key bring that’s of any value? The super key already does everything you’d need.

Krzd, avatar

more keys for custom keybinds ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯ depending on where it’s located I’ll probably just use it as a microphone toggle

brax, (edited )

We have so many unused potential binds already, though. Knowing the way tech goes these days, they’ll find a way to hard-code the key to one macro and that’s it lol

Krzd, avatar

Depends how they do it, if it’s in the registry you can change it.
The point is to have an unused button that you can rebind freely


Pure hyperbole “late stage capitalism”: they’ll have it wired directly into the board. At best it will cover one key chord.

Even later stage, it’ll send some proprietary data that only windows 11 can interpret. Linux users will figure it out and make use of it, then will be promptly sued out of existence for copyright infringement or something lol.

Can we get this more dystopian? I’m out of ideas.

Krzd, avatar

Nah, they’ll send a package to a Microsoft server that’ll then respond with the keybind and open the program


But you can only press it five times before you have to buy a license to active it.

Also, if you want to deactivate it you’ll need to purchase a separate license.

If neither license is purchased, it presents a nag screen each time. 😂

Krzd, avatar

What, fuck licenses, we’re doing subscriptions here. With multiple tiers, first one just reduces the charge per activation, and the ones after that give you X “free” uses per 12 hours.

Hexarei, avatar

yeah it’s almost certainly gonna be bound to Super+C, the existing keybind for copilot

Nisaea, avatar

Wow when you out it that way it sounds even dumber


The video made it look like this was the context menu key. This may just be a key cap change for WHQL certification of keyboards.

PumaStoleMyBluff, (edited )

The article actually says the Copilot key will mostly be replacing Menu or Right Control on existing layouts. So if you’re already not using those (or are already re-binding them), it’s just a new keycap.

Dirk, avatar

iit’s just a new keycap

Plus the configuration that is needed to remap the key back to the correct key code.


Gonna have to shell out a small fortune for a custom build or make do with that dumb new key.

I don’t think this is true. Just buy a laptop from a company that ships it with Linux. No Windows, no Windows keys. It doesn’t have to be ‘custom’.


The post mentioned this, and argues that a super a key is basically just a windows key


So what key are they gonna put there when all cheap generic Chinese keyboard makers start including this button on all their variants of keyboards?

Hexarei, avatar

The context menu or right-ctrl key, probably


The context menu key is more useful when it’s remapped to the compose key.


My keyboard has a Linux key. And I happily use it.

sir_reginald, avatar

As you said, there used to be a gap there. Replacing a gap makes not that much harm and people find it useful even in Linux for keybindings. In more of an Alt kind of guy, but Super is also there for more combinations available.

The Copilot key appears to be going were the right Control or right Alt key are right now, so that’s going to be a bother for a lot of people.

unionagainstdhmo, avatar

Hey! I used the context menu key today… Just to see what it does and ask why?

Dirk, avatar

Like with the Windows key, this won’t be an option.


Ah yes, just like you had that option with the windows key right?


Unfortunately, the “linux-first” vendors do not offer better deals than their competition.

knightly, avatar

They absolutely do, when one considers the negative value of Windows.


It depends on how and what you’re measuring. A lot of Linux first, like system 76 and purism, do so e serious work on the firmware and boot systems of their systems. Which for some is a huge value add compared.


Same, I think I might give the System76 Darter a try when I eventually have to replace my Xps 9370. It’s bad enough that my computer comes with a windows logo on the super-key and often windows preinstalled. Shipping with a non-ANSI/ISO layout is a no-buy for me.


I don’t care as long as the placement is ok and I can map it to something useful. I’m a GNOME user so the Windows/Super key gets a lot of use. It’s nice to have. A new key that I use for all my custom shortcuts would actually be kind of nice. Who cares that the default key caps are a Windows icon and this Copilot thing? Change the key caps and they are just keys.

ipsirc, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month avatar

Woo-hoo! Secondary hyper modifier key - can’t wait!!!


Soon we’ll be able to emacs the way the developers intended.


Yay! I petition to call it Duper

SapphironZA, in New laptop

I would favour an AMD Ryzen 7000 based laptop. Much better battery life than Intel and better graphics performance.

Lenovo ThinkPad T and P series are excellent build quality.

Asus Zenbooks or Expertbooks with OLED screens are also excellent. Displays are on par, or superior to Macbooks. Excellent colour accuracy.

Make sure you get something with at least 16GB of Ram, or 32GB if available.

amju_wolf, (edited ) avatar

While I agree with the recommendations (I have a ThinkPad P14S Gen4 now) I wouldn’t say the battery life is great - especially if OP wants to do video editing and such. Otherwise it’s an amazing laptop (now that it’s actually supported by the kernel). I still suspect the Intel variant would be better for battery life though.

With that being said for anything this intensive you’ll need a charger with any laptop because it will simply not be able to keep working for 8+ hours with this kind of software. In fact get a docking station and a second screen too unless you plan to be on the go all of the time; the productivity increase from getting a second screen is insane.

Oh and be prepared to lose a lot of the fancy stuff with Linux - sure you get an amazing screen but no HDR. You don’t get the sound improvements from the official Lenovo drivers for Windows, etc. Oh and you should keep the Windows partition (just shrink it to a minimum) - makes it much easier to keep the bios up to date.

leftofthat, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

More like micBlow$oft

UnaSolaEstrellaLibre, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

Can’t wait to see this gone in the next 3 years.


"Oh yeah I remember these keyboards! Good times, that was before the

Hexarei, avatar

before the what, op?


sweats, knowing a time-traveler in our midst refused to tell us about the coming copilocalypse

shiveyarbles, in Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month

They’re really pushing this AI shit fr

Fizz, in Debian Bookworm and Bullseye Users Receive Important Linux Security Updates avatar

As a headline reader I’d sure hope users of these distros receive security updates

aGeN, in Messed up my fonts

Well I had another go tonight. Uninstalled almost every font. At one point my browser didnt have any fonts. Reinstalled a load of fonts but still my terminal looked a total mess. I then installed Kitty and all my fonts and icons are looking good… So its a urxvt issue. Ill dig about a bit mire when I get some tine.

RatsOffToYa, in [Resolved] Debian 12: trying to auto-mount a NTFS-formatted hard drive by making an entry in fstab. Getting the error "mount: /etc/fstab: parse error at line 18 -- ignored"

Is it literally named new volume? If so perhaps the space is throwing things off. Try quoting the whole path perhaps?

FigMcLargeHuge, (edited )

And dump the asterisks if that is the actual entry.


The asterisks are not in fstab file. I just added them here to emphasize the name of the hdd.

gregorum, (edited )

sometimes there are those times when you’ve been at it for 6-8 hours straight with no break, and you keep staring at that one line in your config, trying so hard to see this mistake. is it a comma out of place? did i missplell something? no? and you’re staring at it so long that you just don’t see the glaringly obvious:

<span style="color:#323232;">***New Volume***

it’s that one remnant that you probably copy/pasted from a tutorial page and you’re too brain-fried to consider that it’s a part of the line you should have changed, so you’re not looking at it, but there it is. but, hey, that’s why forums like this exist: to get a fresh pair of eyes on the problem.

we’ve all been there.

mmababes, (edited )

There were no asterisks in the fstab file, I just placed them here to emphasize the name of the hdd.

Btw I got Debian to automount the hdd (thanks to @shortdorkyasian) by adding this entry to the fstab file:

`UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/New


lmao, ok i see.

in any case, i’m very glad that you got your drive mounted!

mmababes, (edited )

Yup, that’s the name.

I changed the entry on fstab to this (tried it with both single quotes and double quotes) and I’m stilling getting the parse error:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 “/media/lucky/New Volume” ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

Btw I’m using the ntfs-3g driver, if that helps.

ozoned, (edited ) in [Resolved] Debian 12: trying to auto-mount a NTFS-formatted hard drive by making an entry in fstab. Getting the error "mount: /etc/fstab: parse error at line 18 -- ignored"

You’ve made a directory path literally called

/media/lucky/New Volume


That REALLY doesn’t seem like a good idea considering that *'s are wildcards for anything, and Linux isn’t really fond of spaces.

The error basically tells you that you have an error on line 18, which I’m assuming is this line you’re stating and that it’s ignored that line so that it can still go on and mount other things.

Most likely you’d want something like:

# mkdir /media/lucky/NewVol

and then your fstab would be:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/NewVol ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

Also do you have a lib or something for linux to handle NTFS file system types? I haven’t run Windows in 17 years now, so I don’t have a clue if Linux can natively handle NTFS.

You can also run:

# lsblk


# blkid

to get the storage information and verify the storage UUID is correct.

mmababes, (edited )

That REALLY doesn’t seem like a good idea considering that *'s are wildcards for anything, and Linux isn’t really fond of spaces.

There are no asterisks in the fstab file. I put them here to emphasize the name of the hdd (I edited my original post to remove them to avoid confusing people).

Also do you have a lib or something for linux to handle NTFS file system types?

I’m using the ntfs-3g driver.

Btw this is what the entry on fstab looks like now but I’m still getting the parsing error:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 “/media/lucky/New Volume” ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0


But you have a space in there. I don’t know how spaces are handled in fstab. You’ll either need to quote it or at least escape the space:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 ‘/media/lucky/New Volume’ ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0


UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/New\ Volume ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

The space is absolutely an issue in fstab as it’s thinking “Volume” is the filesystem type and ntfs goes into your options, etc.

mmababes, (edited )

But you have a space in there. I don’t know how spaces are handled in fstab. You’ll either need to quote it or at least escape the space

Instead of using spaces or quotes (single or double), I used `

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