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Gbagginsthe3rd, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

Imagine being the model. Alright, you look amazing. Now drop your pants and pretend to take a shit. Yeah thats it, just a hundred more photos in different lighting. Perfect, thats the one we upload to the internet


I wonder if she lost the feeling in her legs from sitting on the shitter that long for a photoshoot?

NateNate60, in We're doomed

A reminder for context: it’s not summer yet in Antarctica. Summer doesn’t start until December. It’s still supposed to be cold.


instead of adding ice this winter, they lost ice. during antarctic winter.


That is not correct. The Antarctic gained far less ice, but it did gain.…


hey thanks for the details, I misread the ice shelf dropping off as total losses. it’s still the worst winter on record.…/no-quick-fix-reverse-antarctic-sea-…

KISSmyOS, (edited ) in If you needed motivation

I’ll stick with my guiding principle “do whatever crackheads aren’t doing”.

ShitOnABrick, avatar

I prefer to do the opersite of this. As this is not upto los pollos hermanous standards


So not your mom… yeah that’s good advice.


Are you suggesting crackheads have disposable income for hookers?

ivanafterall, avatar

Don't hookers usually charge though?


You tell me


Why do you want to know?

idunnololz, avatar

I don’t think crackheads are having sex with my mom… Which means I must have sex with her D:


Curses! Foiled by logic yet again!


OC has been suspiciously silent since they learned crackheads breathe

wabafee, in Dont wanna scratch that rhinocover

What is the point of that truck if ain’t even able to use it for it’s intended purpose?


Pavement princess


I was never into trucks, but a cascade of circumstances put me in one. I hate to admit it, but I love that damn thing. I’m always throwing shit in the back, taking more camping trips, more wilderness trips, fishing low pressure spots, hauling trailers of shit, it does everything. The only thing that could come close utility wise would be a minivan, though I’d lose the offroad capability. I don’t love the gas mileage, but I’m looking at a possible ethanol conversion.

All that to say, if you have a truck, use it like a truck.


Same here, and the added benefit that you can throw whatever shit on the back without a real care of damaging it, and then just hosing it down. On an SUV or Minivan I would be making sure that everything was clean or carefully covered so not to spill on the carpet and shit.

SuiXi3D, avatar

If you use the truck as a truck, it’s fine. I’ve got a cousin that has a giant truck… to haul his camping trailer that fits him, his wife, and their FIVE kids. The daily driver is a hybrid SUV, again, for five kids.

My wife and I, just the two of us, have a little Ford Fiesta. It’s perfect for us, and honestly we could deal with something smaller if we had the money for it, but the Fiesta was the right price at the right time.


That’s the thing, it’s not the trucks themselves that are the problem. It’s the size of them these days and their perception as a do-it-all vehicle. Theres just no reason the average truck user needs to sit 5 feet off the ground unless they’re hauling something in the ballpark of a 75-foot luxury camper on a regular basis. Not to mention the height of the hood and headlights, the ubiquitous extended cabs which kinda defeat the purpose by shortening the bed (Hauling the family and their stuff is what mini vans and station wagons always were for), those trucks with permanent covered beds parading as SUVs… Regular consumer vehicles and work vehicles alike seemed to get by without those things before the 2010s and not much has changed since then, unless you count the need to compete with the size of what everyone else is driving.

But good luck finding a light duty low-to-normal-rise truck with a full size bed that does just what you need for occasional use without the compromise on efficiency for daily driving if that’s what you so choose. I’m beginning to think that all this marketing around trucks isn’t actually about selling them to people who need trucks to use them as trucks 🤔

Last thing is there aren’t any real incentives to reach better fuel efficiency on truck platforms. It doesn’t cost nearly as much more to develop and manufacture them as customers are willing to pay for them- trucks make up to 90% of profit for a company like Ford. Plus they’re a loophole in US emissions policy. So more thought and funding could be put into making them more efficient, but that’s not what the buyers are buying them for and that’s not what the government is incentivising for, so the industry just goes “meh, just make 'em bigger, add some tech gimmies, and then go heavy on the marketing so we can squeeze more out of the customers this year than we did last year”.

Whew sorry that was a bit of a rant… I just have a permanent bug on my shoulder when it comes to what capitalism has done to transportation in the US.

xthexder, avatar

Doing an ethanol conversion will only get you worse gas mileage btw. Ethanol contains 25% less energy than gasoline by volume, so you need to burn more of it to make the same power.


That’s a big reason while I’m on the fence. There’s a lot of conflicting information regarding actual costs and pollution. If I can determine that overall costs are reduced, even with the lowered gas mileage, and the exhaust pollutants being reduced, then I’ll do it. As it stands, I haven’t seen anything that appears definitive.


Ethanol has been in use in Brazil since the 70s. The fuel is cheaper than gasoline, but you need to burn more of it. The rule of thumb was that the break even point was around 70% the price of gasoline (but that was applicable to the mostly compact car fleet of Brazil - every vehicle would have its own number).

It definitely pollutes significantly less. You also have zero issues with carbonization in the motor as alcohol has a decent detergent action. You should get a bit more life out of your catalytic converter.

You get a few “free” HP if the conversion is done right.

Cold mornings are your enemy. Alcohol takes longer to heat up your engine, so there’s a gasoline reservoir for cold starts that the on-board computer doses until the engine is warm enough to not sputter out.

If your conversion leaves you with a flex motor (any mixture of gas and ethanol), you can switch to E25 in high winter (or eyeball it at the pump for something like 50/50). Helps avoid wasting fuel heating the engine from a cold start when it’s white out.

Ethanol is highly hygroscopic, so components in your gas train that don’t deal well with water can start to rust. This was an issue mostly in the days of leaded gas, but nowadays all gas has some ethanol in it, so you’re probably fine.


So, this is something I’ve also wondered. My main use for a truck is pulling the camper to the mountain, but I’ve heard that putting premium fuel just before your trip will help you, but that does not make sense as premium fuel is less volatile because it’s meant for higher compression rates in more performance tuned engines.


Correct, don’t use premium fuel unless your engine requires it.

whoisearth, avatar

Amen. I grew up in rural Ontario where everyone and their kid has either a pickup truck or a beat up old Cutlass. I yearn to have a pickup because of how awesome they are. Challenge is I live in suburbia. It doesn’t make sense and I can’t justify it. People really need to think critically more about their purchases.

Rolder, in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

God I hate this meme format

UrPartnerInCrime, avatar

Are you saying you want the OP to QUIT HAVING FUN?




Yeah, it’s so annoying and masturbatory. “Everyone who criticizes my treat is just shrieking at me for liking it”. I don’t like people fixating on tech aspects (at least for indies and small publisher games, AAA can get fucked), but they do not, in my experience, shriek at me for liking things that run poorly.


Lol did you not see Starfield or Cities Skylines 2 comments? It’s hate circle jerks

ininewcrow, in Accurate. avatar

There is a prequel to this and the words Israel and Hamas are exchanged.

I’m no supporter of either and I don’t believe that killing civilians on either side will answer questions, it will only make matters worse.

As Gandhi put it … “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth … leaves a world full of blind, toothless people”

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

I want both sides to lose at this point


Let’s dig a very wide canal connecting the Dead Sea, Red Sea & Sea of Galilee to the Mediterranean… Maybe about 250 miles wide would do it

dill, avatar

As professor Farnsworth once said, “Now, now, perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything”


Ghandi abused his wife regularly and ended up killing her by way of refusing to let her go to a doctor. I’ll not be accepting any of his quotes, thanks.


I’m sure you’re chillin with Stalin and Lenin quotes tho lmaoo


Only for you, snowflake.




Get a room



killeronthecorner, avatar

Gandhi was a total piece of shit pretending to be one of the good guys. Which I guess is highly relevant to this conflict.

Also that quote is from Exodus.


If you think Gandhi was bad, you should look into Mother Theresa - the woman was literally a Disney cartoon villain.


I'm not convinced she wasn't a sadist and got joy from the suffering of others.


I’m convinced that she was.


yes with all the nukes and stuff, a complete lunatic


This guy Civs


On a long enough timeline everyone is a piece of shit. You on the other hand, are one right now.

killeronthecorner, avatar



Ghandi suxx


Only the eye for an eye was the bible, the world goes blind was Ghandi.


Can you like, provide some sources ? I want to read about it

programmer_belch, avatar

The post doesn’t mention Hamas, it’s talking about the previous killings of people in gaza. Not everyone in Gaza is in support of Hamas

kibiz0r, (edited )

Gandhi on Zionism:

My sympathies are all with the Jews.

But my sympathy does not blind me to the requirements of justice.

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home.

Edit: This was 1938, btw. 10 years before the Nakba.

kambusha, in Germans

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as “Euro-English”. In the first year, “s” will replace the soft “c”. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard “c” will be dropped in favour of “k”. This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome “ph” will be replaced with “f”. This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent “e” in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing “th” with “z” and “w” with “v”.

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary “o” kan be dropd from vords kontaining “ou” and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kom tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent “e” in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

Up and included this line it should actually be implemented as reform to all versions of english.


The news brought to you by Monty Python.


Nah, the wind is blowing from a different direction.…/Fom_Winde_ferfeelt

For context, in this book, “missed by the wind” (which kinda sounds like gone with the wind) the author introduces a change to the language in every chapter, making it easier every time. And he succeeds. Highly recommend.

comador, avatar

Thank you for making me laugh.


I love how it keeps progressing 😭

Peter_Arbeitslos, avatar



Hab ich kino im gesicht?

Peter_Arbeitslos, avatar

Ich weiß nicht, du tust?

octavio_dingus, in Racismed

Just another example that billionaires didn’t become billionaires by being smarter than everyone else.


Unironically dividing the Proletariat against itself by stirring up racism among conservatives on a large social platform is the correct move for him to keep his dragon hoard, though I doubt it’s intentional.

Promethiel, avatar

Even crazy new Dragons get the “Respect the #1 rule of Dragon Club; do nothing to threaten the viability of the existence of Dragons” speech, I reckon.


I’d give him more credit, it doesn’t take a genius to encourage people to subscribe to a philosophy and or vote for a person that will benefit you.

He knows what he’s doing


I dunno, I’ve seen his Elden Ring build, and he’s somehow a fan of New Vegas despite NV beating him over the head, so I don’t quite believe that.


Sure, but that’s just survival bias.

ruckblack, in Everything I need is still in in the old settings windows that haven't changed in 23 years

It’s actually insane how difficult it can be to find settings in windows. Especially when the indexing breaks for the 1000th time and you can’t just search for it in the start menu.


I have a dual boot machine, windows takes forever to find sometging with or without indexing in use. Boot to linux I type 2-3 letters and GNOME/tracker index hands me files instantly. if I mount the NTFS windows partition in Linux and use the aearch in Nautilus it finds files faster than windows.

cyberpunk007, (edited )

This is the start menu experience:


*Wait 15 seconds *

“Here are some results from bing:”


Mac and Linux it’s instant, and not some garbage AI/ads/web search results.


I have no idea why it breaks like this so often too. And it’s such a pain in the ass to try to fix that I’ve generally given up on trying. At least when something very rarely happens with the indexer on Linux I know where to look to fix it.


Lol I installed open shell several years ago and have not looked back since. If I wanted to search the web with your shitty search engine, microsoft, I would have opened your shitty browser, now please sit down.

Probably shouldn’t have installed it on my work computer for security compliance reasons but it’s such an improvement in my workflow that I couldn’t not install it. Highly recommend. Legit cannot imagine using windows without it anymore.


Hahaha yees! The start menu search is hilarious!! You install a software, type in the exact bame of the software afterwards and the start menu search gives you the installer from your download folder instead of the installed program with the exact name you typed. The devs must have a lot of fun there. This is peak satire.


Hey, maaaaaybe you wanted to search how to do that in Bing!



nope, they definitely wanted an AI answer.


AI answer: Type the setting into the start menu search bar. The first result will be the setting you’re looking for.


Especially when you start typing something and it already started searching with your partial input and you your further and notice the thing your search for is first so you press enter, for it to now place another thing first with the extra input 😡

How can “displ” open display settings, but “display” opens a help page in Edge


This. You seem to have to give it less. Also it is just broken. I have excel installed, if i start typing excel ( even with app filter) it can’t present it to me, it wants to hand me an ad or info page about what excel is and where to download it from


I just install list art on all my computers. I occasionally test the windows search but it fails spectacularly, 9.5 out of 10 times

Vlyn, in Because customers don't need to easily filter away some stuff from their searches

Sacrilege! You broke the template, third and fourth slide should be the same :)

ICastFist, avatar

I shall commit sudoku to atone for my sin


Can you also atone for my sins while you’re at it? Thanks.


Ooh, do we have another Jesus situation going on here? I’ll hop on on this.


We talking sudo rm-rf /* sudoku here or the kind that you’d find in the newspaper?

ICastFist, avatar

That sounds like a command that could work, sudo KUUUUUUUUUU, the more Us the slower it details the important files being deleted, without allowing you to cancel the command


Repent ye sinner and post three socially awkward socially awesome penguins, NOT one thing other thing penguin and ye shall be redeemed!

ICastFist, avatar

Are we talking penguins that represent different linux distros? Because most sure match “socially awkward” and awesome


Memes are art and this works

SuddenDownpour, in Question for God

Why’s my g-spot up my ass?

God wants you to get pegged. Who are you to argue with God?

RIP_Cheems, avatar

So God has a peg fetish?


God has every fetish, he made them after all

clemdemort, avatar

Wait isnt pedophilia a paraphilia? are you telling me that, oh no, no no no, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

One more reason to be an atheist!


we were created in gods image 🙏god loves a good railing like the rest of us

zyratoxx, in 🎵 Started from the bottom now we're here 🎵 avatar

“It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars…” - Donald J. Trump

ZeroCool, (edited )

Ignoring the fact that it’s not even true… My favorite part of the fallout from that quote were all the Trump supporters, most of whom will never see $1mil in total earnings across their lives, scrambling to defend it as if it were a perfectly reasonable thing to say.

Like, “It’s just because he’s so rich that a million dollars really does seem like a small loan!

Sure, okay Jim-Bob, and you’re dumb enough to believe a guy whose concept of money is that warped gives a damn about you? lol


I don’t disagree but 1m is 25k a year for 40 years. So yes, most of his supporters WILL earn 1m in their lives.

zyratoxx, avatar

I can just underline that

Dasnap, (edited ) avatar
FlyingSquid, in Inspired by reading everyday news avatar

Why is a bright future assumed?


Sun eventually goes supernova.

FlyingSquid, avatar

It doesn’t. It’s not massive enough. It turns into a red giant, then collapses into a white dwarf and eventually fusion basically stops.


Yeah that’s totally not a worse death.


Realistically speaking, any of the major changes that happen near the end of a star’s life will make their planets uninhabitable on a time scale that seems pretty long from a human perspective. Imagine the last 100 years of climate change, but it just keeps getting worse at the same pace for a million years. By the time a star swells into a giant or explodes in a supernova, there won’t be anyone around to notice.


Alternatively, if we wait long enough we always have the heat death of the universe to look forward to.


I read in this book that there’s a restaurant just before that happens where you can bounce back and forth between the death of the universe and the hours before it. So that sounds cool.


Try the steak.


I don’t like food that talks to me before I eat it.

fluke, avatar

Are you a cannibal?


It’s another spin on the aforementioned restaurant. It’s from a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. In said restaurant (Milliways) the cows have been bred to wanting to be eaten and expressing said wish directly to the customers.


Shh!" said Ford. “It’s conical. So what you do is, you see, you fill it with fine white sand, alright? Or sugar. Fine white sand, and/or sugar. Anything. Doesn’t matter. Sugar’s fine. And when it’s full, you pull the plug out… are you listening?” “I’m listening.” "You pull the plug out, and it all just twirls away, twirls away you see, out of the plughole. “Clever.” “That’s not the clever bit. This is the clever bit, I remember now that this is the clever bit. The clever bit is that you then thread the film in the projector… backwards!” “Backwards?” “Yes. Threading it backwards is definitely the clever bit. So then, you just sit and watch it, and everything just appears to spiral upwards out of the plughole and fill the bath. See?” “And that’s how the Universe began is it?” said Arthur. “No,” said Ford, "but it’s a marvelous way to relax.

fluke, avatar

That’s not bright at all. That’s the darkest thing.


Very true.


Yeah but in the process it’ll scour the surface off the earth so it’s not all bad news


Not before ballooning up and frying the Earth.


Thermonuclear reactions are very bright

bstix, in creator trolly

And then when they all believe, you change the rules because you accidentally spawned to many people.

God: “I can only save some of you!”

People: “How many?”

God: “Twelve…”

People: “Twelve?!? But there are many more of us”

God: “Times 12…”

People: “144?!? But there are still many more!”

God:“… thousand.”

People “Oh lord, I’m one of those 144000, right?”

God: “Of course you are my dear”.

Other people:“…but you already saved more than 144000 before we were even born?”

God:" yeah well, just believe me OK?"


Depends on denomination but source:,000

killeronthecorner, avatar

It’s amazing that there are so many different interpretation. Religious people have such creative imaginations.


I’m reading a fictional book series where a character in the first few books literally becomes the new god… then the later books take place a few hundred years later, and you see how the new god laid everything out for the people, and gave them books on how to prosper and all this valuable info… and STILL these idiots ended up forming various competing religions, full of BS!


mistborn saga, right?


Haha yup!

boblin, in When you need to disable ads and give access to the microphone

“Drink verification can…”

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