Coasting0942, I don’t need to. I KNOW the emperor of mankind will launch a glorious crusade to purge the Xenos and claim humanity’s birthright among the stars. Which means we need to triple our science funding yesterday if we’re going to have black hole cannons.
Far, Them men of iron are going to give us a bad time tho
InputZero, Your faith is lacking slag. The God Emperor of All Mankind is already here leading Mankind to glory over the xenos and has been for millennia. He has chosen to not reveal himself to us yet. Accelerating our approach to the age of strife is blasphemy. What if we build the black hole cannons too early and they’ve degraded too much when the Adeptus Mechanicus excavate them. Have faith in the God Emperor’s plan slag and rejoice in your duty.
(Warhammer 40k for anyone who’s going wtf)
Quexotic, So there’s this church…
InputZero, Huh, I was unaware of this church. I hope you realize that we were role playing characters from a table top board game gone super franchise titled Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000. As far as I’m aware, the Warhammer franchise is not associated in any way with the Columbus, Ohio Christian Xenos Church. That’s why I included terms like Adeptus Mechanics which is pulled directly from the franchise.
Quexotic, Oh yeah I know. It’s a humorous coincidence, at least to me. Warhammer seems pretty cool. I don’t have the bandwidth or storage space, money, or time to really get into it.
I did try eisenhorn unlimited. Couldn’t get into it.
benjihm, The popemobile has bulletproof glass. If the Goddamn POPE doesn’t believe, why should anyone else?
vonxylofon, Not any more, actually. Francis rides in the open.
CanadaPlus, Which kind of makes sense if you think about it. The average pope dies in a few years anyway.
vonxylofon, (edited ) He did say something to that effect, yes.
AncientFutureNow, (edited ) deleted_by_author
FlyingSquid, If you don’t believe in the FSM and you’re wrong, you’ll get no pasta in the afterlife.
unionagainstdhmo, If to forgive is divine either hell doesn’t exist or god isn’t divine…
PolandIsAStateOfMind, Also christian god supposedly don’t like religious opportunists very much so people going pascal on him would probably regret it if it was correct.
imgprojts, All wise, all powerful, just can’t handle money!.. George Carlin.
m3t00, he sees you when you’re sleeping. he knows when you’re awake
imgprojts, He knows if your fart is good, so fart good for goodness sake!
MooseBoys, Pascal’s little-known friend Luigi’s wager.
Rolive, Pastas wager?
Quexotic, I think his name is linguini.
kibiz0r, There will never be anything more illustrative of the limits of human intellect than the fact that a master logician famously argued that:
I ought to do XYZ because there may be an omnipotent being that rewards doing XYZ
…and did not immediately think:
I ought not to do XYZ because there may be an omnipotent being that punishes doing XYZ
digger, That’s why I’m working tirelessly to bring Roko’s Basilisk into being! 👍
abraxas, As a theist, I agree. Pascal’s Wager is a terrible argument for God. It doesn’t even address the variety of religions that contradict Christianity with contradicting moral imperatives. It only works if the outcomes are “My Variant of Christian God Exists” or “No God Exists”.
Quexotic, Are you referring to this?'s_wager
LemmyKnowsBest, He thought he had religion nailed, but now he’s screwed.
Sordid, Screws genuinely are better fasteners than nails, though…
CanadaPlus, (edited ) Nails are cheaper, and can be faster to put it. That’s why they’re still a thing.
Edit: Maybe? Apparently their ability to slip a bit is also useful in construction.
FlyingSquid, Doesn’t that depend on the application?
Sordid, (edited ) I can’t think of an application where a nail is better. Sure, sometimes a nail will do and there’s no need to use a screw, but that doesn’t make the nail better, just cheaper.
chiliedogg, For framing a house a nail is absolutely better. As the house settles, wood shrinks, and the frame flexes in storms or quakes the nails allow the wood to move instead of causing things to warp and break.
Quexotic, TIL. Thank you, internet stranger.
CanadaPlus, TIL. I thought it was just about speed and cost.
FlyingSquid, Anywhere that you need greater shear or flexibility, nails are preferable.
Zerush, It depends on every need and environment
LemmyKnowsBest, (edited ) Screws genuinely are better fasteners than nails, though…
Oh so this cartoon depicts a prophet who helped someone upgrade to a more meaningful object of worship.
zepheriths, I don’t mean to sound cynical, but Pastafarian Is ment to be a joke. named after Rastafarians. People that thought Haile Selassie was the second coming of Christ.
atlasraven31, Just as valid as any other religion.
riesendulli, Blasphemous. The great pastawars will lack a lot of sauce
DmMacniel, have you minced your sauce?
SuddenDownpour, Certified whoosh moment
seitanic, And…?
FlyingSquid, The Abrahamic religions started with a joke. God told Abraham to kill his son and then said it was just a prank, bro.
zepheriths, That wasn’t the start was. It started when God said " go to the middle of nowhere bro, trust me bro" "If you’re going to make an insult, do it properly."
- Mike Wazowski 2001
FlyingSquid, The Abrahamic religions began with the Binding of Isaac and Abraham’s “sacrifice” of circumcising himself.
Track_Shovel, Is this AI?
Masimatutu, No idea, I found it on Mastodon and TinEye can’t trace it so probably.
HonkTonkWoman, Pretty sure that this is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
May have to ask a practicing Pastafarian to weigh in on whether this is a legitimate depiction of the noodlely goodness, or whether it’s like a white Jesus situation.
shalafi, I’m ordained in the Chruch and I’ll accept it.
Masimatutu, (edited ) I know, I just meant that I cannot find any source for this specific image, which means it’s probably AI-generated.
edit: And no, by the way, the depiction isn’t completely accurate because the balls are missing. Here is an accurate depiction:
HonkTonkWoman, Ah, so you’re spreading blasphemy?
FlyingSquid, Damn iconoclasts!
lemmy, It might be but the image is similar to other pastafarians depictions of the flying spaghetti monster.
Midjourney mostly creates scary looking ones with a simple input.
Track_Shovel, Bottom left looks like the ‘aliens’ from Devon Townsend’s March of the Poozers video
My Dalle results are pretty good too
seitanic, Damn, the Lovecraftian monsters in this thread are going to haunt my nightmares.
Track_Shovel, Or make you get into tentacle porn
MarmaladeMermaid, But like, in a yummy way?
Holzkohlen, And here I thought the communion wafers SOMEHOW being the body of christ or something. At least pastafari get to cut out all that allegorical nonsense.
Zink, I like to think of them as cookbook-accurate angels.
FlyingSquid, That last one looks surprisingly like some of the biblically accurate angels.
Track_Shovel, Is this AI? If so amazing, and j want to know the prompts.
FlyingSquid, As far as I know, it is not.
Buttons, “Be not afraid!”
Holzkohlen, It says, it’s spaghetti endlessly writhing.
Starshader, DALL.E take on a cute one <3
Track_Shovel, Holy cow I love this
Minarble, No it’s an actual photo.
Big pasta is trying to suppress it.
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, No, this is Patrick.
GreenMario, I sacrifice C:\Windows\System32 to you, old noodly one! 🗑️ Bless me with the computing power to pwn my enemies in CS2, see them driven before me on Twitch, and hear the Lamentations of their simps.
shalafi, I’m an ordained minister in The Church of the FSM and I approve this liturgy. I should seriously ask Bobby if this can make it into official church doctrine.
GreenMario, I just realized the meme said “believe” and not “delete” cuz I’m half blind and shit but whatever I was inspired anyways thanks to the FSM. No regrets
SnipingNinja, FSM works in mysterious ways
FlyingSquid, Have faith, my child, and rm -rf /.
heckypecky, Bless his noodly appendage
FlyingSquid, (edited ) HER noodly appendage, you heretic!
Haven’t your read the 95 Feces?
superduperenigma, R’amen 🙏
OrteilGenou, (edited ) I believe that the big bang was an overcooked ravioli that burst us all into existence, in the name of the fusilli, the sacchettoni, and the holy gnocchi, al dente.
Overzeetop, R’amen
shalafi, I’m ordained in the Church of the FSM and got my fiancé’s buddy ordained so he could marry us week after next. Florida say’s it’s all good!
FlyingSquid, Congratulations!
KnightontheSun, Is it really? I am FSM “ordained”, but as far as I know it is not accepted in the states I operate in. Not to worry, I am ordained in at least two other accepted online churches. I only do this for close family.
SuckMyWang, But gay people are devaluing the institution
asg101, Makes just as much sense as any other cult.
Zink, It makes way more sense than the other cults imo. Like, I won’t get disowned by my family if I change my mind, and in an emergency he can nourish me with his noodly appendage.
asg101, he can nourish me with his noodly appendage.
Certainly sounds more appealing than the blood and body of zombie jebus, I will admit.
captain_aggravated, I’m personally a devotee of the Invisible Pink Unicorn. May her holy hooves never be shod.
MajesticSloth, We know she is pink because we have faith.
joyjoy, Then again, the first commandment
Viking_Hippie, Don’t eat the one fruit that makes you smarter?
joyjoy, God is a jealous bitch, don’t be talking to other gods.
c0mbatbag3l, Idk man, “though shalt not have other gods before me” pretty much directly implies that other gods exist, and we’re square just as long as I don’t worship the flying spaghetti monster below God.
Then of course we shift to monotheism in the more recent Old Testament.
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