
smileyhead, to linux in Is DNS Bloat too?

Okey, I don’t get it. What’s wrong with DNS?

@scroll_responsibly@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Is the fact that that link couldn’t resolve your answer to that question haha?


Uh… Please enlighten me on what DBUS has to do with DNS…


It’s d-bussin yoo


When it breaks, it isn’t always obvious or easy to fix, but can cause problems for anything that has to talk to anything else. The biggest thorn it puts in my side is that short names [ThisPC] are served differently than fqdn [ThisPC.MyDomain.com]. Does NotMyApp use short or FQDN to resolve other machines? I don’t find out until the Wireshark.


Okey, I understand this is fundamental and when not working can cause the service to stop working. But I don’t yet know how does it break or is not easy to troubleshoot?

Haven’t hosted anything big yet, so I always just had to check the records via “dig” command if they are served correctly.


DNS setups can get fairly complicated with enterprise VPNs and stuff, but the main thing is probably just that DNS is built entirely around caching, so when something does go wrong or you’re trying to update something it’s easy for there to be a stale value somewhere. It’s also really fundamental, so when it breaks it can break anything.

Overall, though, DNS isn’t terribly complex. It’s mostly just a key-value store with some caching. Running your own nameservers is pretty cool and will give you a much better understanding of how it all fits together and scales.


Really annoying is when recent devices don’t respect the DNS you’re advertising or allow configuration (Android…)

My site is behind CGNAT on IPv4 with recently added fully routed IPv6. There are legacy control devices all over it that don’t speak IPv6, with local DNS records that allow them to be readily accessed while walking around with a mobile device… Allowed them to be accessed that is, until IPv6.

The Android IPv6 stack ignores the RA for my local DNS and also resolves via v6 by default, forwarding local queries upstream and returning no results. Then it doesn’t bother to fall back to v4. Unrooted Android has no exposed configuration for IPv6 of any sort to modify its behaviour, no hosts file to override or any way I can see to fix this. I can’t even disable IPv6 on my phone.

So to access my local devices from Android I need to use their full IPv4 address or VPN back into my own network… Oh wait, the stack is so broken that despite setting DNS in Wireguard, it still tries to resolve through upstream v6 first!

Apparently recent smart TVs are doing similar even on IPv4, hard-coded to or to dodge ad blocking, which is plain malicious and ignores all standards…

So anyways this is why DNS is dragon #3

FuyuhikoDate, to memes in expandn’t the list
helpImTrappedOnline, (edited )

It probably was there at some point. Here’s an edit page where someone undid the edit adding “You can help expanding this list by killing people!” (Poor grammar copied as is)


If you looked far back enough, you could probably find the phrase in the picture.

UsernameHere, to memes in Question for God

The finger painting is a nice touch. Brown paint would’ve been funnier though.


It started that way but a true artist suffers through adversity

spacesweedkid27, to linuxmemes in Kinda accurate lol


moody, to comicstrips in Hail King Simba

Anakin would be proud.


I laughed. Well done.


Oh! I thought I recognized Mufasa’s voice…

onlinepersona, to linux in Is DNS Bloat too?

I use pigeons and let the wind tell me where to send them.


SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


This might be funnier than all those Facebook accounts with warnings about “I do not authorize anyone to use my photos!”

Because they’re trying to copyright an internet comment that they posted on a service hosted by someone else, with a creative commons license attached. It’s like a step up in knowing how shit works, but still not knowing enough.

If you really want ownership over what you say… don’t post it on the fucking internet.


I mean, not really. You own the stuff you create regardless of who’s hosting it. Microsoft doesn’t own the copyright for the millions of projects hosted on GitHub either.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I use pigeons and let the wind tell me where to send them.

So is other guy gonna sue me now and win because I just copy and pasted what they said? This is a joke.


I mean, probably not. That’s such a short post, chances are courts wouldn’t find it copyrightable. And obviously attaching a license at the end of your comments is useless in practice, because no one on the internet actually properly engages with copyright law. Plus suing over copy-pasting someone’s social media post is dumb as hell and no one does that, tho I do think you could technically do it and win, because current copyright laws make zero sense if you actually stop and think about it for any amount of time.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

current copyright laws make zero sense if you actually stop and think about it for any amount of time.

So true.

@kbal@fedia.io avatar

My lawyers will argue that this willful infringement of my rights as the orignal author of the famous 1997 Internet comment "So true" means that you now owe me $4000000 in damages, but I'll settle for one bitcoin.


And yet Microsoft made Copilot, and there are currently lots of clueless programmers out there using it to inject code with god knows what licenses into their company’s software.


Which hasn’t been free of legal challenges. Current copyright law doesn’t account for machine learning, which is what allows them to do this. This could soon change.


They’re not going to be absolved of copying code verbatim without following its license.


they’ll be absolved because they’re a corporation


You own the original, which you’ve written on your pc or phone. But the one that ends up on the website is a copy, on which you’ve granted the website owner a non-revokable license to do with as they please ie. a copy-right.


Not really. You’ve granted the owner some rights, such as the right to host your content and present it to any user on the platform, but they don’t own it. Twitter can’t start using any art hosted on their platform for their branding, because it’s no theirs.


They can if the license you granted them says they can. Read it. These platforms usually make you grant then extensive rights. Yes they don’t own the content but given such broad permissions it makes very little practical difference.


Wait lol are people posting that to their comments to use it as claimed ownership? I did not realize that was the intent there

AbidanYre, (edited )

There’s an RFC for that


TIL, thanks 😄


callyral, (edited )
@callyral@pawb.social avatar


Are you trying to… copyright your comment? IPoAC existed prior to your comment.


It’s not even a license, just an abbreviation that people may, or may not, be familiar with.


I really need a link to a blurb about the CC thing, but not today. Basically think AI.


@callyral@pawb.social avatar

Fair enough

Zehzin, to memes in Question for God
@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

“I thought it would be funny.”

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That’s what Robin Williams said was the reason for the platypus.

Banana, to memes in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

A woman out of the kitchen? Unbelievable! That Lady over there can’t shit. Shit is a manly that woman can’t do!

@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

I’m bewildered, too. The only thing keeping me from flying into a confused, indignant rage is the thought that a lab is kind of like a kitchen.


Not to kill your joke but women do sit to pee as well.


Wait, my anime body pillow pees?


Unfortunately not. Science has not come this far.


But together, we can change this


Maybe That Lady stands to pee and Banana has access to that intel?


Females don’t have bodily functions, obviously. It’s impure and unwoman like to use the toilet.



Exactly. Women just shit their pants cause using the toilet is unwomanly. It is known.

key, to lemmyshitpost in Bible
@key@lemmy.keychat.org avatar

I’m sorry but what in all fuck is this?!

@_dev_null@lemmy.zxcvn.xyz avatar
kuneho, (edited ) to risa in Difficult Terrain
@kuneho@lemmy.world avatar

I mean… to be honest, the very first moment I saw her, I knew she will eventually removed from the crew. Her character was just… too empty.

but the way she died… come on, man

@But_Class_War@midwest.social avatar

Wait wait wait, are you trying to say that a character whose first big episode s1e4 saw them, as the head of security, get kidnapped for a forced marriage and had a character background of [checks notes] planet of rape gangs wasn’t enough of a character?

Early TNG wasn’t great, not surprising Denise Crosby asked to be released from her contract early. Fully agree they did her dirty with that death story but glad they still brought her back a few times

@kuneho@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t be sure were you sarcastic or nor, in text it’s not easy to determine; but yeah. she was… way too cliché-y compared to… anyone else.

after TOS, bullshit deaths wasn’t such an unexpected thing, but the way she died, especially as the head of security…

idk. also, she was my gf’s favorite, so this also way a giveaway that she will die eventually…

by the way, saw lots of people saying early TNG is shit, but aside FROM THAT FUCKING RIKER MONTAGE SEASON ENDING EPISODE (wtf man?), it was fine IMO. sometimes a little bit rough on the edges, tho, that’s true.

but that’s also true that we didn’t really had any illusions, we were so hyped on Star Trek after TOS and being drunk by the fact that there’s a lot more Star Trek to watch helped us through on the lesser good episodes of TNG. (but the montage, man…)

But_Class_War, (edited )
@But_Class_War@midwest.social avatar

partially sarcastic, Tasha Yar as a character had big potential and was intended to be cooler but they started off on the wrong foot, never corrected, and never developed her.

The wikipedia rabbit hole for Tasha Yar and her actor Denise Crosby is an interesting one. Some of the creators thought she was the most interesting character in the “show bible” so maybe it was the episode writers that missed the message and gave her such empty stories and flubbed what could have been a cool character. Either way it would have been interesting to see a woman in the role of chief of security and another big leap in the progressiveness of star trek.

TOS had post cold war russians, and showed that black people are part of the future. Aside from briefly having a woman in charge of security I can’t think of any progressive traits on TNG other than negotiating and 1st contact (are Picard’s bag and) better that fighting. Don’t get me wrong through I still hold a special place for TNG, just finished a rewatch not too long ago, but on second-ish watch, with the rose tinted glasses off, it is disappointing they had an opportunity to make a statement about a brighter, freer, more equitable future but ended up going with rape gangs and forced marriage (oh and fucking Data) instead.

So yeah the character ended up weak but was originally intended to be a bad ass. missed opportunity for something cooler and bigger.

HawlSera, (edited )

Sadly it is the old assumption that rape is just “One of those things that happens to women, like periods.”

It’s getting better now, more editors are catching it (Laura Croft was supposed to be a “innocent flower” at one point who only became badass because she got raped… this was not only removed from the final game but the person was fired)

But… the idea of rape as a “Female Problem like broken finger nails and not being able to go to the mall” is definitely a major sign that the writing you are looking at is from the 90s when they want edge and they want women, but no idea how to do both.

I’ve even done it once and I’m not even a man… and even then it was in something meant to be sleazy with a B grade horror vibe and as an homage to I Spit On Your Grave

@kuneho@lemmy.world avatar

(oh and fucking Data)

man, I completely forgot about that :D

but I see. and I can aggree that there was potential in her.


[…] get kidnapped for a forced marriage and had a character background of [checks notes] planet of rape gangs wasn’t enough of a character?

Can you add more on this please? There are too many unanswered questions there.

xantoxis, (edited )

You’ve literally heard almost all of it. She mentions there being drugs, and there’s a couple places where she talks about having to escape the rape gangs. I think maybe one brief flashback in a dark cave. AFAIR there was no explanation. I think it was meant to explain why she’s a “badass”, but everyone in Star Trek is a badass and they didn’t need rape gangs to explain it.


It was a weird time for women in media… we were being written for the first time as something other than a housewife… but most writers are men and have no idea how to do that.

So there was this idea early on that a housewife is “Normal” and any deviation is an oddity that needs to be explained.

In media for adults this tended to be rape in media for kids it was more subtle…

You had the “Dumbass In Distress” character, an evolution of the damsel where she is competant and badass in the first two acts but once we get to the third… “Time to forget everything I know about common sense and fighting prowress so that someone with a penis can save me!”

A great example of this is Sonya Blade in the 95 Mortal Kombat flick. Throughout most of it she is a badass hypercompetent take no prisoners character who even kills her rival Kano… something she keeps trying to do and failing in the games.

But in the third act? Nope fuck that. Shang Tsung kidnaps her and takes her to Outworld so that Earthrealm will be tempted to give up to save her… even though she’s supposed to be just as good of a fighter as Johnny Cage…

This isn’t even something you can blame on the games as Sonya only had the damsel role once, and it was in MK2 where not only was Kano also in the exact same predicament, but we got Mileena and Kitana neither of whom are damsels. Heck Mileena is even a rare example of a female villain that DOESN’T wind up joining the good guys (Until the most recent reboot, but basically everyone did a Heel Face Turn in that so it really isn’t misogyny)


I’ve been watching One Piece (the anime) for a couple of months now and, while I know that it’s shonen, watching the obviously badass female characters suddenly turn into sexy wimps is consistently disappointing.

@But_Class_War@midwest.social avatar

That’s literally Tasha’s shitty/lazy backstory, grew up orphan style on a busted ass plant, hiding from all the rape gangs that were running round. I forget which episodes she mentions it in but there’s a surprisingly few references to it: memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Rape_gangmemorydelta.fandom.com/wiki/Natasha_Yar [1) ctrl+F Rape 2) say “damn, wtf!”]

nothendev, to asklemmy in What are these comments on lemmy posts?

if it has document.cookie in it - it is trying to steal your cookies, to use your account. that’s a JavaScript link that, well, sends your account cookies to a random ass site.

itsAllDigital, to memes in No subversion of expectations here
mrbubblesort, to comicstrips in Grilboss this! Girlboss that!
@mrbubblesort@kbin.social avatar

I appreciate the sentiment, but if you forget to vote I got no sympathy for you

khannie, to risa in We must remember our forefathers
@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I watched TNG through fully with my daughter when she was 12, one episode most nights. She’s nearly 17 now and absolutely shocked that I can send her banger Star Trek memes daily.

LOVE this place and all the posters. Thank you!

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I wish I could get my daughter into Star Trek. She’s not interested in any of it. She doesn’t even like science fiction that much. I don’t get it. She came from two devoted Trekkies. We have a standup Mr. Spock in the hallway on the wall. We have a delta on the living room wall. We have a Spock tree topper and an Amok Time ornament. And I can’t get her to watch a single episode of any of it. We tried Encounter at Farpoint a couple of years ago and she didn’t even make it through the first half.

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

Encounter at Farpoint probably isn’t the place to start.

We tend to assume our kids will get into it the same way we did, but different generations respond differently.

Our kids are fans, but they like the franchise on their own terms. We started them with the TAS DVD set, after priming them with Odd Squad. They loved it.

When they hit school age, I tried them on a curated set of TNG episodes. Didn’t really stick, but Voyager they adored. By high school they’d tried most of it but would only watch the occasional episode of DS9 or Enterprise. They watched the early seasons of Discovery with enthusiasm even though I had to fast forward through some scenes.

In high school, their interest fell off as they explored other fandoms, but they’ve come back to it on their own terms. And their favourite shows at the moment aren’t ones that I would ever have predicted.


How old is she? Because Encounter at Farpoint isn’t exactly an episode that would hook the average kid.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That’s not the only thing we showed her, that was just an example.


Might just be kids being kids. If the parents like it it’s by default dusty and not cool. Eventually they come around, at least I did on quite a few things I found lethally boring as a kid.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

She loves cult movies and I introduced her to those, so I don’t think it’s rebellion. Sci-fi just isn’t her thing.


How did Lower Decks go over?


While it is easily the best show of any genre to be produced in a long time, I’m not sure how anyone that doesn’t know trek can get full enjoyment out of it, let alone 2/3 of the jokes.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

She really doesn’t like sci-fi. I’ve stopped trying.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

Give it time, you never know. Our kid isn’t super into any of it but did latch onto Twilight Zone and then like TOS soon after. She wasn’t ever huge into star wars either. I have yet to introduce her to the rest of trek. I’m running out of time before she’s in college lol

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

Lol … the rebellious alternative teen in the 90s was often a Trekkie that lived in an alternate reality.

The modern rebellious alternative teen is now probably someone who refuses to join their parents fanbase.

It’s probably not that they don’t like Star Trek … it’s probably like they just want to do something without their parents. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you, they just want to do something different.

But what do I know … I don’t even have kids. But I do have about 30 nieces and nephews, and about the same number of grand nieces and nephews who have given me enough experience to know that teenagers are a weird bunch … and when you think about it, we all were at one point.

GreenMario, to linuxmemes in It doesn’t even take special talents to do!

Akshully it’s GNU/Emacs.


No, it’s GNU Emacs.

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