I need to survive for 3 days without pooping, and eating as little as possible. I can pee, but not very often. It can't take up too much space. What food do I pack?

Please don't ask why I need this.

It would be great if the food also made me sweat less.

It has to be something I can easily find.


  • I am not planning on partaking in any illegal activities.
  • I do not condone the use of illegal substances and am not planning on smuggling anything anywhere.
  • I am not going on a hiking trip or mailing myself anywhere.
  • I will be staying in a tent (not a small one; a huge with with air conditioning and everything). I will be traveling for five days, returning to my current location on day 3 and traveling again on the last two days. I will not poop on the first three days (hopefully).
  • Clean toilets with all the expected facilities will be available to me. I am not going to poop for reasons that I wish to keep to myself.
  • If it gets bad, like really bad, like a-piece-of-poop-is-literally-halfway-out-my-ass bad, I will use the toilets.

Please stop asking because I am not telling anyone the reason.


I think David Blane talked about this on Hot Ones

@Granite@kbin.social avatar

Avoid foods with lots of fiber leading up to the trip! And then take lots of fiber after you’re home safely.

person, (edited )
@person@feddit.de avatar

Nut Butters: Peanut or almond butter in small jars or packets. They are calorie-dense and can be eaten in small quantities.

Crackers: Plain crackers are low in fiber and can be filling.

Cheese: Hard cheeses like cheddar can be easy on the stomach and don’t require refrigeration for short periods.

Protein Bars: Opt for bars that are low in fiber.

Dried Meat: Such as beef jerky, can be a good source of protein.

Nuts and Seeds: In moderation, these can be good sources of energy.

Bottled Water: You’ll need to stay hydrated, but since you mentioned you can’t pee very often, drink just enough to not feel thirsty.

Electrolyte packets or tablets: To keep your electrolyte balance in check without consuming too much liquid.


@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks a lot! I'll go hunting for these as soon as the stores open for the day.


An uncle died for not pooping for 3 days

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, but whose uncle hasn’t?

@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

My one pedo uncle got so constipated that the shit inside of him crushed his heart. Nobody was upset by it.

@victron@kbin.social avatar

Enough fediverse for today, jeez.


That sentence is a wild ride!

@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

He was that bloated and full of shit.

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

I'm scared now WHAT

FrankTheHealer, (edited )

I dont think you can die from not pooping for 3 days. I go 3 days without pooping sometimes because my metabolism is slow as fuck.

A week or longer without pooping? Yeah might cause issues, but 3 days is fine

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Same here, did it when I was younger. Day 3 was rough but it was definitely doable.

@RickRussell_CA@lemmy.world avatar

It's about preparation. Approximate gut motility for a healthy adult on a light diet is about 48-60 hours. So, stop eating 3 days before you leave, poop out all you possibly can before your 3 day period starts. Drink about 500ml water per day in the days leading up to the 3 day period. It wouldn't hurt to prep with a mild laxative to remove as much gut content as possible.

Once the timer starts, start eating small amounts only after the first day. For water, about 500ml per day. The good news is that what you pee out can't take much more space than the fresh water you drink.

This assumes you are relatively sedentary. If you perform manual labor during the 3 day period, you'll need to increase water intake, and possibly food intake, to avoid exhaustion.

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks! I have exactly 3 days left so I'll get started right now.


Are you planning to film one of those "shipping myself in a box" videos? 😭

@4am@lemmy.world avatar

Bro are you mailing yourself somewhere?

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

I wish I could mail myself out of this situation but nope.


Come on. The internet is kinda anonymous, you could tell us it's because it's your biggest kink and noone would bat an eye. If you don't tell in fear of IRL friends finding out... that's already gone anyways.

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Heyy is it a situation you’re in voluntarily, you’ve been forced into it, or ‘voluntarily’ bc getting out of it would be more painful?

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

I wasn't forced and only two people know I'm holding my poop in. But they don't know what extents I'm willing to go to in order to achieve this.




This is exactly the sort of thing I'm guessing. Or stowing away.


I'm pretty Sure you are a Woman going on a hike for multiple days and you don't want to poop in the wild? These problems sound quite familiar xD


Thank god, I thought OP was going to torture their spouse lmao

@frequency@lemmy.world avatar

My first thought was going on another Titanic expedition in a sub.

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not a woman and I will have access to toilets. I just cannot let my myself poop for certain reasons.


Is it kinky sex stuff

@match@pawb.social avatar

I think it's vanilla sex stuff but as a marathon (I consider anal sex to be vanilla)


I dont know if I consider anal with 3 days worth of scat to be vanilla

@ErraticDragon@kbin.social avatar

I assumed OP would be willing to say it it was "just" that. This being the Internet and all, people admit to way weirder stuff all the time.

When I was a Boy Scout, we often had kids who would refuse to go. It was a whole thing that we had to check on. (Along with asking everyone how yellow their pee was.)

I remember one guy was in tears on the hike out, and it turned out that he had faked out the scoutmaster by taking a walk with the TP and shovel, but not actually gone. Poor kid was barely able to walk, but kept insisting he couldn't void either.

I only learned later how serious it can get if prolonged.


Realistically, if you eat anything, you'll poop. Tail down your calorie intake to ~1000 calories at day -7, to -500 on days -6 and -5, then to 0 for days -4 through -1. Start eating again on day zero.

You won't have to poop during that time. Make sure to drink water, and i would add electrolytes to ensure you don't get any type of heart arrhythmia (unlikely on a fast this short, but intelligent anyway).

I don't know why you need to do this, but good luck. I've done week long fasts before and they're not too hard after the first couple of days. Ironically, eating well before the start makes it MUCH harder (you'd think it'd tide you over, but it just makes your body expect food) ... Hence, the tailing down over a couple days.

@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Hard boiled eggs. Astronauts love them because they are almost completely absorbed and pooping in space is a hassle.



@CoolBeance@lemmy.world avatar

Oh god. I never thought I would imagine a "floater" as anything more than poop in a pool

@snipe_at@lemmy.world avatar

hey i saw that you only have a few days, you should go ahead and reduce your food intake today



Should be available at most grocery stores

@PastaTrees@lemmy.world avatar

I can't tell if it's made from people or not

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

I had GI issues that forced me to live off protein shakes like soylent for months. You still poop, but it turns into more of a Nutella spread.


Why would you compare it with Nutella! I'll forever remember @Ghostalmedia poop when I eat Nutella.

specks, (edited )

Yeah, after a few days on a Soylent diet, should enter reduced pooping mode. Since people only poop every few days I believe.

And for the record, you don't have to drink a while bottle for a meal. Can nurse a single bottle throughout the day.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

High protein, low fiber diet.

It's a real thing, pilots of U2 spy planes that needed to fly for ~18 hours straight without any possibility of pooping, needed to be on a special diet for a few days before a mission.

What exactly it consisted of I don't know, but this is the internet, so I'm sure it can be found. I suspect mainly beef. Maybe jerky?

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks. I'll try to find some food like that tomorrow. I have only 3 days to prepare.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

For real, ask on some aviation community or Reddit. You'll find real pilots with very specific experience.

My guess would still be beef jerky, plus it's light and doesn't spoil. Also I'd start asap, so you can still get empty before the "trip" and not have much inside left.



I'd that like Digg or Tumblr? Doesn't ring a bell...


Reddit? damn near took it out for a nice dinner!

@vegivamp@feddit.nl avatar

There is something called low-residue diet, often needed before or after certain medical procedures. You might Google information on that.

@Parsecale@kbin.social avatar

This person is for sure going to pack themselves onto a pallet for cheap LTL interstate transport or possibly descending to the Titanic in a questionable craft.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

Downthread they say they will also do a lot of walking. It does sound like some sort of... "informal migration" scheme.


For anybody doing this seriously be careful. High salt/protein and low water sounds like a recipe for all kinds of issues.

For example extremely high water low salts can cause brain swelling and death.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

They should really drink oral rehydration salts instead of plain water.


For example extremely high water low salts can cause brain swelling and death.

And before that, you lose your balance, are vomiting and have diarrhea after you eat/drink something, and have seizures. Then your kidneys shut down.

The week in the hospital on IV fluids and dialysis recovering was not pleasant.

BasicWhiteGirl, (edited )
@BasicWhiteGirl@kbin.social avatar

I just watched a movie(bad thriller) about hikers. They popped some pill before they started to climb to stop them from pooping. Wonder what it was and if pilots also take something besides just diet.


Probably Imodium. Most hikers keep it in their pack in case they get gerardia


I was incapacitated by the shits in Toronto and Imodium locked that shit down


I wish Imodium worked on what I have right now. Been dumping straight liquid into the can every 25-30 mins for 7 days. I'm dying over here.

Doc says either norovirus or ecoli, Imodium does not touch it.


I ate some undercooked turkey and dumped for 2 days and just wanted to die at the end. 7 days seems unimaginable.


7 days is a lot.
Try and stay hydrated, don't pass out, get well.

@Quereller@kbin.social avatar


@apis@kbin.social avatar

If it is that bad then probably better out than in, but you may need to be on a drip to avoid dangerous dehydration, so keep your doctor updated. Hope you recover soon!



@sectorfour@kbin.social avatar





Thank you. I knew it was wrong, but it broke my brain and I couldn't think of the correct word, lol.


Okay, why don't you need this?

@sunaurus@lemm.ee avatar

What I would do in this situation would be a 4-day fast. It's not for everybody, but you might want to at least consider it, because it's definitely doable, and some people even claim it's healthy (disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, don't take medical advice from random people on the internet).

To prepare, I would suggest switching to OMAD (one meal a day - effectively you will be fasting 23h every day) up until the trip. OMAD will help your body adjust to long periods of not eating. To be successful with OMAD, you need to ensure that your single meal will cover your daily calorie and nutrient needs. There's a bunch of resources about it online if you search.

Eat your last meal 48h before the trip - this will give you a chance to empty your bowels before you leave. Every day, make sure you drink enough electrolytes + take multivitamins. On the final day of your trip, it should be safe to have a SMALL meal (do not overdo it, you can hurt yourself by eating too much after a fast) - it should take your body over a full day before you'll need to poop.

How long do you have to prepare? Personally, when I first started doing OMAD, it took me over a month before my body became adjusted to fasting. But now, it just feels completely natural.

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

I have only two days to prepare. I'll also have to walk around a lot during those three days so I don't think I'll be able to survive with only one meal.


If you need to walk around a lot, it'll be tougher to do it on am empty stomach, but not impossible. You have plenty of energy stores to last 3 days unless you're significantly underweight to start with.

You will not be able to eat your daily allowance of calories for three days and not need to poop during that time. It's just not a thing that's going to happen for you.

If you are determined to eat and not poop, eat protein bars, and take an anti diahrreal (e.g., Imodium). You won't poop, but day 4-5 will be awful.


I'm not sure what "walk around a lot" means exactly but I've interpreted it as hiking and I'm fairly certain that you will have a very bad time when hiking for three days without ANY food.

And why do you think that you won't be able to consume enough calories without food? All kinds of drinks should have enough energy to sustain you, e.g. soft drinks, especially if you sweat and therefore drink more than 2l a day. In the worst case you can also just eat sugar.

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

I'll walk to a certain place... Take a train to place 2... on and on until I return to my current location for a few days and can finally poop again before starting on the same journey again (but i can poop this time).

@mizu6079@lemmy.world avatar

I don't mind severe constipation as long as i don't have to poop for those three days. Thanks a lot.

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I added your response to https://kbin.com/m/bestof and/or @bestof

@BiaThemis@kbin.social avatar

Just a heads up, you are linking the wrong URL. It should be https://kbin.social/m/bestof instead of .com

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