For the most part, people are very nice around here especially compared to Reddit and Facebook. Every once in a while, though, because of federation you’ll end up in some random thread full of angry people without even realizing it and say something completely benign, only to be brigaded in response by a whole lot of angry people who constantly sort their instance by new comment and refresh.
And give it a chance. It starts a bit slow but really is one the greatest shows ever. The second half of season 2 kind of sucks because David Lynch lost control of the show but the return which is on showtime is one the greatest pieces of media ever created.
Yup exactly this. Season one is excellent. The first half of season two is also great (if a bit rushed). The second half of season two totally goes off the rails and most of it isn’t referenced again in the series, except for a few major plot points. Twin Peaks the return is my favorite TV show of all time.
Yeah, this is from the Google Maps business page from last year. The E turned to F around 2020 based on other photos. I guess they remodeled the whole thing instead just fixing it.
Pizza huts in the ecology of chain restaurants, are equivalent to whatever provides hermit crabs their shells.
Its gotta be a land development company under the guise of a pizza place, because there are no fewer than 6 old pizza hut building in my community, that are very clearly but no longer Pizza Huts. In-fact, Pizza Hut just, sold their old building, and guess what. We’re getting a new pizza hut.
There’s one state, I believe Indiana, where the big chain Waffle House operates under the name Waffle Shoppe. This is because there was already a preexisting mom and pop Waffle House in the area.
Correction: it’s “Waffle and Steak,” and they stopped doing that in 2005.
Yep. I’m from Indiana (I live here again) and we used to go to the Indiana version of the Waffle House and play Risk all night because we were wild and crazy teenagers. It was like Denny’s but scuzzier.
Also, like every town weirdo ate there for some reason. Which made it good for people watching.
There was a claw machine at the entrance. I kicked ass at that claw machine. I won like 10 stuffed animals to give to my dog to tear into pieces.
EDIT: Also, the fry cook had a Frankenstien’s Monster head. Like he looked like Boris Karloff in the monster make-up except without the bolts. So fucking weird.
Basically a cake, but made out of layers of white bread and savory things, like for example ham, liver pâté or salmon. The ‘frosting’ or whatever you want to call it is usually based on mayonnaise or creme fraiche.
It’s really good, for the record. You eat it as a main, commonly at festive occasions.
I don’t see any tabs both on my mobile device and desktop and I have similar amount of songs as you. Could this functionality be only limited to English language? I have my apps in Russian and Polish respectively.
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