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harry_balzac, in Further study is needed

Sounds like some sort of conspiracy. Like universal healthcare.

kubica, in Bob and the bobcat
@kubica@kbin.social avatar

I wonder how much time he was there trying to make sure to appear at least in one shot.

@FartsWithAnAccent@kbin.social avatar

There are motion activated trail cams


Motion denied.

LazaroFilm, (edited ) in Customer support
@LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a custom order. Here’s also a screening process first. We only make them for the reich person.


For the smell person? 👀

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

Is it for your son Kyle? I believe he is this tall (raises outstretched right hand palm down)

oh … you didn’t hear me?

YOUR SON KYLE!!!? (raises outstretched right hand palm down)


That’d be Riech


That’s what OP wrote before they edited their comment


Ah fair

@LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar


Kalkaline, in Title
@Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

Whoever says Hamas and the IDF are the good guys must love the mass killing of civilians happening right now.

state_electrician, (edited )

Just yesterday a comment where I said Hamas and the Israeli government are equally shitty got removed (edit: I can see it again now) from a WorldNews community. Sure, Israel is killing way more civilians right now and that is an absolute atrocity that must stop right now. But if that makes you turn around and pretend Hamas isn’t a bunch of murderous cunts, then you got your head screwed on wrong. Israel is ahead in numbers because Hamas lacks the opportunity to get even.


barsoap, (edited )

The current minister for national security is a straight-up blood and soil fascist, both him and Netanyahu are implicated in calls to assassinate Yitzhak Rabin. Netanyahu himself is in quite some legal trouble over corruption, not to mention that he should be in trouble over, at the very least, overseeing systematic war crimes (settlement in occupied territories). Plenty of Israelis, especially family of Hamas victims/hostages (largely lefties btw) right-out blame him for allowing the attacks to happen – Israel had the intel, yet the IDF was withdrawn from the Gaza border to back up settlers harassing Palestinians in the west bank. There’s no chance in hell they’re going to survive the next elections.

It may be a bit of an edgelord take but as long as there’s Kahanites in Israel’s government calling them a bunch of murderous cunts really isn’t off-base: Kahanites definitely are that and the rest are tolerating it and therefore at least complicit.


Still have never encountered nobody literally saying ‘Hamas are the good guys’. But I guess any purely causal pondering on understanding what takes a human being into joining terrorist ranks is banned in this society. I don’t wanna understand, just bomb it flat.


That’s because your instance defederated from hexbear and lemmygrad.


When I first got on lemmy some of the hexies tried to convince me that N Korea was a pretty chill place to live. Hexbear is still the only instance I’ve seen of horseshoe theory actually existing.


The thing they have in common aren’t left/right things—that’s most people in most nations. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism. And governments, like people, can be left/right socially and the opposite, economically.

barsoap, (edited )

They’re not economically left wing though: State capitalism is still capitalism. Bourgeois don’t cease to be bourgeois when they control everything, nobody else can control anything, and you have to call them comrade.

Where I’ll grant some left-wing tendencies is in things like raising literacy rates, but even when it comes to healthcare it’s a hit and miss – Cuba is quite excellent, China is as bad as the US.


Maybe! It looks like state capitalism imo, but I’d really need to have this discussion with people who are well versed in economics, and not USA style economics, since we’ve basically messed up the meanings of everything. I’m wondering what Picketty might say?


It’s actually more sociology I’d say as we’re talking more about class and class relations than how the economy upholds them: MLs don’t have state power upholding economic relations to uphold class relations they hold up class relations by direct state power.

Anyway “state capitalism” is the term Lenin coined to describe what he did, precisely because the Bolsheviks didn’t move to a classless society but replaced nobility and bourgeois with the nomenklatura: Still a ruling class in control of everything. Say what you want about the man but he wasn’t dishonest. The whole thing was done under Marx’ theory that capitalism first has to bring about productivity enhancements etc. before actual communism is possible which is bullshit in general but was probably accurate in its historical and geographic context, question of course being a) did you really need to replace an authoritarian hellhole with another authoritarian hellhole, in that regard Russia has only made a modicum of progress in the last, what, 800 years and b) why would centrally-planned capitalism be more, or even just as, effective at technological and productivity progress than at least some semblance of a market and competition. They took the worst aspect of historical capitalism and removed all the parts which actually bring about progress.


It’s odd to me that we can even pretend to separate sociology and economics.


Ah yeah that fits way better haha

@pozbo@lemmy.world avatar

Check out hexbear from your anonymous tab, you’ll be glad they got defederated.

ickplant, in Roughly 31.75 meters
@ickplant@lemmy.world avatar

I used this study for my conversion; it lists 13.12 cm as the average erect length.


That is exactly 1250 inches. I think they’re using imperial here.

@ickplant@lemmy.world avatar

Imperial dicks, that checks out.


Thank you for your rigor.

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, no. It doesn’t get that way until you stimulate it.


So are we nolonger using the kings dick as reference like back in the old days.

shalafi, (edited ) in Save thousands

No joke y’all, plan shit like this now, not tomorrow, not next year. And I don’t care your age or health. If you die tonight, the funeral industry vultures will swoop on your grieving people and fuck them over.

Working on end-of-life stuff with my new wife (both of us 52), and she doesn’t like it, but it’s getting done. If I eat it tomorrow, she’ll be buying a casket, plot, headstone, whatever the hell she’s told to buy.

Get a will drawn up, get a Living Will signed and notarized. Hell, just look up “end of life documents” and get to work if you love the people you might be leaving.

And if you’re married, FFS get life insurance, preferably whole life. It’s hilariously cheap if you’re young, and I mean stupid cheap, like $10-20/mo. cheap for fat stacks. Study on it a bit, don’t get jerked around! Had a good friend over the other night who sells and explained much.

Tried to get us on a plan that immediately pays out funeral expenses. Sounds great! Nah, we’ll self-insure that small bit. Instead we’ll setup a joint account and auto-pay $100-$200 a month until we’re feeling good about it. $10-20K? Can’t afford that? Who cares?! Pay $25/mo., whatever, it’ll stack if you’re young.

tl;dr: The funeral business gets away with this shit because we don’t plan, and that’s on us. And if you want a casket? Sure, take a plan as pictured.


Plan WAY ahead and donate your body to science. Family isn’t stuck with a bill to the vultures. Cremation even costs way too much to pay people that prey on grieving family for something that is inevitable. And science benefits from your donation. Ultimate win.

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

“science” doesn’t take every body, and I’ve outlived two of the three doctors who want to experiment on my corpse (much to their chagrin).


THAT is a fine idea! Totally forgot!

And let’s not forget to check that organ donor box. See how it works in your country.


Also, tell the guy that digs the hole how big the coffin is including handles.

Because I went to a funeral last year where it didn’t fit.


Good God what happened then?

AClassyGentleman, in “Rumblr”

Yakuza/Like a Dragon sidequest.

CryptidBestiary, in Unionize even harder

i jUst DoN’T LIkE aNytHinG wHIcH CreATs KInd of A lorDs aNd pEAsaNts SoRt oF tHinG


Someone should nugde his shoulder, stare into his eyes, and whisper “you have more wealth than 3 billion people combined


The guy is channeling Galadriel: “All shall love me and despair!”

independantiste, in Snow!
@independantiste@sh.itjust.works avatar

I feel so lucky to live in a place where winter tires are mandatory for the winter


Where I live, that would unnecessarily tear up the roads. It don’t snow here

independantiste, (edited )
@independantiste@sh.itjust.works avatar

The roads are already so fucked up here from the corruption that took place in the construction industry (and it still probably does take place). The mafia owned all the construction companies and did shit work and charged more for less. So now all the roads are patched up and terrible to drive on. And the funny thing is as soon as you cross the border to Vermont or Ontario(I’m in Québec) it’s like crossing magic portal, the roads are instantly spotless lol


That’s how it feels when I have to drive through Mississippi; the state line can seem like night and day in regard to the roads. It sometimes goes from feeling like your off-road driving to smooth as butter


You had me at Montreal in the first sentence lol

@independantiste@sh.itjust.works avatar



They don’t have spikes…


Well, some do. In Scandinavia many people drive tires with spikes. In Germany they are illegal. Depends on how hard winter is out there.


But are the spikes mandatory?

the_third, (edited )

Nah, when I was on vacation there I was always allowed to drive my normal winter tires. On some mountain passes e.g. chains were mandatory though, and for good reason.

spudwart, in Build him a dungeon?
@spudwart@spudwart.com avatar

Make them write an essay about why they’re a good person deserving of love.


As any maso sub I’ve talked to will say, that’s true horror!

doctorcrimson, in THE DAY HATH COME

Ajit Pai isn’t dead…?


He’s dead to me

Darken, (edited )
@Darken@reddthat.com avatar

Who is ajit pa

doctorcrimson, (edited )

Piece of Shit Pie as the internet usually refers to him, was an office holder in the FCC appointed by then sitting US President Donald Trump in 2017. His most noticeable policy stances included a complete end to Net Neutrality regulations in the USA and to or from abroad, despite previously claiming that he didn’t think the board of unelected members had the authority to dictate it. Once he switched his stance to deregulation it would have had the effect of letting telecommunications companies and other intermediary ISPs decide what content or sources their users have access to: the internet as a whole to all US citizens could have been completely controlled by a small group of companies, their customers potentially seeing only what they want them to see and not having access or freedom to send or receive connections.

@Retrograde@lemmy.world avatar

A true bastard indeed

@DarkDarkHouse@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

He’s just visiting for public policy ideas

TrickDacy, in What's wrong with 'eggs'?
@TrickDacy@lemmy.world avatar

They’re actually chicken periods.


I prefer chicken abortions.


Abortion implies fertilization. Your typical carton of eggs comes from chickens that have not been near a rooster and therefore won’t have been fertilized. They’re just completed menstruation.

1984, in Yeah, but...
@1984@lemmy.today avatar

That was the thing about old games, they weren’t worried about being difficult sometimes. Gamers were happy to get a challenge.


I don’t know, but perhaps in america, in addition to the original consoles from Nintendo, no-name consoles were sold?


In post-USSR countries, those were definitely more prevalent. I had one of the “off brand” consoles and a bunch of cartridges, some without casing, even. Also had that light gun thing that you could point at a TV screen for the duck hunt game

@abfarid@startrek.website avatar

It was a Dendy, wasn’t it?


Of course it was


The old old games - the arcade games - were made difficult on purpose to farm coins for continues, in fact. Then with video games, publishers gradually started flipping it over to encourage players to complete their games and buy new ones


Kinda. Publishers often found arcade difficulty spikes useful in home console games because it would mask how little content there was. Super Mario Bros could be beaten in an hour or two by most people if the lives system didn't send you all the way back to the beginning of the game when you ran out.


I remember buying a book with the secrets of Super Mario Bros (and other NES) games typed backwards so you had to use a mirror to know how to warp from 1-2 to 4-2 to get to 8-1.

I doubt I’d have finished…but I’ve got a TG-16 I can’t beat anything on.


I still have my Nintendo power guide book for all the super Mario Bros, The legend of Zelda 1, link, all the mega Man games… And a few others. I also have two original NES systems, a super Nintendo, N64, PS2, and a Wii.


Oh yeah! Forgot about that stuff lol


Making the game harder also made a smaller game last longer. If you remove the difficulty factor of lots of most old games, either by tweaking it or mastering it, then it becomes possible to beat the game in a matter of minutes.

samus12345, (edited )
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I was surprised when I first started watching longplays and discovered that most 16-bit and under games took 20-30 minutes to beat if you knew what you were doing.

@Orbituary@lemmy.world avatar

Dragon Slayer.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

The real scams were games with countdown timers that went down constantly unless you were able to get a lucky object. Notably, Gauntlet. You had to keep putting in quarters or you would die even if you were really good.

1984, (edited )
@1984@lemmy.today avatar

Yeah I was never into arcade games as a kid. I realized right away that they were made to be difficult for that reason, so it felt like they were not worth it.

But games at home, at my commodore 64 or Amiga, were often difficult too. There was often no tutorials even. You just started playing and figured things out. I remember feeling like I had all the time in the world back then. As an adult, I often feel my time is limited and I should be doing something useful with it.


it didn’t help if you were in (eg) the uk where games cost £1 a go, rather than 25c. Which was nearly $2 in 1992, so 8x as expensive


Well there’s a few things for early at home games, for one the instruction booklets were actually worth a damn, often containing the story, tutorial, and more. Also, size was at much more of a premium, so since instruction manuals were a thing, it was considered a waste to have all of that stuff in the game itself. I’m sure there are exceptions but that’s the general idea.

Much as I lament the loss of good instruction manuals, it’s understandable why they went away in light of why they were necessary before.

1984, (edited )
@1984@lemmy.today avatar

Yeah the best manual I ever read was for en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunship_(video_game), it was amazing. A thick manual explaining so much about the military helicopter and how it worked. Was thrilling to read as a kid.

I don’t remember the graphics being so bad though…:) But it’s pretty shit by today’s standards.


@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

For PC in 1986, those are pretty good graphics. Arcades were where the best graphics were back then.

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

I think this was on Commodore 64 actually :)

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

I’m using PC in the literal “personal computer” sense. I don’t recall PC = Microsoft being a thing back then, though I may be wrong.


It’s okay, most* games have good wikis that do an alright impression.

*Less so now that we have the plague that is fextralife and similar doing their damndest to elbow out useful wikis for any and every game.


I swear I probably spent like 2 solid weeks after school just running into walls in the Water Temple because I couldn’t figure it out. And I used to 100% like everything I played. You’d find out every secret, every cheat, and spend hours. Especially once things like GTA came out, just hours and hours of doing functionally nothing. Fuck even games I didn’t really even like I was an expert in. These days, I’m lucky to get a few hours a week on a game, and I rarely finish anything that’s not exactly the type of game I’m extremely into, and 100% is a thing that basically never happens anymore.


Gamers these days!


That is the most boomer shit I have ever heard. Games were difficult because the rental market was huge.


Game developers didn’t profit from rents.


The publishers did.


Not as much as if there was no rental business. It was bad for them, Nintendo even tried to stop blockbuster from renting their games. They weren’t designing games thinking about the rentals.


What is funny is that we remember Nintendo still. NEC’s TurboGrafx -16 failed because you couldn’t rent games.


The lion king monkey puzzle was made for the rental market.


Made for the rental market?

It was hard so it would suck for people who rented the game. Developers and publishers didn’t get a cut for each rental.


A game you can compete in one sitting is not a game you’ll rent for a long time.


But they sure did by selling extra copies, plus if the game was good we’d buy it. I’m convinced the TG-16 never took off because they didn’t let places rent games.

Plus game rentals made owning a console more attractive and that means perhaps more potential sales for all games you’ve produced.

Short view you’re right, long view I think rentals helped the industry much more than hurt it back then.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Arcade games were difficult because they were the microtransactions of the day, and console games were difficult because that’s how you made a simple game last longer.


I meannnn I’m old, but easy games like Kirby were such a treat, it’s no surprise things went the way they did.

faceless, in Be amazed by the uses of Tech...
@faceless@lemmy.world avatar

internet is mostly below or at ground level. we have underwater cables for international internet.


I wonder where the notion that the internet is satellite based comes from? Sat TV?

@r00ty@kbin.life avatar

I thought it was implying he was in some hard to reach location, and they were pulling the stops out to connect the last guy on earth without internet.

AceQuorthon, in Incident in the parking lot

Tesla Autopilot

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