It’s even worse for me. I can leave the snacks at the store all I want, but I can’t escape because I can bake. If I get bored I’ll end up making cookies.
It’s still a crap-ton of calories, at least the way I eat it. I’ve proven you can gain weight on keto. It’s harder but snacking on PB all day is one way to get enough calories to do it.
Partly because people replace phones more often than computers, (to upgrade, or because the screen breaks, etc) so they stop using the device before the RAM fails. But also the RAM they use in portable devices was made specifically for the device and integrated directly into the mainboard. There’s less points of failure and compatibility is never an issue. Since desktop RAM can be replaced and upgraded, it’s not as big of a deal if it fails, you can just swap it out with a new stick. Whereas it would brick the whole device if mobile ram fails, so quality standards are much higher.
Not to mention the differences between a soldered interface with the chip directly on the main board designed to basically be permanent, versus a simple contact interface and daughter board designed to be removable, thus adding additional points of failure.
Which I had to do to fix a mystery hard-reboot-without-warning issue I had just a couple of months ago. Connectors, especially dinky edge connectors on sensitive high-frequency components, are the weak point of most PC hardware.
If your RAM fails then it generally does so quickly, and also if your RAM fails you probably bought some bargain-bin stuff. As a rule of thumb don’t buy DIMMs from companies which don’t produce their own chips, or are extremely reputable. And with that I don’t mean “you have heard of them”.
As long as whatever is on the other end doesn’t reproduce anything at 60Hz or does so with a lot of loss and there are no heavy vibrations closeby (such as the speakers themselves), it should be fine.
It’s the one part of the radio spectrum that’s also in the hearing range hence induced currents from it can be heard in an analog audio system and which would have a pretty decent amount of energy inside a building because it’s being emitted pretty much all around by the mains power wires.
That said, you’re right that depending on the length and shape those wires might not form a very good antenna for that frequency. Independently of that, I doubt there’s enough energy around to directly affect speakers, but it might be enough if that wire goes to an amplifier which in turn powers the speakes.
That said, I’m from Digital Systems rather than Telecomms or Audio so take what I say on this as a semi-informed guess.
It does have a decent loop area in between the signal and return path and any flux passing through it will induce noise. This area is too small for 60 Hz, but there’s a lot of microwave crap that would get picked up. If there isn’t a low-pass analog filter before the next silicon junction then this RF EMI will get rectified down. If it’s a sufficiently bad situation then you’ll hear it. That’s why you can hear garbage when you put your phone right next to crappy computer speakers.
Those people confuse me. GTA6 protag is realistic but still at model level of conventional beauty.
It’s not like Sarah Rider (Mass Effect Andromeda) or Jesse Faden (Control), who aren’t as “conventionally” attractive. Although after writing that, Jesse is super hot, and I’m not sure if I’ve been gaslit by the internet into thinking she’s not “conventionally” attractive.
Being charitable and taking these people at their word, I feel like with the more divisive examples it’s a problem with modern lighting being softer and more dynamic? Leading to more “bad” angles and softer looking features. Most professional photoshoots have very contrasty and deliberate lighting, so maybe they’re too used to that?
Teenagers will often poke holes in a pop can to turn it into a makeshift pipe for smoking marijuana. This artist made a glass pipe to imitate that look. It’s ironic because if you had a glass piece for smoking you would never use the inferior pop can method, and yet this is exactly the combination of those two different approaches.
I knew people do this, but I was always to afraid of inhaling something extremely toxic to do this myself. And I used to be a chain smoker, when this was relevant for me. Not sure, if I was cleverly stupid or not.
Yes, aluminum cans are lined with plastic to protect the flavor of the product and prevent corrosion. Melted plastic fumes are generally considered bad. #TeamApplePipeOrSometimesCarrotPipeInAPinch
LOL, imagine thinking a motorcycle or jeep would do you any damn good (especially after the gas you can siphon from abandoned cars has gone bad), when what you really need is a bicycle. Bikepackers and touring cyclists will be the kings of the apocalypse.
Assuming best case scenario (a new jeep is shat into my driveway with a full tank of gas) I think the jeep is a MASSIVE boon. It increases movement ability and hauling capacity, and can be used to clear many obstacles you’d otherwise have to go around. Is its life finite? Yes, but it’ll give you that leg up at the start of the situation that may very well set you up for success long term.
Anything blocking paths. Can’t move broken vehicles, downed trees, etc with a bike. Sure a bike can go around, but with a jeep, I can go through, and have space to haul a bike back.
There are diesel Kawasaki KLR motorcycles that will run on literally anything, not that they’re very fast but they would at least preserve your stamina for when you need it.
They’re also extremely robust and simple to repair.
The earlier in the apocalypse, the more panicking humans running around, so you’re absolutely correct there. Unfortunately, depending on where you live and how early you realize what’s happening, the roads might be utterly jammed with no hope of getting away from population centers. The bike would be less of a tank, but you’ll almost certainly make it farther - but is that any good? Unless you’re confident in your ability to go full bear grylls, it might be best to just hunker down and make as little noise as possible for that initial pandemonium.
I’d probably stay clear of basically anywhere that you’d wanna go in an apocalypse for those 72 hours, because everybody else has the same idea. Find somewhere with a second story, block or preferably destroy the staircase, and stay as quiet as possible while scavenging what you can.
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