Helps that HBomberGuy hasn’t posted endless rounds of response videos. That’s how you milk the drama for views.
Conversely, I’m getting a little tired of Karl Jobst mostly becoming a drama channel against fraudsters like Billy Mitchell or the Open Hand Charity. Those guys do deserve it, but it’s sucking oxygen away from Jobst’s usual commentary on speed running techniques. He’s also working outside his specialty–these are American cases, and he’s a lawyer under Australian law–and not all his claims carry weight.
I think people in this section of the comments are a bit unreasonable. Jobst made 2 videos about Open Hands Foundation and the reason to publish the first one doesn’t have to be “drama”. The second… Maybe… But then again, people like “updates” which is also the reason by billy Mitchell videos are coming and they are updates. In both cases, there is a strong relationship between the core theme video games and the “drama”. Open Hands Foundation’s event was about showcasing games and Billy is the best video gamer of all time. God bless billy.
So I don’t think Jobst videos are so… Offtopic. Especially as he talked about Speedrun drama before.
Doesn’t help the fact that his latest video is of course AGAIN about Billy Mitchell: “I Just Exposed Billy Mitchell’s DUMBEST LIE EVER!” I think I’m starting to see a bit of a patern here…
I haven’t watched his videos in a while but isn’t he being sued by Billy Mitchell? I assumed his videos were more out of spite than actually chasing drama.
YouTube recommended me a Jobst video the other day, and I thought “I’ve already seen his Billy Mitchell video, haven’t I?” And I had. What I hadn’t seen were the fifteen other videos he’s made about him. As I write this comment, his latest video about Billy Mitchell was uploaded 17 hours ago.
Thank you so much for this post, I thought I was the only one. The quality of his content has really gone down as a result of him fixating on the drama. I thought his deep dive into rating retro games was good, but he is becoming full of himself. Needs to step back and reevaluate what the channel used to be about. But I’m guessing the drama makes him more money. He wouldn’t be the first youtuber to “go bad” because of the algorithm.
So everyone was originally female. That’s a basic fact. The ovaries, descend down and become testicle. This is why when you get kicked in the balls, you feel it in your stomach area. It’s where the ovaries normally set. The clirotis extends out and becomes a penis. The g spot doesn’t really move, it just stays there and the only way to access it is through the rear exit.
Trust me, I’m a random internet stranger with no background (formal or informal) in Physiology or Biology or anything related to that in any way.
Male nipples improve the aerodynamics of the chest, decreasing drag. While not noticeable in everyday life, it gave many persistence hunting a significant boost in performance, extending the hunter's running range by several miles.
Yeah, this is common belief but it’s not completely true. The egg is fertilised by either an X or Y sperm, and will develop for a couple of months as a kind of intersex thing.
What would be ovaries develop into testes, but for example, no fallopian tube of uterus would have been developed.
OK, I just realised this is the perfect way to explain period pain to dudes. That ache you feel after getting kicked in the balls plus that feeling that you kind of want to shit yourself? That is what a period feels like.
As measured by whom? Your shit attitude doesn’t prove anything.
Besides, have somebody kick you in the balls repeatedly for hours on end, then maybe you have a comparison. Oh, and they have to kick you hard enough to break your hips.
And you’re last statement is an outright falsehood. You replied. Ergo, you do give a shit.
Your entire premise is misogynistic bull. But whatever; keep at it. Look like an idiot. Deny yourself actual contentment in life. Die on whatever hill you want.
And you’re last statement is an outright falsehood. You replied. Ergo, you do give a shit.
Non sequitur. I care about public discourse and information availability. You could die literally right now and I wouldn’t be more fazed than if a single grain of sand fell on a beach.
Your entire premise is misogynistic bull.
You state, based on an empty premise and no arguments. Saying things doesn’t make them true, I’d expect you to learn this at an age of approximately 2. Lest, of course, you be an homophobe nazi pedophile that kills pets for sport.
As a past retail worker. Black Friday was miserable. I worked at Bestbuy. I saw a lot of people breakdown and quit thay day due to the stress. Don’t encourage it. If you do go out. Be respectful and remember it’s just things that don’t really matter. I have never gone out and don’t support it especially the trickling of businesses forcing employees to work on Thanksgiving.
Work at Best buy currently in inventory, last year all week of black Friday we have over 300 online orders at once until we were getting closer to the end of the night. This week so far the most I’ve seen is 50. We’re staffed the same, less so in fact with all the call-outs, but still we have a full team in tomorrow from 1am until midnight.
Currently at work at the worst company you could ever work for, Big Lots. We’ve even got extended hours today, but hardly anyone here shopping. ANY corporation that has shareholders has no choice but to become increasingly evil and vile to their employees.
Honestly my entire life is a wreck, my fiance is probably going to leave me because I absolutely can’t seem to find a real job and I’m my debt has ballooned like 3x it’s size in 6 months because even though I’m a manager who does literally everything you could do working retail, I get paid $10.50 an hour. I quite literally can’t afford to eat and am going hungry most days for the last month. Yet the only thing my mind can seem to focus on is saving my relationship but I just feel it drifting every day I can’t secure a real job. I’ve applied to literally hundreds of jobs over the past 6 months, gone to many interviews, called called called and called some more, and yet nothing, no one wants to give me a chance even though I have a decent resume, I’m polite, I’m very good with computers and have no criminal or any kind of bad history. Definitely thinking about ending it a lot lately. Sorry to dump on you, just feel like I need to write this out somewhere instead of just festering in my head.
🤗 I’m sorry your having such a tough time… Everything is temporary. I know it feels hard right now… Don’t make a permanent solution to these temporary problems… Things will change. Keep going. Best of luck to you. 🤗
Your situation really sucks. The most important part is to tell yourself you can be happy again, even if it feels very far away right now. Being happy is the best thing there is, and worth a lot of effort and tough times to get to again.
Life gets overwhelming. You don’t need to see the whole staircase to take the first step. You’re doing your best. Be sure to talk about your feelings with your SO.
There is a mentalhealth community. As you’ve said, sometimes it is really good to write stuff down. Best of luck to you my friend.
Thank you, I have talked to her a lot, but she has valid reasons. I have not been an equal contributer and the weight of everything has been on her for too long, I would do anything in my power to not lose her, but what NEEDS to happen just doesn’t seem to. I know I need back in to see my doctor and see if she can get me on an antidepressant, but the number one thing I need is sadly just money. My income, even though I bust my ass for it, feels like drops in a very very large bucket. Thanks again.
Talking to your doctor about an amtidepressant sounds like a very good step. They generally take a few weeks to start working, so don’t wait too long if you want to have a sunny disposition by xmas.
It’s funny how when you’re doing okay a message like that doesn’t feel like much from a stranger, but his a lot deeper when you’re feeling at the end of your rope, I appreciate your kindness and compassion. It’s just gotten worse and worse every year, I had stability at one time and I was an equal contributer, but I just feel like complete shit about myself constantly and nothing seems to go right. My vehicle which I’m still paying a loan on has been in a mechanics shop for 3 months, the car that I had been borrowing developed a major oil leak and can’t be driven so I am stuck getting rides across town with no decent bussing options (which I’ve admittedly never taken a public bus out of anxiety), my credit cards which I got initially to help my fiance with things have gone unpaid for about 6 months with daily calls from collectors, and whatever else I can’t bring to mind right now, but it’s all just a decline no matter how hard I try or how decent of a person I try to be to everyone I interact with in my life. And on top of that most of my friends haven’t talked to me in years and the one good friend I do talk to every few months or so has her own life and issues to deal with, I have no family anywhere near me and have a bad relationship with my father, my mother is wonderful but I feel even worse dumping my troubles on her because she has no way to help me from across the country and with her extremely limited resources and I know it makes her feel like she failed as a parent because she couldn’t provide me with the things she thinks she should have (I don’t blame her a bit, she really is a wonderful person), which means the only person who I can talk to about anything going wrong in my life is the love of my life who is being embittered towards me by every compounding issue. I recently got back on ADHD meds after being off them for a decade or more and it’s only seemed to serve to make me have energy and no appetite, but not help me that much, I want to try antidepressants for the first time in my life, but the doctors don’t make it easy, it was a struggle just to get on the ADHD meds even though I had taken Adderall for 5+ years in the past. It’s just overwhelming and never ever seems to let up. I can’t play video games any more, television just seems to fade into the background as I’m consumed by horrible thoughts constantly.
Do you have insurance or, if not, does your state provide Medicaid to low income individuals? If you have private insurance I would recommend looking up therapists and maybe even psychiatrists who are covered by your insurance. If you have Medicaid your county probably has a behavioral health department that can provide some help.
If no to both, you can call 9-8-8 and ask for behavioral health resources that are available. in your area. You can also call that number to talk about your depressing and self harming thoughts if you feel like you want to give your friends and family a break.
Thank you, I have my states ACA insurance which is the only way I’ve seen a doctor (hadn’t seen one in about 15 years before last month). I had never heard about that phone number, I might give it a call later, thank you so much.
I was on year 4 or 5 retail, working in a small strip mall that included a best buy. The people swamped the door so hard it came off when the poor kid unlocked them, literally doorbusters and he got trampled and died.
Every year there’s a few deaths to the craze and I made a habit of checking the count every year.
I read once that a major reason the coffee is supposed to be good, is that the animals (in the wild) tend to seek out the ripest, healthiest coffee beans to eat. They’re abundant (prior to human intervention), so why settle for less?
But then we cage them and force-feed them whatever, so they’re just medium (or low) quality beans to start with. So even if you look past the cruelty, it’s not even the quality of coffee the reputation suggests.
Iirc correctly the monkey cats ( or however they are called ) actually just prefer a specific coffee plant that is more rarely used as the ones used for the vast amount of coffee in the world ( e.g. robusta or arabica). However, if the beans of this variation are used directly, it tastes exactly the same. There is a scientific paper about this. Long story short: people are drinking shat out coffee for no good reason. What is even worse, it is tried to hold these monkey cats in cages to produce more of this coffee. Again for no good reason. But people fall for the marketing pr gang that the coffee is handpicked by those animals, digested and shat out and they would not go for “yeah we need just to use another plant” because it wouldn’t be so exklusive anymore…
Remember kids, the church still continues to shuffle pedo priests and is still telling victims to eat shit. The Catholic Church is a corporation, and they only care about money and power, no matter how much their current PR pope spews hollow platitudes, without actually fixing anything.
Empty words from a fake “holy” leader who was elected by a board room of bankers and financiers.
Bias Rating: RIGHT Factual Reporting: MIXED Country: USA Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Website Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY
So what’s your point then, that homeless people are a lost cause and therefore shouldn’t be helped? Attempts to house the homeless have resulted in property damage in the past, so we shouldn’t bother?
Perhaps you should take a step back and try asking why those projects failed and how to fix the problems instead of concluding that free housing programs could never work.
If you really want to analyze the situation with some nuance then maybe try looking at real sources instead of opinion articles from right-wing “news” sites:
My point is that a lot of homeless people aren’t to be trusted to take care of the space they live in. There would have to be some screening to make sure that these people are capable of not destroying the public good they are being offered for free. I don’t think it’s really debatable that there are some truly awful homeless people, violent, mean, entitled, and not fit to live in a proper society. It’s something people need to face the facts on. So we need to find out how to help the good homeless people before we let the bad ones ruin it for the rest of them.
And what else will I complain about when I go downtown? I want to be able to complain about how we need to clean the riffraff of the streets, but it gives me no joy if we’re actually getting them off the streets! I need something to fucking whinge about!
I also live downtown, and my primary issues are homeless stealing things off our front porch, the neighbors that think every night is a good fireworks night, and the 2 homes that previously had 6 scruffy lookin guys hanging out in front of them for months that are now in cinders.
I’ve started getting angry when people declare that they refuse to give money to people begging because they’ll just use it on drugs. More because of how frequently it comes up.
They aren’t obliged to help anyone but just assuming every homeless person is a drug addict is so condescending.
And even if they were they are still a person and the money they beg for will is some part contribute to feeding them. You can’t subsist off of drugs.
I see the same people burn money on the dumbest shit but act like giving money to homeless people is a sin against God.
No happy, fulfilled person is going to say one day “I think I’ll go be a heroin addict.” People who can’t get their basic needs fulfilled use drugs (and other addictive things) as a substitute for the fulfilling things they can’t access for other reasons.
The only reason not to give food, clothing, or cash is because I’m already late for work or I have nothing to spare right now. I try to find something even if it’s just a smoke or something.
I used to work near a shelter and I’d get chased and harassed for money, I got threatened and yelled at regularly, and I got mugged once. Now being around the homeless makes me incredibly uneasy.
I donate to food banks and the shelters, but no way am I ever giving some unaccountable homeless person cash. If they want my help they can go through the proper channels, I know many won’t, but I don’t have the tools to find or help those people.
And you’re not obliged to. There’s nothing immoral about not going out of your way to help people especially at risk to yourself.
While they are people and should be treated with dignity and not like animals, they are still people and like any stranger can be dangerous and unpredictable, especially in desperation.
Not to mention at least near where I live about a third of the homeless are mentally ill due to the state’s incapacity to care for such people.
I feel bad mainly supporting the shelters because there are a lot of stories about people who go in and get robbed or assaulted and they avoid them after. They tend to build camps which get perennially torn down by the city/cops. I wish there was a better way to help those people.
I seriously think that being drug use enabler is not a good thing. If you know that particular homeless person has drugs problem better buy him a sandwich or give warm clothes than give money.
Exactly that. Homelessness isn’t a social issue that needs to be solved, it’s the consequences of the unhomed’s poor choices and absolutely nothing else.
Arguing with willful ignorance is fucking exhausting, you literally can’t get them to see past their blind beliefs because most of them wear “you can’t change my mind” like a badge of honor.
Not so much willful ignorance as backwards reasoning. They desperately want to believe the world is fair and they earned whatever success they’ve had in their lives, so they adopt beliefs that lead to those conclusions.
I struggled with it a lot in my 20s. If you’ve grown up with the idea that the world is basically a pretty decent place, it’s hard to accept how fucked up everything is, so there’s a natural tendency to try to explain away the things you learn about so you don’t have to confront the harsh reality directly.
It is a social issue. People being incapable of taking care of themselves is inevitable. All civilizations had these issues. Families, churches and general generosity of neighbors have always been used to mitigate this.
Now with the wealth gap increasing and the individualistic philosophy in our society with not noticing and tending to these early on. We only notice once the person is a full blown junkie. Many needed help for a a short moment in life and could of become autonomous after, many are both permanently incapable of autonomy. Either way society have to deal with them. We have enough resources! For the price of just one of those opulent pick up we could probably shelter one person for 2-5 years.
it’s the consequences of the unhomed’s poor choices and absolutely nothing else.
Classical Liberal / Libertarian here and this is wrong. Life can be massively unfair / unkind and it’s not unusual for people, even ones who make solid choices, to end up in bad situations.
What so many of my Libertarian fellows seem to miss is that we’re allowed to have empathy. Do I want the Government taking my money to redistribute it? Absolutely not but that does not excuse us from acting on our own. In fact I’d argue we have MORE of an obligation for individual action to help those less fortunate.
All the oil is doing is helping the pan not boil over while on a high heat as it makes the formation of bubbles at the surface more difficult. So… it kind of helps because you can cook more easily at a high heat but yeah it does nothing for the pasta.
And of course as long as your cooking pot is large enough and you are actually being present, then there shouldn’t be any risk of it boiling over and thus no need for any oil.
I think your comment is the source of a lot of people’s problems with sticking pasta. If there pots aren’t big enough and stove not powerful enough, a large amount of pasta can cool the water enough to stop the boiling and the pasta will stick if not stirred.
For small portions that probably will work. Plenty of times I’ve put pasta in only to have it stick if I don’t stir a little in the first minute or two. There’s just not enough room for the boiling to agitate the pasta enough to prevent sticking.
yes, this is the answer! patience! a proper boil that stays boiling until the pasta is done. no sticking ever. salt and oil are never needed in the cooking water.
It’s not the same effect. Then the sauce will be salted, and the pasta will maybe absorb some of that salt.
But, in my opinion, that’s an inelegant solution.
I personally do not want any more salt in the pasta sauce than what’s already in there. I do, however, want my pasta to take in a little salt from the water.
For those reasons, I add a little salt to my water as it’s boiling
I read that quote regularly. Any clue who it originates from? I think it’s a romantic overstatement and does not hold as a general pasta rule. Salty pasta water is needed when you use a sauce or a pesto that has little salt in it. However, when using a particularly salty sauce or pesto, your end result can easily turn out too salty, if you put too much salt in the pasta water. When I make japanese miso-butter pasta for example, I don’t put any salt in the boiling water, because combined with the miso-butter, that would make the end result way too salty.
Seawater is two teaspoons salt per cup of water. That’s a little more than half a cup of salt per gallon of water. That is an unhealthy amount of salt.
This might surprise you but the bible isn’t 100% accurate.
Jokes aside: scholars think that the Israelites were a group of Canaanites who lived as “outcasts” in the hinterlands and seized the cities after the bronze age collapse.
So Israelites came when the Canaanites collapsed but the causality is different than depicted in the bible. Also they weren’t that foreign in the first place.
I’m not very familiar with the “history” of the time period, but I know Abraham was a Canaanite. Many Jews (and Arabs) could trace lineage to Canaan, before the collapse.
I’m not sure why you put “history” into quotation. I was referring to history as in archeology.
The arguments are according to pottery and art in general, linguistics and I think genetics too. The first israelite settlements were in the north and therefore not were you would expect them if they arrived from Egypt. I don’t know if Abraham was a historic figure and it honestly doesn’t really matter.
Yeah, iirc the Isrealite ethnic group was a combination of Canaanites and tribes from near Canaan that invaded during the Bronze Age Collapse. Though the religion is mostly Canaanite-derived, Yahweh and Elohim, the two main titles/names used to describe the Abrahamic God in the Torah are descended from the Canaanite gods Yaweh and El, who were syncretized together into a single god sometime before/during the early 1st temple period.
Edit: Though there’s also loads of Mesopatamian influence, the Noah’s flood myth is directly based on the Mesopatamian flood myth that eventually made it into the Epic of Gilgamesh. Plus lots of ancient Isrealite folklore is derived from Mesopatamia, like Lilith, who is probably derived from a kind of demon in Mesopatamian mythology that fed on newborn children and was in league with Lamashtu, who was basically an Anti-Fertility goddess, considered responsible for infant mortality.
This might surprise you but Bible is new book written not so long ago while Israely were there from 10000 b.c. Fighting other local tribes until Muslims where invented and came with all their sadistic hate to other nations and killing infants just like they behave now. No excuses. They need to be wiped out, like Russia and other tumors on Earth.
This might surprise you but Bible is new book written not so long ago while Israely were there from 10000 b.c.
Verifiably no, there’s argument at to if ancient Israel ever existed or of out was a loose confederation like the early German empire.
Fighting other local tribes until Muslims where invented and came with all their sadistic hate to other nations and killing infants just like they behave now.
There’s exactly zero proof of that and literally no one knows who started what or when.
No excuses. They need to be wiped out, like Russia and other tumors on Earth.
While one may oppose and even condemn particular Israeli policies or actions with regard to Palestinians or Israel’s Arab citizens, the fact remains that in no way has Israel engaged in any action with the intent to exterminate, in whole or in part, the Palestinian people.
Indeed, accusing Israel of genocide has the collateral effect diminishing real acts of genocide – such as those that occurred in the Holocaust, against Armenians, and in Rwanda.
Furthermore, it is deeply concerning that Israel is often the only country in the world accused by activist groups of contemporaneously engaging in genocide. Not only is this false as a matter of both law and fact, but it also applies a singularly demonizing double standard to Israel.
Finally, claiming as some do, that there are many “types” of genocide, and Israel is, for example, committing “cultural” genocide, is equally problematic. Regardless of how the term is applied, it is clearly heard and impacts a large audience who hear it as the legal term intended to convey the most awful of human crimes – mass murder and population expulsion – a charge that is misapplied to Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Student: “Hey, a shortcut! Let me first just walk around the long way so I can measure the length of the other two sides, multiply those lengths by themselves, add them together, and find out how much extra walking I’ve saved myself by taking the shortcut. Boy, this shortcut sure is saving me a lot of effort. Hooray Pythagoras!”
You literally do it subconsciously all the time. Written math is just a representation of it, just like language is also a representation of your thoughts.
It’s no wonder you all are still flipping burgers at McDonald’s and bitching about not having a living wage. It’s because you never try to use anything you learned in school to do anything.
I don’t know who hurt this guy, but it sounds like we’re only a couple more low-effort math jokes away from hearing a rant about the Jews, and how the woke mindvirus is destroying America.
I think a good comedic example of this is in Futurama, where some characters from the year 3000 get tossed back to Roswell in 1947. They try to blend with “period correct clothes” and lingo, but since they’re 1000 years out of place, they’re combining things that hadn’t been invented yet with stuff from 1947s past.
A lot of people seem to think cleopatra was hanging out with the dudes who built the pyramids and think it’s weird Sparta and Rome never went to war. I mean, sure technically they both existed in an overlapping period of about 50 years, but technically the USA has had diplomatic contact with the Holy Roman Empire for a few years.
Imagine if a shuttle landed on the planet and someone from 2402 popped out with their neon implants, xarthan death spikes proudly displayed, and an onion on their belt. Everyone knows they don’t show up until at least 2215.
Who knows, at some point we might figure out how to stop/reverse aging, so your chance of dying (in the foreseeable future) is not 100%, only very close to it
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