That’s actually a pretty good idea, although it’s not like a right-click on the desktop is really that much slower (assuming we’re taking about Windows)
I have totally caught malware checking to see if task manager is running, and cooling it until it is closed. Some cryptocurrency mining trojans do this. You can verify it by using a tool other than task manager, e.g. System Explorer or Process Hacker. Usually they’re not smart enough to poll for third party tools, so they’ll quiet down when only task manager is opened and not when you’re using any third party tools.
Depending on what country you’re in, it’s either a resumé, or a supplement to a resumé that summarizes academic achievements for an applicant with a graduate degree.
Curriculum vitae. It’s basically a long résumé. The résumé gets your foot in the door with the “best of” highlights that are tailored to the specific job. The the CV is what you bring to the interview; It’s longer and has a more complete work history, instead of just the bits that are relevant to the job you applied for.
So when they ask you “can you explain this gap in your employment for these two years” you can go “yeah, if you look at my CV, you’ll see that I was working/freelance in a tangental industry. But it wasn’t very pertinent to this application, so I left it off of my résumé when I applied.”
And for tailoring your résumé to each job, you just copy/paste the relevant info from your CV to make a one page document.
I don’t think this is correct. Assuming you’re American then a CV is the same as what you’d call a résumé. Unless a résumé is more like a cover letter (as in the intro paragraph where you summarise what you do and why you want the job)?
In America a resume is basically a slightly shortened CV. But from my experience (as someone who has lived and worked in IT in both the US and the UK) they are nearly identical. They both summarize your work history in almost identical styles. But the resume is preferably limited to 2 pages maximum, while a CV can be longer.
I don’t recall ever having both a resume and a CV in the UK and initially applying with a resume and then bringing the longer CV to the interview. It was just a name and length expectation difference that separated them.
I’ve not ever heard of any company wanting you to bring an extra-long CV with you, though since everything is online now any long-established rules are basically out the window
Bullshit. I’m allergic to cats and it gives you a natural dislike for them. Also I’m convinced that cats are creatures from another dimension or planet, they’re toxic, demon creatures
I’m sorry but how is this extremely amarican. Like the Japanese also assist echother the Russians assist echother. I’m sure people in China and north Korea have friends that assist echother.
I swear someone could post a dog sneezing and there will always be a, “Capitalism is at fault” comment followed by someone trying to introduce Arch Linux.
As a massage therapist, I’m also willing to accept “human primate social groomer” over “body toucher.” Not sure that potential clients would appreciate that much more though 😕.
I’m a massage therapist too and yesterday I had a client who could easily qualify as a “primate in need of grooming.” So. Much. Body. Hair & skin grime 🤢 I know we’re supposed to love everybody but I love people most when they practice good grooming & hygiene before they come to get a massage.
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