Even if you are not religious (I’m not) we really need a Bible tv show. But it has to be 100% accurate, no cuting corners, at most they could modernize the language, but it has to have 100% of dialogues there. It would be amazing
Unless you are cramming the whole book into a single episode or movie the religious weirdos will just cherry pick the episodes they like, as they do with the book now.
I’d settle for a Bible written in plain, modern English. The closest I could find was Word on the Street but it was a white guy trying to write like a gangsta and it fell a bit flat.
There’s “The Message” which is a modern, idiomatic translation of the bible. I remember looking at it ~20 years ago and it being a modern translation, but I didn’t like the translation even at 11yo.
I’m looking more for a complete modern overhaul, not a line-by-line modern translation. Like a novel. I still use the KJV in church so I get exposed to the original scripture but it’s often very difficult to actually grasp what’s going on.
100% accurate to which version? King James version? The Latin that was translated from? The Greek that was translated from? The original (I think) Hebrew?
Keeping the same language so no mistranslation is no barrier for religious wars. Shia and Sunni do fine despite both having the Koran in original Arabic.
Not exactly what you’re thinking, but Moral Orel dabbled in this. It was made by the guy you probably know as Starburns from Community. who provides the voice of Mickey Mouse, but you might know him better as the guy from the “this guy fucks” meme.
That would be insanely hard to do accurately. There’s some repeated stories (kings/chronicles or Matthew/Mark/Luke/John), there’s stuff that isn’t a story at all (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, song of songs), and most of the new testament is letters.
I highly recommend the original Bastard Operator From Hell stories, for those who read this comic and just nod yes with their heads and mentally go “Yeah, that’s how it is”.
BOFH is still semi-regularly updated over at El Reg. It’s not the same (way different from the Striped Irregular Bucket days), but it’s still enjoyable.
I still have fond memories of the episode where his excuse calendar comes up “solar flares” and he proceeds to explain to people how their devices aren’t working because magnetic interference from the sun is moving the bits on the hard drive around.
Yes. I really have noticed. I too came from Reddit. I too have at least once written the same as you. Now I’m just teasing you. I think I expected something like “I’m not your buddy, pal” or something. Nevermind. :-D
Love these. Reminds my of the CD drive cup holder and my personal favorite at my shop was the computer was afraid of me. Every time I came near to fix the problem they were having it went away. I was told the computer must be afraid of me and knows when I’m coming
The number of people who fail to recognize what it (typically) means when an issue magically disappears while Simone is looking over their shoulder is absurd.
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