That’s correct. It’s the ‘Berlin’ riot police(for demos etc), they are shipped in from other cities because locals don’t like to hit locals, but Bavarians love hitting leftist Berlin scum climate activists. dumbest mfs you’ll meet.
A car tried to reverse onto me the other day, at a red light they went forward then popped it into reverse and backed up really quick but luckily stopped before it hit me
How is OP right? Just about everyone likes milk chocolate, but you’d be hard pressed to find a significant number of people that enjoy downing spoonfuls of sugar. Clearly it’s not just the sugar people enjoy
The pickle comparison is also perfect. The only difference between dark and milk chocolate is the sugar content, and the only difference between a pickle and a cucumber is the vinegar.
It says “more than”. It does not claim you “only like” sugar. I think people are just salty about this because they feel called out for liking super sweet chocolate. Btw, people do eat spoonfuls of honey which is probably 99.9% sugar.
It’s still completely besides the point. Milk chocolate is it’s own food, you don’t taste the sugar or chocolate separately, it’s a homogeneous mixture. You don’t “like sugar more than chocolate”, you like Milk Chocolate more than you like Dark Chocolate. You probably(hopefully… r.i.p your teeth otherwise) also like Milk Chocolate more than you like pure sugar, so by the OPs logic that must mean you like chocolate more than you like sugar, at the same time as you like sugar more than chocolate. See the problem here?
Btw, people do eat spoonfuls of honey which is probably 99.9% sugar.
One, not a completely fair comparison because honey has it’s own distinctive flavor beyond just tasting like sugar. But also two, I’ve never known anyone to just eat multiple spoonfuls of honey by itself. Anecdotal, sure, but I don’t think it’s nearly as common as you seem to be implying it is
Ok I’m not arguing any more. Enjoy your super sweet chocolate and try not to get butthurt that it’s actually the sugar that makes you tolerate the chocolate, because that will remain true
If you build a linked list in C, and put the pointer to the next entry as the first element in your struct, then you only need a single variable (and two comparisons) to do sorted insertion into the list.
That’s too complicated for me to understand so here is my thing I know:
When using example code from the Internet, it’s important to read the comments at the top of the file before going to far into adapting it and then wondering why it isn’t working.
And they write it all down and charge a reasonable price.
Ok, I’m joking, but only kinda. Those things are pretty neat to thumb through. I don’t know if the money goes to some wack-job. It’s almost certain due to the invisible hand.
I got a good deal on a laptop and removed the hard drive with the preinstalled windows almost immediately. I say “almost” because I did actually set up a work space and installed software on in. It was a just-in-case system.
My laptop has been running linux-only for a while. But my wife needs my lappy for a thing. And it’s a windows-only thing. So I remove my hard drive. Put in the pre-installed one I had sitting on a shelf. And it didn’t boot. I got a windows error screen saying I had better start rounding up boot recovery material. So fuck.
Put my linux hard drive back in. BIOS can’t find a bootable drive. Fuck.
I was able to fix the problem. I kinda hate to admit that it was kinda fun to fix. (If you haven’t chrooted, you haven’t lived.) But I’m just pissed off at that whole #!
Can confirm, its Latvian. They sell those on gas stations. They also had an amazing thing called wrapurger back in the day. Fantastic thing, like a burger, but wrapped in a tortilla instead of bread. Imagine a burger you can eat in your car while not making a mess. Unbelievable
That doesn’t look like the bun has the same texture as a regular hotdog bun. It looks more like a double dog panini. Plus it doesn’t have the opening for toppings
Hot dogs are fucking gross though. It’s already hard enough to drown them in enough sauerkraut, mustard, onions, etc, to make them choke-downable. Hamburgers are different, it’s actually (usually) reasonably good meat as a base, doubling it makes sense.
So I don’t think you’re wrong, but I also suspect you haven’t had an all-beef hotdog. Like the Costco hotdog. It’s a very different dog, higher quality & uniform meat. Better texture. You should give it a try!
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