When I worked IT, I went to a local fire station and said I was there to update their computers. The person I talked to didn’t seem to know that this was scheduled, but they led me to their office with the computers and showed me how to log on. I’m pretty sure they just assumed I was telling the truth because I spoke confidently and was wearing a polo, but I could have literally been anyone.
No joke, my wife’s grandpa was a mechanical engineer with a degree from Notre Dame, and he chose engineering apparently because as a 17yo, he thought he was going to learn to drive trains.
At one point in a former life, I was one of the trainers for the incoming helpdesk technicians. One of the practical exams we put them through involved us doing creative things to fuck with their computers before they came to class, and then having them figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. Plugging the mouse from one computer into its neighbor’s USB port and vice versa was one of my favorite tricks. For whatever reason, it had a 100% success rate in effectively fucking with them.
Switch to wireless mice. Maybe Logitech Unifying. Then one day pull all the dongles out and put them in a bucket.
First person to figure out how to download and install the unifying software and re-pair their mouse without using it gets a bonus.
But most people nowadays are lost without mice so they’d probably cycle through all the dongles on the laptop plugged into the projector and all move their mice until they figure out which is whose.
It sounds like Sync is either blocking users client-side (which would be confusing, since server-side blocks do exist), or it is trying and failing to add a block server-side but suppressing the server’s error message.
Blocking means you no longer see their posts, and they can’t comment on any of your posts. If they’ve already commented or replied to you, the messages are deleted (hidden?).
I worked at an office once where the wifi legitimately got worse when it rained. It was because the buildings internet used an antenna instead of being wired, and the building was just barely in range of the source signal. When it rained, it was enough added distortion to make it noticeably worse.
I have to constantly explain to my wife that if she can’t reach a website it is likely on their end and there is nothing I can do until they fix it. I explain there is a chain of connections involved and me sitting and staring at her laptop for an hour isn’t going to fix it.
The word “resume” + being an old and solid link + me using a search engine with settings that allow you to customize which places to search, and I’m not returning results from all major search engines and only keeping alternative ones.
This works fine for work or when coding. It searches Stack Overflow and forums, immensely useful when trying to research things or solve problems.
I wish there were decent Tom and Crow (and even Gypsy/GPC) figures in the right proportions. The Funko ones suck. I wrote to Super 7 Toys to see if they were interested in producing a line and they said they’d look into it. Who knows?
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