You’d have a good point except for the fact that Hamas governs the Gaza Strip. So, it’s like blaming the government of Ukraine for the actions of the Ukrainian government.
Also, don’t think I missed you making up anti-Russian pogroms in Ukraine, buddy
Ok but as someone who used to mod large trans subreddits that’s less what their mo was compared to brigading with posts and comments and sending threatening messages.
Obviously that’s a much bigger problem and I don’t doubt it happened a ton. From the user standpoint of someone trying to just use the community, it’s incredibly disheartening (especially if you have no IRL community to reach out to) to post, have a post go to 0 or negatives within minutes, and then ignored. When I still used reddit I would frequently see posts from people asking why everything was downvoted so quickly, which probably just encouraged the people who were doing it.
lemmynsfw has implemented (or intends to) an interesting compromise, in that you can only downvote posts on that instance’s communities that you’re already subscribed to. Ideally, this means that downvotes are for the quality of the individual post, rather than as a reaction to the type of content.
I think they mean you can’t see the results. So you can downvote a post but if you look at a post it doesn’t show you how many downvoted. It only shows you how many upvoted. It makes it impossible to tell if a subject is controversial.
It still affects engagement statistics/algorithmic suggestions, and video posters can still see them to help gauge what content is liked or not. It’s just hidden from viewers.
Beehaw does the same. I’m not sure if that’s been the case in our instance. I don’t inherently disagree, but I’m not 100% sold either.
If there’s a clearly bad/misinformed/rude take, they simply don’t get voted on. They rarely have more than the single 1 vote of their terrible opinion/sharing.
It’s common to see +10 to +30 on a positive comment, with the comment it’s responding to at 1.
I don’t disagree that it could be a bad thing, but I think it’s about the community and its practice surrounding it as well. So far in my experience on the instance I participate in I’ve seen it be effective.
Also I’m not sure if this is a thing on Lemmy but on reddit there were downvote farmers. Downvoting could also actually encourage people to perform these terrible comments to accumulate as many downvotes as they can. Downvoting disabled removed this problem in its entirety. Reddit has this issue long before some of its other problems and it has only grown since, up til I left. I don’t know what the state of it is now, and I’m not sure how big of an issue it even is on Lemmy. It comes down to finding the line between what is preferable.
All in all, I think there are good and bad things about not having a downvote. I do think downvote disabled helps some aspects (engagement, active/trending posts) but it could also negatively influence federated content (spam, bad actors). I don’t think a comment being at -30 is any more telling than the same comment at 1 when it’s surrounded by +30 upvoted comments. However, if someone actively sought out getting downvoted, that can no longer exist.
IMO trading having bad comments be visibly negative in order to prevent the downvote farmers is a reasonable exchange
Sony owns a patent for a system/concept that needs you to audibly name the company/product the advertisement is for to continue at the end of the advertisement.
With that power comes great responsibility. If they implement it, they are evil. If they don’t use it but have fees so high that others can not use it without going bankrupt, they are less evil.
Yeah for sure, except the one I set up won’t seem to pass verification because every answer might happen to sound exactly like “fuck you” (to Sony) 100,000 times in a row.
In the center of the pizza, the toppings appear to make a sad face, as if the person who drew the artwork for the patent felt bad about drawing artwork for such a shitty patent idea.
I have lately been pretty convinced that 70% of pickup drivers don’t actually need a truck but instead use it to compensate their insecurity about their small dicks and their fragile masculinity.
Absolutely. All you have to ask is why they need to own a truck and they instantly get overly defensive. I’m not saying there aren’t cases where you need to own truck but the vast majority of cases people bring up don’t even require a truck much less owning one.
Let’s just get inspired by oats jenkins and his idea for redoing the traffic system and add a truck license, and you’ll have to renew it every six months, just so they don’t keep it forever
The license would be given to people that have genuine need for a vehicle like this, and don’t have access to one (so if your job gives you a truck you can have it, it would have the job license on it, but then you cannot have your own license)
Otherwise they would just tell you to go fuck yourself because you don’t need a truck like this
I live in Europe where trucks are fairly rare but you still see large SUVs, 4x4s and vans around. My own feeling is that certain classes of vehicles should be considered commercial for the purposes of insurance, taxation, VAT, inspection, tolls, permitted usage and everything else. The legislation already exists for commercial vehicles so extend it to these kind of vehicles.
So is someone must have a stupidly oversized vehicle purely for personal reasons they can enjoy all the bullshit and restrictions that goes with it. Doesn’t stop them complying but making it more onerous to do it will take demand for these vehicles off the market entirely.
I agree, I think we could even go further and make vehicles of a certain size use cargo lanes on the highway.
My wife is European and lives in the US and she thinks the fact that giant SUVs and trucks can have such a vast size differential to compact cars, so that she is eye-level with their bumper, and that both use the same license and same lanes, is incredibly dangerous.
My wife insisted on getting an SUV for her car. It’s a hybrid, but it’s still an SUV. I really wish she hadn’t gotten it. It’s too big for me, I won’t drive it. I can’t tell her what to do with her money, but I didn’t like that she got it.
I have a truck to haul things. Trash, lumber, kayaks, bikes, and I’ve moved friends and family members at least 6 times. It’s a 1995 and it spends most of its time parked though, it’s not a daily driver. And I really dislike all the tall and massive trucks now. I want a bed that’s actually low enough to be accessible.
People can down vote you, but they can’t argue with this.
You must be the only pickup driver in existence that’s figured out that all your pathetic justifications can be debated, but your opinion on what you want cannot be.
Yes I can. For the same reason I would argue against someone saying they want a faulty muffler because the sound is very aesthetically pleasing to them. Your sense of beauty doesn’t come at the expense of everyone else.
I’m the same, i like the way my truck looks. Is it great these days? Nope it’s an old 08 with a little rust, ok a lot but hush, i love it anyway. Do i need a truck 97% of the time? Nope but that 3% of the time i do its amazing. And those people i pull out of random ditches in the winter will appreciate it I’m sure.
My cousin has a pickup and I won’t lie, it’s very handy to have one truck you can use in the family. He’s made ramps that fit his truck perfectly, makes loading and unloading furniture from it a breeze. He’s added hooks for snatch blocks, I swear he can tie down literally anything. We wouldn’t have that if we rented because the truck would be different every time. He’s probably moving someone in the extended family once a month. Granted he owns his own contracting company so he uses it daily. That all said there is value in a few generous people having trucks around. Emphasis on the few, especially in urban areas.
Sure it can. A large vehicle is more likely to kill someone outside of the car. So, by unnecessarily choosing to purchase a large vehicle, you are needlessly increasing the chance of killing someone else.
Not to mention the climate impacts.
To be clear, the fact that you want a pick up truck can’t be debated, but whether you should be allowed to purchase one and use it on a public roadway, solely because of your desire to have one- is another thing.
Someone I work with has never not owned a truck, mostly because “they don’t need the hassle of renting one when they need to do yardwork and buy a fridge from the store” or something.
So spending an extra $20,000-$30,000 every 10 years is totally worth those occasional trips and avoiding renting a tailer/pickup from home Depot maybe twice a year.
The $1,400 it cost me to buy a 5x10 utility trailer was money well spent. It has easily paid for itself over the years. I sold my last pickup years ago. If I need to use the trailer, it takes 5 minutes to hook it up. Having space to store it and a legit need for it are key factors here as well.
Its a mystery how some of these people are broke af and how they would be more wealthy if they invested the cash in better stuff than blowing it all on impulsive purchases, lottery, and eating out.
Also, with large vehicles more generally, there’s this awful snowball effect where people go “I get to sit up high and it’s bigger, so I feel safer! Besides, when I’m in a regular car I feel like I’m going to get crushed like a beer can.”
This of course ignores that:
Pedestrians are fucked
With everyone buying bigger, heavier vehicles, the energy involved in most collisions is significantly greater and I doubt anyone’s much safer for it. People in smaller cars just get screwed.
Also it’s an arms race. They feel safer because they’re comparatively above smaller cars, but then when everyone is riding tall trucks that additional feeling of safety becomes moot as you no longer have the additional height/visibility over everyone else.
And conversely, the reason they feel less safe in smaller cars is because of the comparison to larger cars on the road. They aren’t solving anything in a larger vehicle, they’re just perpetuating onto others what gave them small-vehicle anxiety in the first place.
I have a pickup. My wife says she likes my penis size. I question your hypothesis. Today, I used it to haul fire wood and tow a broken down ATV. Yesterday, I brought kayaks up to my family cabin. It gets used. Pre-COVID, it was part of the first leg of my commute. I’m not going to have a separate vehicle just to drive to the train station. That’s absurd.
Lol not only do you have poor reading comprehension, you have also failed to get anyone to believe what you just said. If i may provide some advice, if someone say something on the Internet that doesn’t apply to you you do not have to get offened by it. Have a nice day friend.
I have one because I’m 6’ 7" and I don’t fit comfortably in much. One of my managers is super small, but drives a lifted Ram. I have yet to see him get into it but it must be funny to see.
I drove smaller trucks for about 20 years. I actually just got a small cargo van (NV200), but still have my Colorado after the dealership offered me $100 in trade-in.
I can’t wait til we as a society get over shaming small dicks. I don’t have a dick but it’s cringy to me when people use “small dick” as an insult like this.
“You don’t fit into the sociocultural group I’m a part of, AKA THE BEST GROUP, because you are not sending the right social signals! Therefore YOU ARE NOT A VERILE MATE FOR THE HOMINID FEMALES!”
“NO! CLEARLY IT IS YOU WHO WILL NOT SEED THE NEXT GENERATION OF OFFSPRING! Based on all the information I’ve gotten about appropriate social signals for my gender, age, ethnicity, cult, location and socioeconomic status, I am displaying the appropriate signals! So I shall point at you and say WEIRD!”
For me it’s not so much trying to insult them for having a small dick, but insulting them for caring so much about having a small dick they feel the need to compensate.
Doesn’t matter that their dick is small, just that they’re so insecure about it they need to try and tell the world it’s not true.
Well, you’re not exactly contributing to a world where that insecurity is eliminated. And besides, you’ll never win an emotional debate with rational arguments.
For me it’s not so much trying to insult them for having a small dick, but insulting them for caring so much about having a small dick they feel the need to compensate.
It’s very weird that you care so much about the size of other men’s penis. It’s equally weird that you care what someone else drives.
Are we at a point in society where we can no longer do anything as long as some internet keyboard warrior doesn’t think we should?
Well, I kind of agree with you, but also what I intended to say is that I think most pick up drivers don’t feel masculine enough, whether it’s due to a small dick or something else making them feel like they aren’t “real men”, so they compensate their insecurity by driving unnecessarily large cars.
Yeah, I maybe should have left the dick part out. A man can have a small penis and still not be insecure, and a man with a huge one can still be insecure about their masculinity and try to fix that insecurity with a stupid truck.
Libs need to understand that calling out the hypocrisies of Trump supporters does fuck-all. Not only do they do not care, they get off on triggering the libs in this way. They’re not the least bit interested in facts or consistency; they’re interested in getting their guy in office.
But scapegoating poor whites keeps the conversation away from fascism’s real base: the petite bourgeoisie. This is a piece of jargon used mostly by Marxists to denote small-property owners, whose nearest equivalents these days may be the “upper middle class” or “small-business owners.” FiveThirtyEight reported last May that “the median household income of a Trump voter so far in the primaries is about $72,000,” or roughly 130 percent of the national median. Trump’s real base, the actual backbone of fascism, isn’t poor and working-class voters, but middle-class and affluent whites. Often self-employed, possessed of a retirement account and a home as a nest egg, this is the stratum taken in by Horatio Alger stories. They can envision playing the market well enough to become the next Trump. They haven’t won “big-league,” but they’ve won enough to be invested in the hierarchy they aspire to climb. If only America were made great again, they could become the haute bourgeoisie—the storied “1 percent.”
the median household income of a Trump voter so far in the primaries is about $72,000
I’m not really sure I buy this meaning they’re really affluent corporate types. I’ve met a lot of Trump supporters who own big properties out in the country, who own big trucks, and who work jobs in trades. Stuff like plumbers and carpenters and mechanics. I mean hell, in my state, the average pay for plumbers is $80,000 a year, and yep, a lot of those people are self-employed. Last I checked the trades is where all the folks who struggled in school go…
So, does this really mean they aren’t who we think they are? All the people I’m referring to were dumb as fuck country fucking bumpkins who needed a swift kick in the ass. All they’ve really gotten “invested” is a house on a big valuable piece of land, a little bit of stock on the market (maybe), and a bunch of physical items that add up to them being “wealthy” even though two of the trucks don’t work, the tractor is falling apart, and so is the barn, and so on. On paper, they’re wealthy, in person, they’re still missing some fucking teeth.
Oh yeah, and the obsession with guns… Guns ain’t cheap… These people piss away a lot of money on useless stuff.
Humans are rationalizing creatures, much more than rational ones. Our first gut reaction is trying to make sense of why we think what we think and why we behave how we behave, rather than trying to figure out if it does actually make sense. If this natural tendency could be changed, the world would be far less of a shithole.
This is why, rather than slapping people in the face with a mountain of research, I try to ask them questions that lead them to the conclusion I want them to reach. Oh we discuss along the way, but you get a lot less of the black and white thinking bold statements that someone entrenched in their beliefs tends to make
The research backs up your statement. Especially if you yourself are genuinely interested in the conversation, and also willing to update your own thinking, along with helping get everyone in the conversation to start understanding the real answers.
In case you haven’t listened to it, the You Are Not So Smart podcast covers the topic of how to get people to change on a pretty regular basis. It’s a great podcast that talks a lot about conspiracies, misinformation, and how to combat them.
My favorite part of this podcast is that if you listen to it from the start (nearly 300 episodes at this point), you can hear him slowly become very jaded and pessimistic, but then as the podcast goes on, he starts turning around his opinion and gets exited and optimistic about all the progress that is made. It’s a really great podcast and makes me excited for the future.
We’re also to some extent innately combative creatures. People will say “Oh, I showed people the facts and they still didn’t change their mind. They’re just idiots stuck in their ways.” Okay, cool. When you tried to present these facts, did you do it in such a way as to treat them courteously or as an equal, or did you do it in such a way that you got to feel like you were dunking on them rhetorically? Because it’s not as simple as presenting someone with facts. It’s doing so in a way that doesn’t make it feel like you’re trying to establish some kind of superiority over them. Because then they’re not presenting facts to you, they’re just attacking you and your position. And these are very different things, conceptually and emotionally.
Steve Harvey: “We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?”
Contestant: “The penis”
SH: “A WUH… HUH??” audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder
SH: O lordy… one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard
SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself
SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says… the board shows 100 for “penis” Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end
you forgot the part where Steve Harvey, in the anguished tones of a man who has crossed hell and is delivering one final message, screams to the stage directors
I got talked into bankruptcy (by a bankruptcy lawyer, surprise surprise). It cleared $12k of credit cards and bank fees but not the then-$50k of student loans and the spending habits that were the real problem. Now I learned my lesson. No credit cards. Save up and pay. Have an emergency fund that can cover your expenses for months and months in the event you lose your job, or your most expensive unplanned repair. That’s the real life saver.
How has bankruptcy affected you when you’ve gone to apply for things? Has there been any real long term effects when you apply for like a house or car loan?
I was able to get a car loan a few years after the bankruptcy. It was dumb, I hadn’t fully figured out my money situation yet. Bankruptcy didn’t fix that spending habit. But that was the tipping point. When my minimum expenses between the car, student loans, and living expenses exactly equaled my salary, I started trying to beat my way out of the mess. The car I currently own, I paid for up front. By the time I bought a house, the bankruptcy had disappeared off my report. Now the plan is pay off the mortgage and never have a credit score again.
Bankruptcies fall off your credit report after 7 years. I think the only thing you are blacklisted from after that 7 year period is the bank that credited you and lost money.
Credit cards are fine for people who can control their spending. I never pay interest, so I get my rewards for free and am building my credit. If you cannot control your spending habits, you might consider a card with a low limit.
You mean you never pay interest by paying off the debt before the next billing cycle, right? Or is it fine to get zero interest for whatever amount of months on certain purchases?
Ah, okay, I always figured the only way to really be responsible with credit was to use credit cards like debit, but if a big purchase came along that I definitely couldn’t pay off within the month, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have zero interest but wasn’t sure of the impact on my credit.
As long as you have the discipline to actually pay the thing off it’s fine. Many people think, “oh I have 0% interest, I’ll pay it off later” but never set aside the money to do so and end up accruing interest.
I never buy something on them I couldn’t immediately pay off in full when I hit buy. I’ve bought things in excess of my checking balance, but that’s because I had enough in savings (separate from my emergency fund), and my incoming paycheck would put my checking balance well above my credit card balance.
That is pretty much the right way to do credit. Treat like debit and/or find a way to have 0% interest over a few months time to spread a big cost across multiple months where it becomes affordable.
My concern is the impact on my credit from not paying back in full, even if there’s zero interest for an extended period of time. Like paying an appliance in 3 months with no interest versus the full balance before the next billing cycle. I just assume there’s a downside to having that convenience aside from them hoping I’ll fall behind.
Short term credit balances like appliances paid off over 3 months don’t affect your credit for very long. As soon as they are paid off and the balance falls off your credit report your score will rebound. It’s not worth stressing about.
Use credit cards for everything for an automatic minimum 2% discount on all purchases (in the form of cashback or rewards depending on how you value them, and more if you optimize category spending…I.e. you have a certain card you use for gas or groceries or eating out because that card has the best rewards for that category). Enjoy sign up bonuses if you can responsibly make the spend requirement. Always pay off statement balance and never close accounts (downgrade/product-change to free cards if the benefits aren’t more valuable than the annual fee).
And enjoy 0% offers but never slip on payment because that’s how they get you. If it’s not paid in full in time or a payment is late they will charge you backdated interest. 0% financing is free money if you can afford it (and can use it) at this inflation rate. I’d been on the fence about replacing my aging appliances but 0% for 24 mos made that a no-brainer. I could afford to have bought those appliances with cash (it’d sting but it’d be doable), but I’d much rather keep that few grand in a CD or bond or mutual fund and pay a 23rd of the balance every month, making me money instead of the bank.
You lost me a little with that last part, I’m assuming that’s more about investing, but I can understand weighing the options between an annual fee and rewards.
Personally, I pay off before next billing cycle. However, I have been fortunate with my finances. I know friends of mine who carry credit card debt, and they have successfully managed to balance transfer from one card to another using periodic balance transfer deals that let you transfer all your debt from one credit card to another with a 0% interest rate for 12 months or so. They have managed to do this for years.
I used to feel this way with 2% cash back, but I don’t think it’s worth the privacy loss of giving a for-profit corporation all of my spending data. Where I live now, almost no one accepts credit cards in person & if they do, there’s a high minimum payment & you will be paying the transaction fee. After getting used to carrying cash again, I can confidently say I prefer the anonymity. What weirder in hindsight is many other places either not accepting cash or baking the credit fees into the prices so it’s cash payers getting screwed—meanwhile the credit companies get to skim fixed costs while providing minimal value.
Yes, you definitely need to be vigilant these days about the fees. A lot of places are passing the costs to customers or offering lower prices for cash and debit.
In France after high school you pay 170€ the first 3 years the 243€ the next two, 100€ more each year if you don’t have aides from the government. Some engineering schools (~600€) or private schools are more expensive.
That’s a total of 1496€ for a 5y curriculum at most, if you don’t have any aides. (810€ for a shorter 3y one)
For reference the monthly minimum wage is 1398.69€ (without tax).
So if you work two months at McDonald’s you can literally pay your entire education with enough room to spare if you didn’t pass some years.
(Engineering schools is more but it isn’t crazy either)
That’s without any help, but we have some cheap apartment specifically for students, help to pay the rent. And in addition to this you can get a sizable amount depending on the income of the parents, sometimes enough to live on.
So why in the hell would you pay 50k. That’s 33 times as much, guys just come to France, or the EU and your set lol
Sure, most people i know either have parents to help them, including some fund they made them, or get the aides for students (including cheaper and small apartment, help to pay the rent, cheap meal at campus and scholarship). Some have a mix of both like me.
It’s often a bit short anyway, it isn’t luxurious, but we deal with it, i never met someone that took a loan as a solution though.
But we still have living expenses in the US too, on top of the outrageous tuition costs. My bachelor’s degree cost $58,000 but during those 4 years I also worked two jobs just to pay for rent and food and keep my car working. I’ve been out of college for over 10 years btw and still owe $40k in student loans.
Everything you’ve said only stands for public university (which is better than private schools however). In the private world, you’re looking at ~10000€ a year.
So why in the hell would you pay 50k. That’s 33 times as much, guys just come to France
I believe it’s more expensive for foreigners to study in France now. You’re looking at ~3000€ per year IIRC.
It used to be the same but they increased it in 2019. They passed a reform with a lot of changes to the whole education system (including high school which add a lot of changes).
The reform was pretty bad for a lots of reasons.
Should have thought of it, every university went on strikes for it, including mine (I was just on year 1).
They passed it anyway…
So yes now its 2770€ for the first 3y and 3770€ the next 2. Granted that’s still cheaper, 15,850€ total but that’s only 3 times more expensive, not as crazy.
P.S. Private school can be good especially in some fields, but they’re also a bit prestigious too. And 10k is a pretty good approximate i believe.
It’s not so much about how pizza delivery drivers get easily fired. It’s more about how cops get away with literal murder. If a pizza dude killed somebody who called for them, they wouldn’t have a union and PR team fighting for them and showing that the murder victim was maybe kinda asking for it because they ordered pineapple on their pizza. That’s a metaphor for a light criminal record, yes.
I propose that pineapple on pizza is the equivalent of personal quantities of pot possession in the legal world. Sure, a lot of people who claim to have never done it sure spend a lot of time talking about how terrible it is on a personal and societal level, but the ones who are actually using it just shrug their shoulders and say “more for me.”
Fun fact: qualified immunity is illegal according to the law as passed by Congress. The 1982 SCOTUS unintentionally legislated from the bench in Harlow V Fitzgerald
Turnover is already high due to shitty work conditions and low pay, but most franchises will also look for reasons to fire so they can keep wages low.
A few minutes later than the customer wants but still within reasonable time? Oooh sorry they called to complain so we have to give you a strike.
Customer doesn’t want to pay? Tough shit, you shouldn’t have given them the pizza without getting paid and that’s two strikes.
You were 30 seconds late according to the managers watch which is 3 minutes fast as proven by everyone’s cellphones and the wall clock? Too bad, fired.
And I’m not exaggerating. I’m just giving a real-world example.
Ultimately I was just done and had already been looking for another job, so I just went ahead and dropped the shit on the floor and spent the rest of the day chilling at the park. I even had witnesses to the insane bullshit.
Lemmy’s biggest competitor at this point isn’t reddit, it’s Discord, or rather, the monster it has become. It seems to me that instead of creating a subreddit nowadays, every project now wants to use a Discord server for everything.
The problem with that is:
Asking messages in a big, open chatroom (over, say, 20 people) gets real messy, real quickly.
Conversations on Discord are difficult to follow when multiple of them are going at once.
The conversations containing solutions to problems in chat or threads are not search indexable, which is the reason why reddit became quietly dominant in search results, it is simply the biggest centralized repository of organized English language text conversations available.
So why do people insist on using Discord servers to build their community? Simple, it’s the network effect. If somebody wants tech support, it’s way easier to click a Discord invite on an account for group chat you already have than it is to sign up for yet another forum that you only use once. But Lemmy doesn’t suffer from that problem of traditional forums because of federation.
Which brings me to my point, if Lemmy is to grow, it’s better to sell Lemmy to disgruntled Discord admins and forum owners to move their community than it is to get people to move off reddit at this point, since people who wants to leave reddit has all done so at this point.
Discord is the same problem for the internet as the Facebook grups were. Its hermetic, the info stays there, its hard to search thus the same problem is being asked over and over. StackOverflow and Reddit strength is that’s they are indexed and easy accessed
Discord is really bad for preservation of information. I can still find forum posts from 10 years ago on a given topic all over, but discord links seem to expire and break all the damn time and it’s hard to search through. It sucks that discord has become the defacto choice for user community space.
Lenny does part of this yes. Fediverse is the bigger ticket item. From a single account I can federate to different networks and post questions or have other interactions in different formats.
Discord sucks, but I’ve actually had a 100% successful help rate on it vs Reddit or Lemmy.
Typically Discord servers have specific tech support rooms, and you’ll get help pretty quickly. Only once I have had to ask my question a second time, because it was missed the first time.
Meanwhile Reddit threads just get downvoted, buried, and you’re never helped. Even when I try to search for threads that other people have posted, 90% of threads are just blank.
Lemmy is the worst. Doesn’t matter what you need, they’ll just call you stupid and tell you to use Linux and FOSS alternative, ignoring the fact you NEED to use what you’re asking help with.
A forum should work in tandem with a chatroom in an “ideal” online community, imo. Searchable Q&A with a communication for additional, nuanced interaction. They serve different purposes and can be more powerful when used together, than they could be on their own.
Lemmy does seem to have a bunch of old, crotchety internet nerds on here that like the “old ways” of the webs. But just tell 'em to “go fuck yourself”, if they’re being a dick; and than don’t reply to them again. It’s very freeing. They’re just butt sensitive about linux and foss, cause they were bullied on early internet forums and now act the same way, when expressing their loud-ass opinions. It’s like an unfortunate cycle of abuse that has existed on forums, but don’t let it discourage you from asking anyway… the question might help others
I’m a crotchety old internet nerd… tell me to “go fuck myself”, just for funsies! It’s empowering!
I feel like Discord fills a different need than forum type systems.
The one API I have on discord, likes Discord as a place for casual chat about the system. I think the devs prefer it because it is an active place for the community; to word it better, ‘hey look at this cool thing I did’ > response within a few minutes ‘that’s cool’ heart^5 fire^3 thumbs up^7. Whereas on a forum you’d be waiting for hours, or just not have that casual of a conversation.
It replaces the old usage of IRC servers.
The help channel is highly responsive, and great for things you want a quick chat about, need a response now, or if you get help now great, but if not, you’ll figure it out on your own before you would ever get help on a forum, so it’s not worth posting to a forum.
Threads really do help organize when a discussion is going to be large, and discord is very much searchable, just not from your browser search engine.
For changes to the API, ideas, issues, or bugs, they direct you to github “Discussions” or “Issues”. They do have an idea discord channel, but it’s a more casual thing, or far out there discussions.
Discord does get a lot of hate for it’s searchability, which is valid, but I don’t have a problem with it as long as places like Stack Overflow (or what replaces it) are still around.
Dubai isn’t necessarily a bad place per se. Like… “do you like it here outside w/o air conditioning? That’s your average winter in the Antarctic in a few years, if you don’t act.”
Huge? UAE’s blood is oil. It’s a capital of eastern luxury and one of remaining monarchies because they sell oil. They are still a partner to everyone in spite of murdering journalists and whoever they dislike - because they sell oil. They build these absurd skyscapers, ski resorts in a desert, all their places are extremely air-conditioned to be tourists-friendly, all thanks to selling oil. Even including them there is an embarassment, because they grew up that vulgarly unsustainable thanks to oil money. It reads like an Onion article.
The latest case I recall is them helping Saudis to kill Jamal Khashoggi. While the killing was on Saudis, AUE put Pegasus on their phones and later detained a lawyer on this case, an american citizen.
Yea maybe they could have the climate summit in their fucking outdoor air conditioning soccer field…. There should be plenty of room there, in the whole fucking outdoor air conditioned stadium.
One thing I can say I’m half certain I read that Biden wasn’t going.
He may have had early intel about the summit pres being involved in the drama,
Usually I show them how far my forklift can place their freight without scooting it (which is never far enough (only when they complain about the potential for scratches)) then mention, “Unfortunately without scooting it you’ll have to load this by hand.”
Usually this gets them to relent and then I get to show them how tough the lining is by scooting the freight and not damaging anything
Sometimes though they still don’t want it scooted so they end up having to load it by hand by themselves (I can’t help by hand as it’s a liability thing) which always brings a smile to my face
Literally today some dingus ended up loading 5000lbs of flooring into their F-550 by hand because they didn’t want the rhino lined bed scratched
The hell…I have a pickup with bedliner that we use (in part) for picking up pellets for our pellet stove by the ton. They put the pallet on as far as they can while it’s fully on the forks, then lift up the end of it and push the pallet on to the truck the rest of the way. No issues at all, and we’ve been doing it for several years now.
I throw all kinds of crap on it. A few years ago we were getting rid of fencing the previous owners had left…the only thing I had to worry about was them tangling enough that I wouldn’t be able to get another piece in (we have a cap on our truck). That’s the whole point in getting the bedliner. I’d refuse to help someone doing that.
One day my friend told me not to grab any tools on the way to a junkyard, as they had everything we would need already loaded.
Later on, they didn’t want me using said tools because they were new and might get scratched or the ratchet gears damaged. Kinda wanted to punch him in his idiot mouth.
I treat my tools well and even baby the fancy ones a bit. But god damn, they’re fking tools, they’re meant to be used and eventually everything breaks.
A friend’s somewhat classic car has a tire change kit and we get a flat tire, they don’t want to have the change kit show any wear, so we end up waiting hours for roadside assistance to come change a tire… not with the included tire though.
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