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TheEhHole, in Chicken soup

Gold fish

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

What, the market ran out of mackerel?

owatnext, in Chicken soup


@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Aw he dead.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

You’re probably gonna have to give him up for adoption.

CaptainParabola, in This is what my wife calls me after the incident.

Literal shit post.


I enjoy it too much when shitposts are shit related

corus_kt, in Reblog if youre american

I’m in the minority here but I got it done to me as a kid (no choice, barely aware etc) and I’m grateful for it. Just way cleaner overall and no discernible difference - there’s the rumor that it affects sensitivity but I’m just as horny as the rest of the damn men are. Also because I was so young (or maybe the docs at the hospital were skilled), the only scar is a tiny scab on the under side that doesn’t affect anything. I wouldn’t endorse it for children but I can’t argue it was terrible either.

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

It affecting sensitivity is not a rumour, it’s a fact. There are nerve endings in the foreskin. Ergo, it must remove sensitivity. And this can be corroborated by many who get the procedure done as adults.

And the “way cleaner” thing makes zero sense unless you don’t have access to running water. The world outside of the US + Middle East aren’t walking around with dirty dicks, and if you don’t have running water, all of you will be dirty regardless.

There are babies in the US that die each year from circumcision complications. It causes pain. It reduces sensitivity. Plenty of them are done "traditionally’ - i.e. without any pain relief or sterilisation. It leaves scars. 5% of circumcisions are botched, sometimes causing pain and discomfort - particularly during sex - for the man’s whole lifetime.

It’s completely unnecessary, and barbaric.

The fact that we’re in 2024 and there’s still places out there cutting parts of the dick off of babies as a religious or quasi-religious (in the case of the US) ceremony is crazy.


Ah, noted. Maybe I was lucky


Your brain compensates for a lot of the missing nerves. Just imagine the orgasm with em all still there lol.


It’s “way cleaner” in the same way that spraying fabric freshener on a pair of shit stained underwear is "way cleaner’.


just way cleaner

Man, just wash your dick. Everyone should wash their dick

there’s the rumor that it affects sensitivity




I got it done as an adult for medical reasons. I stand fully behind everything you said. But: I don’t have any scar whatsoever

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

Getting it done as an adult is fine. You consented. I’m also fine with piercings or tattoos on adults but not on babies for the same reason. Though that’s a bit of a false equivalence as genital mutilation is more dangerous and less reversible than those other two, so I guess I find them less objectionable, though still fucked up.

Getting it done out of medical necessity is also fine, for pretty obvious reasons.

Forcing it upon a baby for no reason isn’t.


Have you noticed any loss of sensation compared to before the procedure?


Nope, not that I’m aware of.


If you wash your dick the cleanliness isn’t a problem

Also sensitivity has nothing to do with how horny you are.


I’m not saying cleanliness is a problem, it’s just easier to clean. If you exercise often, it’s easier to maintain a short hairstyle clean than a long one for example.

‘Horny’ may have not been the best term to use but I hope the message got across. If I was more sensitive before getting cc’d, then I must have had one hell of a hair trigger


Dude, as someone who was cut as an adult (medical reasons) i can tell you that the change in sensitivity is H.U.G.E.

I have WAY less sensitivity afterwards and it gets worse over time.


the reason he mentioned the horny bit was ironically the exact reason this was started in the first place, because the man who tried to make a cereal so boring it would kill morning wood, said it would make people less horny (well not just Kellogg but many others as well)


Fun fact: the same guy also wanted to burn girls’ clits with acid so they wouldn’t masturbate either, though that didn’t catch on.


Lol how is it cleaner? You just wash your dick and it is clean anyways. You are juat trying to justify it because you dont want to blame your parents for cutting pieces off you to fit their aesthetic.


Why do people downvote you for just sharing your experience in a manner? I’m circumcised too and glad that I am.

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

Because he’s A) talking nonsense, and B) making genital mutilation of babies sound like it’s not that bad.

You want part of your dick cut off? Cool. Do it when you’re old enough to consent to it. Genuinely. If that’s what floats your boat, then do it. People should have the right to body autonomy. Slice your ear off as well if that’s what you’re into. Anything.

If this were about tattooing babies, or piercing them, or cutting off their earlobes, everyone would rightly be against it (even though all of these are less dangerous and less likely to have complications).

It’s only because Americans, Jews, and Muslims are used to this practice that they accept it. If it were a new thing, it would be seen as the barbaric practice that it truly is.

I believe there’s also the element of “well if I admit that circumcision of babies is wrong, that means there’s something wrong with my penis. And I don’t want there to be something wrong with my penis. Therefore I’m on the side of genital mutilation being ok.”


God damn you have some serious issues my dude. Sorry your parents traumatized you but you need to calm down and stop attacking people who have different opinions than you. He said he got it done and he was grateful for it, let it go and stop downvote brigading because he doesn’t fall into line with your cronies. The whole Brogan anti circumcision crew from Reddit was one of the cringiest groups that I wish never migrated over to lemmy. They were so self righteous about their stance they would never listen to arguments from the other side, and were 1000% convinced everyone else was a monster.

I for one am happy mine was done, my dick is plenty sensitive and it doesn’t look like a crusty ant eater. My sexual partners have been very thankful for the same, and I’ve received numerous compliments to the same. The truth is, most women find uncircumcised dick to be pretty gross. I can see a few reasons for that, and one of them is simply the look, but the other is because more than a few of them had to deal with a dirty fucking uncut guy who didn’t wash probably and it was nasty af and left them with a bad impression of uncut guys.


“well if I admit that circumcision of babies is wrong, that means there’s something wrong with my penis. And I don’t want there to be something wrong with my penis. Therefore I’m on the side of genital mutilation being ok.”

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

No issues here. I’m against mutilating the genitals of babies, like a normal person.

The people who have serious issues are the ones who get happy at the thought of taking a newborn baby and slicing part of their dick off. They are brainwashed.

You’ll notice I said it’s good that he likes his circumcision. Just that it should’ve been done as an adult, with consent. Not forced on him as a baby.

I’m sorry that you view cutting off parts of babies’ dicks to be a great cause worthy of championing. That’s pretty sad. That cutting off parts of babies in a needless procedure that frequently goes wrong is something that gets your mutilated dick hard.

And yeah, being pro baby mutilation is something that a monster would like. Unironically, to mutilate the genitalia of babies is something we should view as being the actions of a monster. But religion drives people to do crazy things.

Hahahaha most women absolutely do not find normal, un-mutilated dicks to be ugly. Quit making shit up.

I’m really sorry you got mutilated as a baby. Genuinely. Hope the scarring isn’t too bad and you were one of the lucky majority who don’t get a botched circumcision. But you need to get over this insecurity about your dick.


The more time I spend on Lemmy the more I realize people here are just the worst.

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

Those people against genital mutilation of babies are the worst.

Like who the fuck do they think they are? I can cut whatever I want from babies. I don’t hear them declining consent. Checkmate, infants.


I’m against circumcision too.

I didn’t downvote a guy who had it done to him against his will for sharing his personal experience.


Because this particular internet conversation moved beyond any kind of rationality somewhere around 2002


Yeah, the people against mutilating the genitals of babies are irrational when they talk about how fucked up they think forced genital mutilation is.

It’s definitely not the people who dogmatically defend cutting off parts of baby genitalia despite all the suffering and issues it causes, who are behaving irrationally.

If you want to have parts of your dick chopped off, more power to ya. But do it when you’re a consenting adult.


This is a barbaric practice that itself is only a surrogate for the much more barbaric practice of child sacrifice.

To suggest discussion of it moved beyond any kind of rationality is laughable because its very foundation is a rejection of rationality.

Let’s have a rational discussion: what is your best, rational, science-backed reason for supporting the nonconsensual mutilation of male infants?

I know some of those words are emotionally provocative but they are 100% accurate and simply not cloaked in polite euphemism, and you need to engage with each of them on a rational basis.

I eagerly await your thoughts.

@chakan2@lemmy.world avatar

Most people think this, however this is the Internet where minorities shout the loudest.


Sometimes the majority be stupid. I know, I know, hard to believe. Remember the Geocentric model?


there’s the rumor that it affects sensitivity

Just to offer a correction to this for you, it is not a “rumor” but physiological fact. Circumcision removes the frenar band, which is very densely innervated and a principal errogenous zone for those that are uncircumcised, additonally, the Meissner’s corpuscles, which contain thousands of touch receptors and tens of thousands of endings that are biologically specialized for sexual pleasure are amputated.

I can’t, personally, attest to the effect as being cut is all that I’ve ever known but, the evidence is undeniable about the fact that circumcision diminishes the male sexual experience.

@RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

You’re probably correct. All of this non-consensual body mod shit, for men and women, sucks.

What’s done is done, but I won’t repeat the mistakes. I also harbor no Ill will about it either, I’m living life with the hand I’ve been dealt, and having fun too.


Absolutely! Though, if a low-risk procedure becomes avalable to restore it with full biological functionality (all the nerves, glands, etc), I’ll absolutely get it, if I can. I don’t harbor ill will either as, probably, none of those involved had any idea, with how commonplace it is in the US.

I’m just happy that I wasn’t the recipient of a botched circumcision and that they are pretty uncommon in the developed world at somewhere around 0.6% but in some developing nations that shoots up to a reported 5%. And that’s a pretty fucked up amount of risk to subject one who cannot consent to such a procedure to.


I’ve had a foreskin all my life and it’s just another part of your body that you learn to care for, like ears.

Also like ears, it takes a little bit of extra work to care for your foreskin, but it’s worth it because not-unlike ears, foreskin heightens your sensitivity to stimuli.

Also, like ears, the idea of lopping it off is barbaric on its face. We in the west are happy to use the descriptive, and more emotionally resonant term ‘genital mutilation’ when we talk about the equally barbaric practice that is forced on females in other cultures, but we still hide behind euphemism and branding when talking about mutilating perfectly good penises.

Also, this is intelligent design? You leave at least two defects in the V1 production push, refuse to release a day 1 patch, and your hot fix for one defect is just to cut if off - eventually, meanwhile the appendix is just left to lurk.

Goods not as advertised.

Antagnostic, in The opposite of a stork.

I’m pretty sure we call that a “Swallow”.


no, that’s ur mother

GrammatonCleric, in Are ya winning, son?
@GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar


@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar


DreamTraveler, in Dinesh has some explaining to do

If you’re around the middle east there is Uber Copter


A Honda CR-V is truly my favorite helicopter

ColeSloth, in Target acquired

Shoooot. Just frodo walking out of the shire is the length of the one on the right.

RememberTheApollo_, in Community note pointing out fake news once again 🫡

This stuff is back again? A year or two ago FB and the like was littered with spammers posting fake news that some celeb or other had died or met some tragedy to get people to click it. This stuff is annoying as heck, there’s plenty of spammers, but for some reason this particular brand seems very ubiquitous.


It’s because the sites refuse to police misinformation in any form. You want attention on that, you have to say something that someone in charge of that cares about. Falsely reporting their death is an easy, legal and fun way to make a content moderator or site owner or CEO pause and say “hey wait a minute”


Musk is not going to reflect on his actions. He’ll scream, cry, and shid himself before banning them and posting a rant about lying liberals.

Sterile_Technique, in Now who is laughing?
@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Hmmm, send it back to R&D. The expelled gasses going directly into the horn would only produce a single-toned “HONK”. Instead, those gasses could be used to inflate a cuff that’s wrapped around a more traditional style clown horn bulb, squeezing the bulb and producing that same noise; but as the cuff loses pressure and bulb reinflates, the air it draws back will produce second tone, providing the clown horn’s signature “HEE-HAW” that our prospective murder victims expect and deserve.


You could skip a lot of effort by just using g a rubber chicken

@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

Yes but direct gas impingement on a rubber chicken is going to wear some parts. Better to have an indirect system and avoid carbon deposits in your comedy noisemakers.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar
@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

Smithers, have old man Gower killed

Amir, in mHz is superior
@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

I have no idea if this is meterhertz or millihertz

TeckFire, (edited )

nHz is Nanohertz 1/1,000,000,000 Hz (Billionth)

µHz is Microhertz 1/1,000,000 Hz (Millionth)

mHZ is Millihertz 1/1,000 Hz (Thousandth)

Hz is Hertz 1 Hz (Base Unit, one per second)

kHz is Kilohertz 1,000 Hz (Thousand)

MHz is Megahertz 1,000,000 Hz (Million)

GHz is Gigahertz 1,000,000,000 Hz (Billion)

THz is Terahertz 1,000,000,000,000 Hz (Trillion)

I suppose there are probably more that I’m not aware of, but I hope this clears it up.


Pretty sure kilo is lowercase, actually.


Son of a bitch, you’re right lmao


Big K is Kelvins for temperature




Sufficient Kelvins do hurt, I guess


Can Hertz be imperial or are they strictly metric?

psud, (edited )

RPM (revolutions per minute) is an old rotational measure

But the second is the same in both systems so I wouldn’t be surprised if America called revs per second “Hertz”


I think there’s something like 43/500ths of a Bigole Hertz to a regular Hertz; but that’s if you’re using English Bigoles. I think it’s 43.9/500ths for a US Bigole.


I usually just rent from Enterprise. They pick you up!

lolcatnip, (edited )

I’m American and I’ve never seen any other unit used for frequency unless you count adjectives like “daily”.

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

No, that absolutely does not resolve the confusion between meter (m) and milli (m)


By convention, compound SI units (e.g. N•m) are separated by a space or multiplication dot and are not just smashed together. The lack of such a separator in the above example implies the “milli” prefix.


Standing alone ‘m’ is metre.

With a decimal modifier ahead of it, ‘m’ is metre

Immediately before a symbol it is milli (one thousandth)

mm - the first m is before the metre symbol, it is the milli multiplier, the second m is after a multiplier, so it is the symbol for metre

mHz - the m is before the symbol Hz (for Hertz) so it is the milli multiplier

km - the m is after the K (kilo, thousand times) multiplier, so it is metre

You probably spell metre ‘meter’, but a meter is a whole different word in English

TeckFire, (edited )

I feel like a dumbass

I totally read your comment as “Megahertz or Millihertz”

Now I realize it should just be Meters•Herts or m•Hz

suzune, (edited )

No one uses millihertz and neither meterhertz. If you want to do it correctly the first one would be acceptable for milli as scale. The second one would need to be written as m • Hz.



lemmydripzdotz123, in Chicken soup

Potato Soup. Nickname Potato.


Nickname Potat.


I agree.

@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

Obviously biased.

TxzK, in Reblog if youre american

Yeah fuck circumcisions. Child abuse is what it is. I want my fucking foreskin back


Not sure how badly you want it back, but it is possible to restore. Non-sugically. Basically skin under tension causes Mitosis (skin cells dividing to make more skin) - think putting on weight, gaining muscle, getting pregnant, or ear gauges. You tug the skin long enough and eventually have your hoodie back. The results are surprisingly impressive. r/restoring_foreskin has a bunch of info


I basically did by accident

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Username checks out.


bruh. I don’t necessarily want it back and was just angry about the fact that it was taken from without my consent in the first place. But thanks for the info anyway, tho not sure what I’m gonna do with it.


Tug the foreskin? Lol


Hmmm, perhaps we can play tug of war with foreskins lol


That’s not gonna restore the nervous system bits associated.


New nerves do grow. Muscly/fat/pregnant people have the same skin senstitivity. But there are special function bits that are lost. The Rigid Band has special nerve endings, gone forever. Frenellum too


Just make sure to double, triple, quadruple check any foreskin restoration advice you get. Some of the ways people suggest can be really dangerous.

LillyPip, (edited )

Oh, I’ve seen that. It’s fascinating. There’s a ball with outer clamps and varying degrees of weights you can add on a dangly bit. You attach the contraption for some number of increasing minutes per day, and it stretches the skin surrounding the glans until it’s long enough to encompass the glans. After a while, the little ball will be encompassed by the new foreskin.

He says it’s not painful and I believe him, but not being the owner of a penis, it looks at least uncomfortable to me. Then again, I’ve never used gauges, either, and as you said, it’s pretty similar to that.


My mother used to hate it when people would get baby girls’ ears pierced. Called it child abuse and mutilation.

I’m circumcised.


Damn. That’s pretty fucking shit.


Same here, some fucked up shit.


I want my fucking foreskin back

Doom music starts playing


The Only Thing They Fear is Foreskin




I have a certain set of skills…


I don’t want much just want my foreskin back again
No it’s not TMI I shared it 'cause we’re friends
My parents chose this road but I’ll choose where it ends
Don’t I deserve it all? Gonna grow it back again

Grow It Back Again - foreskin restoration anthem from How To with John Wilson (HBO 2020)

(Piped mirror)

Emerald, (edited )

Oh yeah I remember this guy. He has a good cause (anti circumcision) but had to ruin it with Bill Gates conspiracy theory nonsense. Also I love How to with John Wilson

edit: hmm actually there is some stuff about bill gates and circumcision so I should probably fact check myself here

curiousaur, in Chicken soup



Future dog name

MacNCheezus, in Cryptic runes bringing to mind unspeakable horror. OC
@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar
@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

But I ordered cannelloni

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

“It would have been easier to just say that you cast create food.”

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