Man I wish I fucking knew the context of this. Why did the guy come over in the first place? Where did the girl go? How did dude know instantly when he looked up at the guy while he was on his knee that he had to starch this fellow?
Dude in the orange attempted to rob them with mace. As he walks up you can see him grab something out of his pocket then put it in dudes face. Later you can see him spraying it at dude but he’s standing too far away.
No it’s not, snakes aren’t very bright but unless it’s starving (which that snake clearly isn’t) a captive born/bred snake isn’t likely going to eat anything it’s not used to. Dogs are way more likely to attack than a pet snake.
Doubt it. Most pythons are surprisingly picky eaters.
Take one of mine. ‘Only mice, only live, and no white ones!’ is the usual dinner order. And sometimes they’ll snub that mouse if it doesn’t meet their standards. I feel cats should take notes.
Burmese are pretty chill. This isn’t ’looking for food’, this is ‘I found a hot water bottle’.
People who have no experience with snakes always seem to have the silliest ideas about what they’re like.
You could say that about any pet snake really, but as long as you’re a good snake owner it’s not a big risk. They eat once every week or two on a schedule and the general rule of thumb is don’t cuddle with them when it’s feeding day. Feed them in a special container that’s only association and purpose is feeding.
After a bit of that they catch on and you can dangle your hand in their face all you want. They’ll understand you are the food source and not a threat. Then you get to chill with them, since they are cold blooded they like cuddlinga with your warmth quite a bit. It’s another rule of safety just don’t let them get a coil around something like a leg or what have you.
Snakes are cool pets just pretty high maintenance. I could see this snake being even more lazy since it’s so big, but moving it has to be a two man job.
but also the right snake with a decent setup could be one of the easiest pets to own! Not as resilient pr independent as a cat but the needs for something like a cornsnake are pretty minimal once you have a proper setup for it
Pythons are pretty chill snakes overall tbh. If you’re careful, handle them frequently, and make sure they’re comfortable in their environment they won’t do anything. It all comes down to owner handling.
They also aren’t that stupid and won’t (usually) try to attack anything that’s too big for them to eat, except out of fear. Because thats a waste of energy. And she is very much too big for him to get his mouth around to digest. So no, she isn’t going to die.
Weird question but as someone who has never owned a reptile, do they feel love and kinship like mammals do? I always picture their reptile brains as very logical and without any emotion except maybe fear sometimes, but I could be totally wrong on that.
I’ve not heard anyone describing reptiles as having “love” or “kinship” like a mammal pet ala cat/dog does. They’re not really pack or social creatures. However They do form familiar bonds with their owners/handlers that they’ll be most comfortable with, as they can tell the difference between people (largely through body scent). When they are comfortable they’ll be more energetic, mobile, and explore with curiosity.
The middle east? Where gasoline/petrol is almost free? Dude. Buddy. Pal. The arabs have so many fucking cars. It’s insane. UAE, SE, etc. so. Many. Cars.
No they were at a German flea market. The American mind can’t understand a continent of people with no means to move from spot to spot without walking.
It doesn’t work because, while the front magnet is pulling the car magnet forward, the car magnet is also pulling the front magnet backwards and the front magnet is also attached to the car, so it cancels out.
Magnet want to pull and stick to each other of the different pole. When it glued to the car, the one on the cardboard will want to move toward the car and the one on the front hood will want to move toward the cardboard. The force cancel each other out so no movement will happen.
Okay. Maybe even dumb it down a little more? Just in case someone out there still doesn’t get it. Not me, I get it. Just someone else might not, and what about them you know?!
When the magnet got glued to the car, it became part of the car so it wouldn’t actually move. The reason it moves when it isn’t glued is because the hand keeps pulling the magnet away
Actually it would be the same force on the car if you removed the arm holding the magnet and placed a block of wood in the space between the magnets. It’s a static system
Just like the hanging magnet is pulling on the car, the car magnet is also pulling on the hanging apparatus. Unfortunately for the car, the apparatus is attached to it, so it all cancels out.
Magnets transmit force, they don’t magically create energy. It takes energy to move the car, not just a static force being present. It’s the same as taping a stick to it without the magnets. Unless someone pulls on the stick (or magnet), no energy is entering the system and no work can be done.
If you’d blow with a leaf blower or something to the front of the boat, the boat might actually go backwards of there’s enough force. The leaf blower is basically pushing the air forwards, therefore it’s also pushing itself backwards. Some go this will probably be cancelled by blowing against the sail, but some air will also pass around it.
Not quite the same as the two magnets. If you have a big fan and a square sail, you’re moving air, which has mass and is not attached to the boat. That alone will cause a force that moves the boat backwards. The moving air that hits the sail will not fully cancel that force due to frictional losses and air spillage from the edges.
Racing yachts are a different story. They have rigid sails that are shaped like airfoils. Blowing across an airfoil causes lift. So a big fan blowing perpendicular to the axis of the boat across such a sail would move the boat forward. But it’s much more efficient for the fan to blow backwards without the sail, hence airboats and hovercraft.
Ok when not glued: both magnets get pulled to each other. The hand has to use some force in order to stay in place, so the car moves.
When glued: both magnets still get pulled to each other, but now the force is cancelled out since the force that would pull it forward also has to be used to hold the other in place.
I think this is the best answer. Just because magnetism is not visible doesn’t make it magic. The source of the forces doesn’t change where those forces go. A lot of these perpetual motion machines can be simplified to a situation that makes intuitive sense.
In simplest terms, the two magnets are trying to pull toward each other equally. But when you glue them on the board, that glue holds the magnets apart, and “pushes” them the same amount that the magnets “pull” towards each other, hence no movement.
There would only be a movement if one side was pulling more than the other. The hand is providing that imbalance at first which moved the car.
In this situation the magnets act much like a spring, so imagine changing the magnets on the stick and the car for a simple spring. That is much more easier to visualize.
So, hypothetically, what if we replaced the magnet on the stick with a stronger magnet? (I’m sure this wouldn’t work, I just don’t know why it wouldn’t work lol)
The same. The attraction from one magnet to the other is the same on each magnets. If one is stronger, the total attraction is higher, but still the same on both ends.
When you are holding the magnet in front of the car you are pulling the car along through the magnetic attraction between the magnets, and the car is pulling the magnet back towards itself with equal force. However, you can just pull the magnet away as the car gets closer. When you do so you are transferring the force the car is imparting on you into the ground you are standing on.
If you were to now get on top of the car and hold the magnet in front of it the magnet you are holding would be pulled towards the car, and the car towards it. However, since you are on top of the car, instead of the force the car is imparting on you going into the ground (allowing you to keep moving the magnet away from the car) it would go back into the car. This force going back into the car is identical to the force the magnet you are holding is imparting on the car. As such they cancel each other out and the car does not move.
If you repeat the above, but replace the magnet with a rope, it’s a lot more clear why it doesn’t work. You can’t pull on a rope while sitting on a car and expect the car to move. The magnetic force is the rope, and you pulling on the magnet is the same as pulling on the rope.
it’s hard to reconcile with others on the internet when you don’t know anything about them. their personhood gets reduced to a series of opinions and stances. I’m worried that engaging with people through the lens of formal logic will just further disconnect us from one another.
I have a coworker who if I had met her online, I probably wouldn’t have gotten along with her. We have such completely polar opposite and radically different viewpoints and philosophies in life. We are exact polar opposites in things like political ideologies, religious notions, moral conventions, philosophical views on life, the state of the world, new technology, etc.
But despite our radical differences, she is among the people who I care most about on this planet. If I met her in some sort of internet debate, I would hate her and she would hate me. But in person, when you slowly get to know people over time, it’s different. You realize that they are human just like you are. You both just want to survive on this planet and make your own way. You both have struggles. You both just want to joke and get along with one another.
I get where you’re coming from but that’s why I find it especially egregious when they activily choose to pursue willful ignorance and vote against their best interests.
yeesh does that hit home, last day or two i’ve been trying very hard to have a conversation with someone and their replies were wild assumptions about me and insults based on said wild assumptions, no actual arguments or anything, just being mad at a version of me they fully made up in their head. At first i felt kinda hurt by their words, i think rather understandably i’m not a fan of being insulted even when the insults make little sense, but then it just became really confusing how confident they were being about things they made up.
i think as long as you don’t try to psycho-analyse a stranger on the internet basing on a single conversation you had you’ll be fine lol. stick to arguing with their points and trying to understand their stances not attacking them personality or extracting a whole made up image of who they could be
I’m putting it out there now, cringe will continue to evolve and the feeling will get elaborated and exaggerated until the new version of cringe will basically be imploding into yourself like a black hole or being spaghettified.
Um. Bowl cuts are in style NOW. Have you not seen those 20-something TikTok guys who are so sure they’re the most attractive person in the world? Bowl cuts.
And bowl cuts weren’t cringe in the 90s. Hence why we all had them. It was an accepted style of the time, and because the most horrible styles of the 90s are suddenly on trend again, they’re not cringe now—according to general consensus and fashion. It’s all relative. You or I can look back at our bowl cuts and think they look terrible, but they didn’t have the same context when they were on our heads back then. And they don’t for the people who got that haircut now.
Are you sure you’re not dealing with false memories here? We were kids. Sure, after we all lost the bowl cuts and became adolescents, we made fun of/were embarrassed of the haircuts we used to have.
But no one at all in my life ever even discussed our haircuts until we were old enough to want to be someone else. Or maybe you’re younger than I am and I lost my bowl cut with the times and some kids had them stick around through when you were a kid.
But there was zero discussion of them until we didn’t have them anymore in anyone i ever knew. But we all definitely had them as young kids.
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