If Lemmy were styled after an old-school forum board rather than reddit I’d agree with you, but because profile pics on Lemmy are so tiny they’re basically pointless. However they’re just large and colorful enough to be distracting. Lemmy’s format can feel a bit cluttered as is, and I’d rather be able to scan and quickly identify important info–such as whether a comment poster is OP–than have my eye get caught by something superfluous and purely aesthetic like a profile pic. Thus I’d rather they do away with them entirely, at least in bylines.
I remember my first time seeing someone use a Jabra bluetooth ear piece. 2003 in a college dorm, a girl was walking back and forth but her phone was probably in her hoodie. I was bewildered, wondering why she was talking aloud to herself.
It’s a bit harder when you started your relationship before smartphones (yes there are people that old)
I keep telling my wife not to do that and just talk normally because the microphone is designed for that … instead, when I call her, I know she’s holding the phone like this because it sounds like someone is shouting at me.
How do I use the phone and microphone to talk to people on my smartphone? … simple … I don’t, ever.
but this is correct, that’s where the mic is, it’s more comfortable than holding it to my ear [especially the modern smartphone shape], and i like knowing i’m talking straight into the mic
The microphone was not designed to be talked straight into it like that. It was designed for someone to hold the phone like a human. The mics are designed to help pick up audio from the direction of your mouth when your phone is in the normal position, not the one you’re using. By attempting to maximize efficiency and talk into it, you’re actively making it worse for the other people you’re talking to.
You do know that when you switch to speaker phone it’s often switching the microphone setup, right? Like it’s going from earpiece to conference call setup… it’s not like it stays the same and blows out the other end. We have the technology to control noise input and background. This was ~ maybe ~ true of older phones, but it certainly isn’t today.
I talk on the phone like this due to being a walker & talker. So I pull up my work systems on my phone to update notes and email people as I’m talking. If that were the case the dozens of phone calls a day would tell me I’m way too loud.
Part of my background is in sysadmin (MDM) and AV. I’m METICULOUS about how things sound. I frequently check audio devices and always ask others on calls if it sounds good. I mostly talk to sales people now that are in an office on headsets and we’re all outgoing and straight forward enough that we would just tell someone immediately.
If you’re in public I wouldn’t be on speaker. It’s rude, annoying, and the mics change dynamics to pickup other voices as well, but in the comfort of my home for calls where I don’t want to put in/on headphones it’s much more comfortable to be on speaker.
Yes, and blasting it on speaker mode is a whole different problem. One that mainly ends with that person being an inconsiderate asshole and forcing everyone in the vicinity to listen to their conversation.
It’s just ‘Main Character Syndrome’ energy and needs to fuck off.
You do know you can be on speaker phone and not in public, right? You’re talking about one specific situation but breaking it down as if all people using speaker phone are somehow bad…
When I’m on speaker phone it’s in my own home when no one else is around. It’s a comfortable way for me to talk on a phone and it doesn’t bother anyone.
And I’m not judging your private behavior. At no point did I say I was judging your private behavior. But if you do it in public, you’re an asshole. I have never been talking about what you do privately because it’s privately. Everything here should be taken with the context of this being in public as was implied.
Some people have chubby cheeks, or don’t want to mess up their makeup would be my guess. The poster mentioned obsessive compulsive disorder, so your answers there. 👍
You’ve heard that people that sound uncomfortably loud, garbled and distorted, barely comprehensible, with intermittent popping and hisses over the phone? That’s you.
In my defense, I’ve had a phone hang up or do weird stuff because it couldn’t tell the difference between a fingertip and an earlobe way too many times. Like, a shitty phone has nearly altered the course of my life because of this, and that’s not okay.
It’s not just shitty phones, nice phones have this problem too.
I cannot for the life of me find the earpiece on new phones, my face dials and hangs up and does all kinds of weird shit if I try to have a conversation on the phone the way you’re supposed to.
You should be able to hit the power button while on a call and turn off the display, then put it to your ear. Much less effort than the people around you have to make to keep from slapping you
The clever part is that most phones do have a microphone at the top nearby the earpiece. The stupid part is that that mic is for noise canceling the ambient noise. So the phone is hearing them, but the person at the other end of the line is getting a distorted and full of artifacts voice that is barely comprehensible.
You’re interrupting the movie and making people miss out. If all agree ahead of time to do a MST3K kinda thing, sure. As a compromise: pause the movie first.
Makes for a bit of a boring hangout if you both just sit silently there through the movie. At that point might as well watch it separately and then get together to discuss it.
Cinema being different of course, you’re not supposed to talk there to begin with
Yeah everyone in this thread probably being too literal, myself included lol.
Like, I’m not gonna get mad if someone makes a quick comment or quip during a movie. I’m not asking people to sit there in silence with absolutely no interaction while the movie plays. I’m just asking people to not try and start and maintain a conversation while the movie is playing, which I think is reasonable.
Not to say it’s objectively wrong, but if it’s someone like me that you’re watching a movie with, I generally expect quiet. A comment here and there is probably fine in the right context, but constantly breaking into conversation mid-movie is a distraction I don’t really appreciate. Generally, I think it’s important to understand the expectations of everyone involved.
Because it’s insanely inconsiderate and extremely egotistical. You aren’t the only person in the world. We’re both watching the movie and we’re both equally as confused. When you ask those questions what you’re doing is interrupting the movie for someone else to demand an explanation for yourself. An explanation you will not get as, again, both of us are confused. Other people are watching the movie too. Interrupting it to try and get answers for yourself is some narcissistic behavior, especially when you’re in a movie theater with shitloads of other people around you.
Moreover, during the middle of the movie is not the place to have a discussion. People are trying to watch it and enjoy it, not listen to some breakdown about the events so far. If you want to have those discussions then keep it for after the movie when attention can be properly given to the discussion, not a half whispered response in a tone of “Dude, can you shut up?”
Because it’s insanely inconsiderate and extremely egotistical.
I can imagine coming over to a friend’s place or to a date and just sitting there in absolute silence watching a movie instead of you know, hanging out and talking stuff
Your friend is probably more interesting in hanging out with you than strictly watching a movie lol
An explanation you will not get as, again, both of us are confused.
Did you read my comment? I said I don’t expect you to know the answer, I just want to hear your thoughts. If you don’t want to talk during movies then watch them alone.
Because it’s insanely inconsiderate and extremely egotistical. You aren’t the only person in the world. We’re both watching the movie and we’re both equally as confused.
I don’t expect you to be less confused, I don’t expect you to know the answer
When you ask those questions what you’re doing is interrupting the movie for someone else to demand an explanation for yourself.
Of course I wouldn’t talk during a dialogue, only during non-dialogue scenes
An explanation you will not get as, again, both of us are confused.
Again, I don’t expect you to know the answer
Other people are watching the movie too. Interrupting it to try and get answers for yourself is some narcissistic behavior, especially when you’re in a movie theater with shitloads of other people around you.
Lmao do you think I would be screaming that question throughout the entire theatre?
If you want to have those discussions then keep it for after the movie
It’s not about a discussion it’s about speculation. There’s no point in speculation when the movie is over, all answers are given unless if there’s a second movie coming.
I don’t expect you to be less confused, I don’t expect you to know the answer
Then the discussion is not relevant in the moment and can be saved until after the movie when you are not actively disrupting the movie for other people.
Of course I wouldn’t talk during a dialogue, only during non-dialogue scenes
What you find personally enjoyable is not universal. While you may focus heavily on dialogue, other people do not. Moreover, things that are in non-dialogue scenes can be just as important, if not VITALLY important, to the movie as dialogue itself. By your logic, every other part of the movie that does not include dialogue is irrelevant to the movie and doesn’t require attention.
Again, I don’t expect you to know the answer
Then the discussion is not relevant in the moment and can be saved until after the movie when you are not actively disrupting the movie for other people.
Lmao do you think I would be screaming that question throughout the entire theatre?
People are sitting around you on all sides. Unless there is no one near you, then you are going to disrupt the movie for them. There is a reason the trope exists of people saying “SHHH!” to other people talking quietly in movies. It’s because they have ears and can hear you.
It’s not about a discussion it’s about speculation. There’s no point in speculation when the movie is over, all answers are given unless if there’s a second movie coming.
Speculation requires you to talk to the other person and for them to talk back to you. You know. Like a discussion. If you’re not expecting a response at all then it just circles back to the point of egotistical and narcissistic by assuming that everyone around you thinks that your idle musings about a movie are more entertaining than the movie itself.
This entire conversation is pointless and I’m not continuing it any further. What you’re advocating for is some nastygirl behavior that is utterly inconsiderate of everyone else. Let me reflect that energy right back by no longer considering anything you say.
If you go to the theater to watch a movie then you need to sit down, shut up, and just enjoy the movie. Nobody needs to hear your thoughts in that exact moment. That includes yourself.
To share the emotional experiences, and then talk about the story afterwards.
Or you can talk during the film and have this conversation later:
“What was that dude so angry about?”
“I don’t know. We were talking about the previous scene during that scene.”
“That movie sucked. It was confusing and I just couldn’t get into it.”
So we can share quiet, non-intrustive reactions and absolutely gush about the movie at the end. The hangout doesn’t end just because the movie’s over. Do you try to talk to the person next to you about the rollercoaster you’re having fun on?
Because you’re not actually there for the movie but to spend time with the other person. Theaters are different but then again, there’s a reason it’s a shit way to hangout or go on a date
You have to insult people who have different head string and body fabric than you do. How else can you feel validated about your choice of head string and body fabric??
I like man buns! You better let me braid it once in a while though, while in an ADHD fuelled craze. V-necks though… never cared for the style, but you do you?
My sister is ADHD so she legit has real questions that I can totally help with despite having seen the same stuff so far. But of course she has no idea which stuff is intentionally vague and which stuff she hasn’t been able to connect that was intended to be solved so far. So if it’s an intentionally vague moment my answer is “we don’t know yet”.
I definitely get that it can be annoying if you have no idea why they are asking. But they wouldn’t have learned that behaviour if it didn’t occasionally matter. Since this behaviour is common, and ADHD is common, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s always the case. But it’s probably only some people with ADHD, depending on how theirs presented. And of course some people may have this trait of ADHD without enough of the rest of the traits to be able to get diagnosed.
But yeah, it’s one of the traits of ADHD that makes them feel like they must not be smart, despite any evidence to the contrary. Cuz they just don’t “get” what are obvious clues to other people. But it’s simple topic linking, basically their brains see everything in it’s own bubble, and they can be very good at figuring out everything in that one bubble, but if a puzzle in that bubble needs a part from a different bubble, that puzzle is never gonna be solved for them without outside help to find the bubble that has the needed part.
I don’t, as far as I know, have ADHD. I did not notice foreshadowing and such until I took an elective in college that broke all that stuff down for cinema.
Now that I know, I notice it. It’s like hearing the Wilheim scream. Once you know what it sounds like, you hear it pop up a lot. A Lot. I never noticed it at all before.
Same thing with Hero’s Journey in storytelling.
Once you learn to recognize these things, you can’t not notice them. Sometimes it ruins things a little, sometimes it makes them better.
If you want to know how to read the clues, watch some youtubes on how to spot everything. People love making videos about it.
Or, just continue to enjoy the ride, but stop asking for it to be explained. If you want the explanation either learn the clues or just read a spoiler summary beforehand. Don’t risk ruining it for someone, who overhears your conversation by accident, when they just wanted to enjoy seeing the story unfold moment by moment.
I’m sorry none of that has anything to do with ADHD. If anything ADHD is great for helping make connections from disparate sources as, for better or for worse, 15 things pass through your brain every second. And as someone with ADHD, trying to talk to me during a movie is incredibly annoying, because I’m either hyperfocused on the movie or working very hard to focus on it. If I’m not focused on it, I probably don’t care about it very much, so I’m not going to be asking questions to try to keep up.
All of this sounds like your sister has made “ask questions” part of her “try very hard to focus” routine but that is her quirk, not an ADHD trait. I can only imagine nobody has annoyed her in this way so hasn’t thought about it.
Oh, no. She is definitely great at making connections otherwise. It’s just one of her executive dysfunction symptoms. Like I said, not all people with ADHD get that one. She 100% hates having to ask questions and break immersion. But she also has a huge fear of being wrong, and it bothers her to a larger degree when she thinks she has missed how two things might be related.
She is almost 40 now, so she has had plenty time to at least get a decent sense of when a movie should be making more sense than it is. But there are still times where it is just as much as we are supposed to know by now.
No no, I mean he’s talking into the top of the phone, perhaps where the loudspeaker microphone might happen to be, totally depends on the model of phone/tablet though.
They got multiple microphones these days, not just the one at the bottom of the phone. Put it in loudspeaker mode and it uses a different microphone away from the bottom speaker.
Any which way, if you turn the phone upside down in portrait orientation, the screen won’t flip 180⁰, because ‘smart’ phones are too stupid to do that.
Edit: My comment is in jest, but at the same time I have to talk into the left side of my tablet, because thats where the main microphone is.
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